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Demana 04-06-2005 12:30 PM

Hold\'Em is not poker
Hold'Em is just a game that is played with cards where once all the cards are out, the best 5 card hand wins.

Poker is gambling. It is risking something to win more than that something in return.

The next time you decide to play, think about what your goal is:

Is it to play a card game or is it to gamble?

JoshuaMayes 04-06-2005 12:33 PM

Re: Hold\'Em is not poker
Last time I played, my goals were to play a card game, gamble while doing it, and win.

einbert 04-06-2005 01:03 PM

Re: Hold\'Em is not poker
It pisses me off so much when people call 72o "the worst hand in poker".

k_squared 04-06-2005 02:19 PM

Re: Hold\'Em is not poker
Hold'Em is just a game that is played with cards where once all the cards are out, the best 5 card hand wins.

Poker is gambling. It is risking something to win more than that something in return.

The next time you decide to play, think about what your goal is:

Is it to play a card game or is it to gamble?

[/ QUOTE ]

I am not sure I follow you... why can't hold'em be both a card game and a gambling game? When you play hold'em you do have to risk money to earn money. You are not guaranteed to win even if you flop a great hand... in fact even if you flop quads you are not guaranteed to win. It is always still possible for someone to get a straight flush if they are holding the right card(s) and the right card(s) fall. Now it is also a game in which you can choose to gamble when you have the best of it, which is what makes it a game that can be beat...

When I play hold'em I certainly risk something to win more than that something in return... so by your own definition it is gambling.

What is the distinction you are trying to make here? Right now you claim seems confused at best.


tdarko 04-06-2005 03:56 PM

Re: Hold\'Em is not poker
agreed, his post doesnt make sense to me. anytime you are risking money on an unsure outcome it is gambling.

Grisgra 04-06-2005 04:31 PM

Re: Hold\'Em is not poker
Hold'Em is just a game that is played with cards where once all the cards are out, the best 5 card hand wins.

Poker is gambling. It is risking something to win more than that something in return.

The next time you decide to play, think about what your goal is:

Is it to play a card game or is it to gamble?

[/ QUOTE ]

This may be the most retarded post of the day. Or should I say, RPOTD?

Maddog121 04-06-2005 04:42 PM

Re: Hold\'Em is not poker
From Merriam Webster:
Main Entry: 2po·ker
Pronunciation: 'pO-k&r
Function: noun
Etymology: probably modification of French poque, a card game similar to poker
: any of several card games in which a player bets that the value of his or her hand is greater than that of the hands held by others, in which each subsequent player must either equal or raise the bet or drop out, and in which the player holding the highest hand at the end of the betting wins the pot
Thus, Hold 'em is poker.

Demana 04-06-2005 05:33 PM

Re: Hold\'Em is not poker
From Merriam Webster:
Main Entry: 2po·ker
Pronunciation: 'pO-k&r
Function: noun
Etymology: probably modification of French poque, a card game similar to poker
: any of several card games in which a player bets that the value of his or her hand is greater than that of the hands held by others, in which each subsequent player must either equal or raise the bet or drop out, and in which the player holding the highest hand at the end of the betting wins the pot
Thus, Hold 'em is poker.

[/ QUOTE ]

Does there have to be a pot in hold'em?

tdarko 04-06-2005 05:36 PM

Re: Hold\'Em is not poker
um yes.

your yoda-like comments are failing miserably.

bernie 04-06-2005 07:59 PM

Re: Hold\'Em is not poker
Does there have to be a pot in hold'em?

[/ QUOTE ]

Does there have to be a pot in other forms of poker?

You can also 'gamble' on other cardgames that are not 'considered' poker.


MrGrob 04-06-2005 11:07 PM

Re: The moon calls to the cow... the fork is too pointed for the clown's smile.

If you want to wax your curtains, think about the sounds a blue walls wants to hear when the leaves fall into the milk wagon.

Demana 04-07-2005 01:56 PM

Re: Hold\'Em is not poker
This may be the most retarded post of the day. Or should I say, RPOTD?

[/ QUOTE ]

Retarded, no.
Unclear, yes.

Perhaps I am asking the wrong question or posing a confused thought in hopes that someone's response will lead me to the question I really need answered.

Demana 04-07-2005 01:58 PM

Re: Hold\'Em is not poker
Does there have to be a pot in hold'em?

[/ QUOTE ]

Does there have to be a pot in other forms of poker?

[/ QUOTE ]

What I meant was that you could play hold'em or any other game we automatically associate with the word poker without betting. Then the game would be at it's pure roots.

You can also 'gamble' on other cardgames that are not 'considered' poker.

[/ QUOTE ]

That is part of the question: If add betting to a game like Speed or Whist or Bridge, while it would be strecthing the definition, would they then be poker too?

tdarko 04-07-2005 03:03 PM

Re: Hold\'Em is not poker
That is part of the question: If add betting to a game like Speed or Whist or Bridge, while it would be strecthing the definition, would they then be poker too?

[/ QUOTE ]
b/c money and gambling are involved doesnt make a card game poker, you see poker and gambling are not synonymous because betting on a card game does not make it poker but it does make it gambling.

for example i play a game called "pluck" all the time and we play $25 a game and double for Boston's, its not poker but it is gambling just as playing poker is gambling.

k_squared 04-07-2005 03:48 PM

Re: Hold\'Em is not poker
Does there have to be a pot in hold'em?

[/ QUOTE ]

Does there have to be a pot in other forms of poker?

[/ QUOTE ]

What I meant was that you could play hold'em or any other game we automatically associate with the word poker without betting. Then the game would be at it's pure roots.

[/ QUOTE ]

The problem here is that poker is war if there is no betting involved... you could play it with the betting not being worth any money and just worth 'points', as a game of skill (just like we play scrabble). In which case it isn't gambling any more because you aren't playing for money (although this becomes a complicated point, because we could argue that you can gamble without there needing to be money involved, and in fact that pride alone has value, and so when you lose even if not for money there is still some sort of loss involved, and so a reason to try to win)... The point though is that Poker has to have an element to the game in which we value our hand in relation to our opponenets, and then have to make decisions whetehr to continue or not. If no decisions have to be made whether to stay or fold (as necessitated by making a bet) then you just deal all the cards out until you see who the 'winner' is. Poker is a card game, but not all card games are poker.

You can also 'gamble' on other cardgames that are not 'considered' poker.

[/ QUOTE ]

That is part of the question: If add betting to a game like Speed or Whist or Bridge, while it would be strecthing the definition, would they then be poker too?

[/ QUOTE ]

No that wouldn't be poker then... then it would be another card game played for money. Poker specifically involves the act of placing a value on your hand by placing a bet in the midst of the game.

It would be like taking speed, anteing some amount, then looking at your hand before you played AND then making an additional wager for how much you want to play. Your opponent could then agree to play or not. Re-ante, re-deal.



alabubba 04-08-2005 12:41 AM

Re: Hold\'Em is not poker
Agreed. Hold-Em is indeed poker.

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

Poker \Pok"er\, n. [Of uncertain etymol.]
A game at cards derived from brag, and first played about 1835 in the Southwestern United States. --Johnson's Cyc.[1913 Webster]

Note: A poker hand is played with a poker deck, composed of fifty-two cards, of thirteeen values, each card value being represented once in each of four "suits", namely spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs. The game is played in many variations, but almost invariably the stage of decision as to who wins occurs when each player has five cards (or chooses five cards from some larger number available to him). The winner usually is the player with the highest-valued hand, but, in some variations, the winner may be the player with the lowest-valued hand. The value of a hand is ranked by hand types, representing the relationships of the cards to each other. [The hand types are ranked by the probability of receiving such a hand when dealt five cards.] Within each hand type the value is also ranked by the values of the cards. The hand types are labeled, in decreasing value: five of a kind; royal flush; straight flush; four of a kind; full house (coll. full boat, or boat); flush; straight; three of a kind; two pairs; one pair; and, when the contending players have no hands of any of the above types, the player with the highest-valued card wins -- if there is a tie, the next-highest-valued card of the tied players determines the winner, and so on. If two players have the same type of hand, the value of the cards within each type determines the winner; thus, if two players both have three of a kind (and no other player has a higher type of hand), the player whose three matched cards have the highest card value is the winner.

LockLow34 04-08-2005 12:11 PM

Re: Hold\'Em is not poker
It pisses me off so much when people call 72o "the worst hand in poker".

[/ QUOTE ]

Me too. Everyone knows it's AJo

purnell 04-08-2005 06:34 PM

Of course Hold\'em is poker.
Poker is a game that we play with money, using cards as props. Stud, Hold'em, Omaha, etc, are merely variants of the same game.

OrianasDaad 04-09-2005 10:33 AM

Re: Hold\'Em is not poker
No description of any game can be complete without talking about how it is scored.

Poker is scored by the amount of money won/lost. Without a pot, there is no score, and no game.

Other card games have a different mechanism. If betting were involved in those games, they wouldn't be called poker either. Poker derives its unique structure through a mathematically-based system of hand rankings.

Any card game with poker's hand-ranking structure, and is scored by money won/lost is poker. Because of the element of chance in the game (and the fact that $$ are at risk) make it gambling.

KingOtter 04-09-2005 10:38 AM

Re: Hold\'Em is not poker

You can also 'gamble' on other cardgames that are not 'considered' poker.

[/ QUOTE ]

That is part of the question: If add betting to a game like Speed or Whist or Bridge, while it would be strecthing the definition, would they then be poker too?

[/ QUOTE ]

You forget that the term poker also describes the rules by which you decide which hand is better. And these rules don't make sense in Speed, or Whist, or Bridge.

So if you bet in Bridge, then it is Gambling Bridge, not Poker.


chesspain 04-09-2005 10:46 AM

Re: Hold\'Em is not poker
This may be the most retarded post of the day. Or should I say, RPOTD?

[/ QUOTE ]

Or, RPOTW (Retared Post of the Weekend).

blingice 04-09-2005 01:02 PM

Re: Of course Hold\'em is poker.
Hold'Em is just a game that is played with cards where once all the cards are out, the best 5 card hand wins.

Poker is gambling. It is risking something to win more than that something in return.

The next time you decide to play, think about what your goal is:

Is it to play a card game or is it to gamble?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm guessing you just lost a lot and you're trying to explain it to yourself.

However, your reasoning is WAAAY off.

Hold'Em is just a game that is played with cards where once all the cards are out, the best 5 card hand wins.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's only if all the cards were dealt and no one bet or folded. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

I SUPPOSE that is what it is after all the psychology, calculations, and skill.

And you haven't really explained why "Poker" is different than "Hold'em."


Demana 04-09-2005 03:07 PM

Re: Of course Hold\'em is poker.
I'm guessing you just lost a lot and you're trying to explain it to yourself.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nope. I've been reading a lot lately and have come to the conclusion that I've looked at Hold'Em as being the same thing as poker when Hold'Em is really just a type of poker game. Now when I re-read the Theory of Poker, I'll be able to better understand how the various topics can be interrelated and applied to the various games.

mungpo 04-09-2005 05:28 PM

Re: Of course Hold\'em is poker.
Hold'em is a varation of stud poker.

EliteNinja 04-11-2005 04:28 AM

Re: Hold\'Em is not poker
It pisses me off so much when people call 72o "the worst hand in poker".

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, man.
When you hit with 72o, nobody suspects it and you get paid off real big!!
(although not big enough to cover for one's losses with 72o)

KaiShin 04-11-2005 11:37 AM

Re: Hold\'Em is not poker
It pisses me off so much when people call 72o "the worst hand in poker".

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, man.
When you hit with 72o, nobody suspects it and you get paid off real big!!
(although not big enough to cover for one's losses with 72o)

[/ QUOTE ]
I think you're all missing the comedy in Einbert's post. [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

Those EPT commentators are annoying. At least they could get people that know the game. Well the color guy ain't so bad.

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