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SomethingClever 02-11-2005 03:01 PM

Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
I'll get things started. And I'll rank mine at about 5 on a scale of 1-10, 1 being a bruise; 10 being decapitation.

I'm playing pickup basketball in Hermosa Beach, CA. Outdoors, of course. Me and my roommates are playing against a bunch of donks; guys who have no clue what they're doing basketball-wise, but are athletic and aggressive.

So I swat the [censored] out of this one guy's shot and get the ball on a fast break. One defender is with me and another is in pursuit. I'm running down the left side of the court and dribbling with my left hand. When I get to about the free-throw line, I slow up a bit, with the intention of blowing by the defender when he thinks I'm going to give up on the fast break and post up.

Unfortunately, this allows the defender in pursuit to catch up, and he trips at a full gallop and essentially tackles me collarbone-first into the support beam after I've made my move past the first defender.

Result: Fractured collarbone.

Runner-up. Also playing basketball. In high school. Guy drives the lane, I'm defending. He jumps, and I time my jump perfectly to block his shot. He realizes he's going to get rejected so he sort of flails his arms and legs and passes the ball away. One of his feet catches me square in the crotch. Pwntown.

I've also sprained my ankle quite badly, and once fell off the rim while trying to dunk and nearly stiff-armed the ground upon landing... but the above two were far more painful.

tbach24 02-11-2005 03:06 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
1st place:
When I was 18 months old, I was playing with my matchbox cars, and I crashed it into a glass lamp-thing and my pinky was nearly seperated from my hand. Blood everywhere. COOL.
Self assessed rating: 6

2nd place:
When I was 15 I was making fun of this kid who I knew could take me but didn't think he would, well he picked me up and threw me on the ground. I passed out, my knee was torn, and the kid didn't get in trouble. EFG.
SAR: 5

Edit- playing with toy cars and running away from a wrestler and then getting bodyslammed are both sports.

M2d 02-11-2005 03:06 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
senior year in high school, I was pissed at my coach, so I went to the beach (we weren't supposed to go to the beach, the reason for which will soon become clear). I was body surfing and, after catching one in a sneaker set smacked me upside the head, blasted my right (pitching) arm and dislocated it.

to make matters worse, it wasn't that bad a dislocation (my shoulders sublux, so it popped right back in), so I could kinda go on and pitch as if nothing happened. I couldn't tell him I was hurt because that would be copping to breaking a team rule, so I pitched with a bum right shoulder for the rest of the year.
Lost about ten miles an hour in half a second.

Boris 02-11-2005 03:06 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
I dropped into Corbett's Couloir on hard pack snow day. It was my first run of the day and my first day at Jackson Hole. This is a pretty famous ski run and it was going to be my only chance to do it in a long while. I decided to go big. Result was a seriously bulged disk between L4 and L5. I could barely get out of bed for two weeks and was basically in pain 24/7 for 6 weeks. I'd give it a 5.5.

Shajen 02-11-2005 03:08 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
pickup game of basketball in the high school gym. I (well used to) have hops and could dunk anything I could get palmed.

Anyhow, I go up for a rebound on a fast break so I got a bit more oomph than normal. I grab the board and come down, landing foot first on another guy's foot. My ankle hit the floor before my foot did, and there was a loud pop.

I didn't break anything, but the bruise extended up to mid thigh. [censored] me it hurt like no pain I've felt since.

Real bad.
Self-assessed rating? 5.5
Worst one I've ever personally seen, as in I was there:

guy squared around to bunt and took a fastball to the nuts. No cup. Runner up: dislocated shoulder, QB got sacked and driven into the ground. ratings: 7, 6.5

One I saw on tv: Joe Theissman. If LT gets up off you frantically motioning for the doctors, you're [censored]. Rating: 14

nothumb 02-11-2005 03:10 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
Playing in a pickup tackle football game in high school at lunch one day. Caught a screen pass out in the flat and decided to try to elude a 250-pound kid by running through a ditch full of pointy rocks. Long story short, landed between a big fat kid and a pointy rock, hairline fracture right at the base of my tibia, knee completely filled with blood, gross.

They thought I had blown out an ACL because there was so much fluid they couldn't see the fracture at first.

Honestly, though, I've had a ton of run-of-the-mill ankle sprains that were way more painful. I've rolled my ankle to the floor from a standing position more than once. (See that TO footage on Sportscenter? Yeah, like that.) They're not that exciting or interesting, but blown ankles and knees are just the worst.


wacki 02-11-2005 03:12 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
Somehow, I knew you would have a lot to contribute to this thread. Good post.

nothumb 02-11-2005 03:12 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
Well, they're just lucky they didn't ask about non-sports injuries.


M2d 02-11-2005 03:13 PM

worst as in stupidest?
sprained my ankle on a sprinkler head while running for the bus before a game. was late because I was hitting on a chick.

PoBoy321 02-11-2005 03:18 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
Worst I've ever received:

High school weightlifting. I threw shotput and discus all through high school and in my freshman year, I was weightlifting doing cleans (it's a clean-and-jerk where you don't throw the weight over your head, just so you know). I bent down to pick up the weight, straightened out, lifted and POP. The weight fell out of my hands and I was on the floor. I'd torn a muscle in my back and couldn't do anything but lay down for about a month.

Worst I've ever seen:

Track meet in high school. I was with some of my friends who were throwing javelin since I had a while before my events started and my coach was refereeing this event. A friend of mine who was one of the best javeling throwers in our league goes and mid-throw, someone runs out onto the field. My coach yells at him to get away, everyone is screaming for this guy to get off the field. He doesn't. The javelin goes through his shoulder. Good god.

Oh, at another track meet, I saw a guy get shot, but that wasn't related to the meet, so i guess it really wasn't sports related.

klagett 02-11-2005 03:18 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
Not sure if riding a bike is a sport but...

I was 8 or 9 somewhere in that range and the seat of my bicycle fell off. (i'm sure you already see where this is going) Anyways my friends and I always ride bikes we very rarely did something else so I wasn't about to let this stop me. So we are riding around and we go over a speed bump but I want to get a little extra height off the jump.

Yup you guessed it. When I came down from the jump the metal pipe made a pretty nice cut into my nuts through my jeans.

I dropped my bike ran home and my mother took me to the emergency room. The Dr. that was taking care of me was not able to put the stitches in because everytime he was about to try he got tears in his eyes so he had to walk a female nurse through it.

I got action at 8 years old!

Anyways few minutes later and I have 6 stitches in my nuts.

No long term damage though and a lesson well learned.

A real sport story I guess.

Playing basketball senior year of highschool on a playground. The ball got stuck between the backboard and the rim so I backed up a few steps ran up and hit it out. But where I laned the ground was uneven. The pavement from the court sat about 4" higher than the dirt under the backboard.

I landed in between collapsed to the ground and had what looked like a baseball sticking out of my ankle. Nothing broken just a pretty bad sprain.

mason55 02-11-2005 03:27 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
Real sport:
Playing roller hockey, had the puck and skated to center court with only one man to beat. I was skating at top speed and made a move. As I got around him he tripped me and i put my arm out to brace myself. When I took my glove off my arm looked like this:

Where I could see that my hand was about 1 inch about where the rest of my arm was. Completely fractured both my bones. When they were resetting the bones they told me the painkiller shot would hurt way worse than resetting it. I promptly passed out from the pain of having them move my bones. Lying bastard doctors. Severity... 6

Porch vaulting. Vaulting off a 6 foot high porch using a bench that was another 2 feet high on the edge. Got a running start, vaulted off the bench, over about 6 feet of bushes and landed sitting on top of my foot. Broke about 8 or 9 bones in my foot. My parents didnt' believe I was hurt that bad so they left town for the day the next day and left me home alone without even being able to walk to the bathroom. Severity... 7

J.R. 02-11-2005 03:28 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
I dropped into Corbett's Couloir on hard pack snow day

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry to hear about that, shoulda asked a local. There's nothing better than watching tourons play out darwin's theory in real life from the tram above. Corbett's sucks, even on a powder day its gutted after just a few runs and there are soooo many places in the ski area alone (ignoring ob and the pass) that are better. Sorry to hear you ruined your trip. I lived in jh a while and never even had the inclination.

droolie 02-11-2005 03:39 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
I dislocated my shoulder body surfing but it wasn't that bad. Friends were able to pop it back in but it was never quite healed after that. I'd get drunk and it would pop out while wrestling or something at a party or I'd get high and it would pop out in my sleep. The common denominator was when I was weak and my muscles were too relaxed. Every time i was able to get someone at the scene to pop it bak in and the pain would immediately subside. A shoulder dislocation is a chilling kind of pain. Very hard to describe or forget. I literaly am aching just writing this right now.

My worst (and last) experience with it came while boxing. I was sparring it was the end of the third and last round of our session. The trainers tapped the apron to let us know there's only ten seconds to go in the round. My opponent, a euro-[censored] who had about 8 inches on me, hit's me clean. Not wanting to end the session on a down note and being slightly out of position I tried a last second lead-hook (never a good idea to lead with a hook and I reached which is a double no no) My muscles were tired and POP out goes my shoulder. This time no one could pop it back in. Many tried (painful!) but failed. I had to be brought out of the ring, over the ropes in a stretcher and brought 20 minutes away to the hospital. Every pump and justle was had me screeching and shreiking. When I finally got to the ER it took four MD's to get it back in. You know that triangle looking hook that hangs from the ceiling in an ER room? That's what it's for. They hand your elbow from it and pull on you torso. I'm not kidding. Most painful 45 minute of my life. I had surgery after that and it hasn't popped out since.

I've thrown like a girl ever since that day body surfing. Shoulder dislocation is a permanent injury that never heals 100%.

bdk3clash 02-11-2005 03:41 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
Worst that's happened to me really wasn't that bad, I'd rate it a 3. I played football freshman year in high school and we were running through some plays at half-speed. Anyway, I was on defense and the running back for some reason apparently didn't get the "half-speed" concept and decided to run into me full-speed and popped the top of his helmet up into my chin.

I had a ghetto helmet without a hard plastic chinstrap and my chin and jaw took the brunt of the hit--my chin got split open pretty good and required several stitches to close it up, and I got a concussion and was pretty out of it. I didn't even realize I was hurt until my teammates pointed out the blood pouring out of my chin. My chinbone must have been chipped or something because to this day my chin is noticeably crooked.

Worst I've seen is watching my brother get his ankle shattered playing football. Ugh.

MEbenhoe 02-11-2005 03:41 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
My worst injuries aren't gruesome, more just painful to me:

Having a disc in my back go slightly out of alignment, requiring chiropractic work, and basically being the reason that even though I was highly ranked in the state, I never qualified for state in track in high school. [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

Last year in college through the course of the season my achilles was slowly separating from the heel, luckily I caught it before it did, but this injury pretty much ended my track career. [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

Most painful looking non-injury happened to me in a varsity bball game in high school. I stole the ball and was on a fast break, and in some sort of freak timing as I went up the guy chasing me ran right under me taking out my legs, flipping me over so that I was vertical in the wrong direction, and I ended up somehow landing directly on my elbow. It was pretty much assumed that I had probably shattered my arm, but I got up, got it checked out by the trainer quick and was good to go. Not sure how I possibly got away from that one injury free.

mmbt0ne 02-11-2005 03:42 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
Our basketball coach wouldn't let us dunk at all during warmups at practice. This wasn't a big deal, since only a few of us could even come close anyway. Well, basically, no one likes doing normal layups so we all came up with different things to do to keep ourselves occupied. One practice, I was pissed at the coach for some reason, but didn't want to do sprints, so I had to come up with some way to dunk, but not dunk. Basically, I tossed up a 'layup' from about 8 feet away and then just jumped up and grabbed the rim backwards, nothing special.

Well, I probably should've alerted the guy coming from the other side to rebound, because he went right through my legs and I basically ended up free-falling completely horizontal from rim-level. Didn't actually do any serious damage, but it hurt like all hell. And I had to do sprints anyway.

I'll say about a 5.

Ankle injuries, knee sprains, and broken fingers stopped fazing me at about 12.

wAzZu24 02-11-2005 03:43 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
Ice hockey 1: I was about 13 or 14 for this one. Moments before the injury i slammed the [censored] out of a kid, so he decided to skate up behind me and full on swing his stick at my hand, thus breaking most of the bones invovled with my right pinky finger.

Ice hockey 2: About 16 now. In a game one time i was hit pretty hard into the boards and i guess one of my ribs landed right on the overhang and cracked a rib. It hurt pretty bad but there was no way our team could win without me so i had to play at about 70% for a month.

Soccer: 17 for this. Basically me and another kid attempted to kick the ball at the exact same time, but i beat him to it by a split second so his foot hit my ankle instead of the ball and [censored] it up pretty good. Had to miss the rest of the indooor season and most of hockey season, fortunately i was back for spring outdoor soccer.

chabibi 02-11-2005 04:01 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
my worst injury

playing football, was sent on a blitz, the Guard picked me up with a cut block right to the knee and i heard a loud pop. it was a torn ACL. surprisingly it didnt hurt as much as i would imagine
self rating 5

worst injury ive ever seen
high school rugby tournament. there was a team whos front row would collaps the scrum if it wasnt going well. i complained to the ref but he did nothing. later on i was watching the same team play from the sidelines. the scrum collapsed again but the opposing teams hooker didnt get up. ambulance came and evacuated him, turns out he is paralyzed from the neck down

rateing 9.5

droolie 02-11-2005 04:12 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
ambulance came and evacuated him, turns out he is paralyzed from the neck down

rateing 9.5

[/ QUOTE ]

That gets at least an 11!

swede123 02-11-2005 04:20 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
Mountain Biking in Forest Park, Portland, OR. Coming down the access road after an hour or so long ride. It's pretty deserted (due to it being a rainy day) so I'm hauling ass pretty good. I come up on a part of the road that's paved (rest of it is gravel) and manage to wipe out going about 25 MPH. Sprained an ankle and got four inch wide strawberries on both hips, both knees, both elbows, both shoulders and both ankles. It was a solid 8 or so on a painful scale, even though it was just superficial injuries, took a solid two months before I could sleep on anything but my back again.



Piz0wn0reD!!!!!! 02-11-2005 04:27 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
I was decapitated during a rough game of ping pong.

Shajen 02-11-2005 04:42 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
Is motorcycle riding a sport?

Sponger15SB 02-11-2005 04:43 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
This summer I was skateboarding back to my house and I fell and broke my elbow in three places. Had surgery, cast for like 8 weeks and then physical therapy, and then I still have 3 pins in my elbow.

Toro 02-11-2005 04:46 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
Ruptured Achilles tendon. Cost me a shot at the pros. The Chargers, Raiders and Cowboys were all interested in drafting me until the injury.

SomethingClever 02-11-2005 04:47 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
Mountain Biking in Forest Park, Portland, OR. Coming down the access road after an hour or so long ride. It's pretty deserted (due to it being a rainy day) so I'm hauling ass pretty good. I come up on a part of the road that's paved (rest of it is gravel) and manage to wipe out going about 25 MPH. Sprained an ankle and got four inch wide strawberries on both hips, both knees, both elbows, both shoulders and both ankles. It was a solid 8 or so on a painful scale, even though it was just superficial injuries, took a solid two months before I could sleep on anything but my back again.



[/ QUOTE ]

I can only assume you were on the Leif Erickson trail.

That downhill leading up to the paved part at the end is fun as hell, but scary. I bet you were going faster than 25 mph.

peachy 02-11-2005 04:48 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
AC shoulder seperation and torn rotator cuff from snowboarding

Tore most of the ligaments out of both of my feet - one from playin in a Basketball game the other from horse back riding

Benjamin 02-11-2005 04:51 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
High school wrestling: dislocated knee a couple or three different times. Hurt like hell, but was able to pop it back in joint and carry on. After the last time, though, the swelling didn't go down for a week or so, so they did exploratoy arthroscopic surgery ... couldn't find anything to fix so they sewed me back up. Missed the rest of the season.

Pseudo sport: dorking around on a bike that was way too small for me the handle bars broke off, and I fell onto the twised metal stump, impaling my forearm. Good for about 5 stiches and some slightly screwed up nerves in that arm.


ClaytonN 02-11-2005 09:05 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
My turn!

Was playing backyard football/Rugby when the following happened (this was explained to me later): Apparantly I was running to tackle a guy who was almost on the ground, and another guy helpiung to tackle got between me and him. The front of my head instantly hit the back of his head.

I previously broke off my front teeth roller-blading, but this was much worse.

I lost three teeth and suffered a major concussion. Remember when Tommy Maddox had that big concussion against the Titans? Yeah, like that.

Here's how bad my concussion was:

1) I was conscious, but not mentally. In my mental state I was in a dream world, but you wouldn't know it because I wasn't passed out.

2) I was asking the same 7 questions, over and over again. I believe they went something like "Aww, what happened?" followed by "Oh crap, I got a concussion", followed by "Is Jeff okay?" etc etc

This seems somewhat normal for concussion standards until you realize I asked these same 7 questions for... 7 hours.

The Angels won the World Series just 5 days earlier. I couldn't remember who won. A new governor was elected the night before. I couldn't believe he won (even though I followed it the night before).

I forgot everything I learned in school that week. For about a day I didn't know my name.

In addition to the three broken teeth, I fractured the top part of my jaw (where the moustache is). Had a few surgeries to fix that.

Had an additional surgery to allow me to wear a retainer-like thing so I looked normal (in other words, I looked like I had a full set of teeth). This actually worked really well socially, though it was uncomfortable. Metal bolts were screwed into my jaw to allow room for a ceramic implant.

Had the implants fully screwed onto the bolts about 5-6 months later. That day of the operation, they removed my wisdom teeth too.

I look fine, nothing life chaninging, nothing showed up on the CAT scan the day of the injuries. Still a fun story though [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

cielo 02-11-2005 09:33 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
Ok, I must have been a sophmore in HS.
I am pitching. I deliver the pitch. Batter bunts. A small (5-10 feet high) pop-up between me and the catcher. I run a few steps, judge that I can make it

and dive for it. I catch the ball however my glove was at a 90 degree down angle w/ the rest of my horizontal arm. So my hand pretty much folded back onto my arm so that my glove was almost touching my elbow, but on the outside part of my elbow not the inside. I jump up in pain instantly and whip my glove off, look down at my arm and I see that I now have two "wrists", the first being my actual wrist and a new one a few inches down.

That was one of the wierdest things I've ever seen. Also, batter was safe b/c the ball wasn't "in control" in my glove for long enough.
rating 6.5


IsaacW 02-11-2005 10:27 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
Freshman year of college, on the ski team, and we're at Cannon mountain in NH. First slalom run on Sunday, and I come through the finish, lose my balance, and fall backwards and twist. I take out a good 30 foot section of safety fence and almost end up in the woods. I try to stand up and can't put any weight on my right leg.

I get to the hospital and they tell me I just sprained my knee and give me some crutches. They call up later that night and tell me not to put any weight on that leg at all and that I should see a orthopaedic.

Long story short, snapped the ACL in my right knee, couldn't walk for a month, and had surgery to fix it up over the following summer, even though I'd learned to walk on it again.

bosoxfan 02-11-2005 10:56 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
Wiffle ball when I was about 10 in someone's back yard. I was playing the outfield and went back to catch a possible home run. I jumped and came down on the metal fence post right in my arm pit. Not a round one more like a bar. 18 stitches. maybe a 6

Shortstop when i was 13 rocket one hopper of the heel of my glove into my nuts. I threw up and passed out for a while. this was a solid 9

Pick up basketball took an elbow and broke my nose. about a 5

CCass 02-11-2005 11:37 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
#1 - Intramural Football my Freshman year. I am playing WR, and run a post pattern. The ball is thrown about 9 feet in the air, and I go up and get it. Just as my hands touch the ball, the safety cuts my legs out from under me, and I land on my head. Knocked me out, and I thought I was paralyzed. I lay there for about 5 minutes, and slowly get up (with help). Sit out 1 play, and play the rest of the game. The safety required stitches for the gash in his forehead where my knee hit.

#2 - Intramural Basketball, I broke my nose with about 1 minute to go in the 1st half (had 15 points already). Blood everywhere, barely knew my name (mild concussion?). Laid on the bench bleeding during half-time. Get the bleeding to stop, score another 10 in the 2nd half.

Alobar 02-11-2005 11:49 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
10th grade basketball, I developed a stress fravture in my left foot. (didnt know it at the time, it just hurt whenever I ran), I kept practicing on it anyway, and then it finally broke. Was in a cast for 2 months.

2 years ago I was mountain biking in phoenix, doing about 25mph on a nice downhill singletrack section when these 2 [censored] fat girls hiking up the trail decided they didnt need to move over for me, so I had to take a different line than normal, front tire goes out from under me and I slap face first into a rock flip a couple times and dislocate my knee. They had to send the helicopter up to get me down.

bholdr 02-12-2005 12:08 AM

litany of pain and stubborn perseverance
it's hard to choose so here's a complete list of my (sports) injuries that required a doctor to fix:

mar '97- broke radius & ulna
jan '98- torn ACL, MCL, dislocated patella
apr '99- broke arm and ribs
jan '00- meniscus, sprained ACL
mar '03- meniscus
mar '04- back (herniated discs- this was far more painful than all others combined, but it led me to poker in my downtime, so i don't mind)

but i ski @ 100+ days/year, so that's actually right about on the EV...

i've had the knee repaired twice- and it's at about 95% now. the surgery technique is getting really good.

"bones heal, chicks dig scars, and the USA has the highest doctor-to-daredevil ratio in the world" -simpsons.

worst i've seen: three way tie at death.

mcb 02-12-2005 12:45 AM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
I sliped off the rim after dunking a basketball after one of my club games last year. I landed on my left arm and snaped my wrist -- the bone was angled up and pushing out into my skin. Thankfully if didn't go through the skin because it was sick enough being able touch it and all.

Boris 02-12-2005 12:46 AM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally

[/ QUOTE ]

Pretty much described me to a tee. My pride and macho sensitivity were wounded since I considered myself a hardcore Bridger Bowl ridge rat. What can I say. Young and stupid.

jar 02-12-2005 11:40 PM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
I *knock on wood* haven't had a serious sports injury myself. The worst I saw up close was playing roller hockey on a basketball court. Guy is skating full speed on a breakaway. He takes the shot and goes to cut around behind the net. His wheels slide out, and he slams his forehead into the basketball pole. I didn't know a 4-5" steel pipe in concrete could swing back and forth that much. By the time we got over to the guy he was conscious, but just barely. We talk to him for a bit, and he seems to mostly know what's going on, so we help him up and over to the side. We convince him he needs to go to the ER to get checked out, and he says "OK, let me go get my keys". It took another few minutes to convince him one of us would drive.

Mike Gallo 02-13-2005 12:01 AM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
I broke my tibia and fibia playing hockey.
I knew I broke my leg because I literally felt it pop.

I would rate that an 8.

During my black belt test, I had 107.2 fever due to heat stroke. I took the test in June during a heat wave. My karate instructor did not turn on the air conditioner. I would call that a 10.

lapoker17 02-13-2005 12:12 AM

Re: Worst sports injury that happened to you personally
I was playing poker at Commerce, and...

Can't believe you would ask us dorks for a real injury. I'm about to go into surgery for acute BBall trauma, but my worst is this...

Playing in the hood - ATL - where I played every day, I was on my way home, only to discover that my keys were gone from the pile where we all kept them - Car stolen. I got it back after the cops kind of decided to care - I came back every day for the next year - No one touched my car.

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