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JerBear77 11-04-2005 10:50 PM

Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice

Has this happened to anyone else??

Im thinking of moving it quick, but then im thinking they will correct their mistake and then there won't be the money in there to cover it....

11-04-2005 10:51 PM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
email em, and send the money back.

KKbluff 11-04-2005 10:59 PM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
email em, and send the money back.

[/ QUOTE ]

Anything else could and probably will get you in trouble.

UATrewqaz 11-04-2005 11:17 PM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
Leave the money there for awhile and see if they catch it, if htey donj't (say after a month) i think you're safe.

mistrpug 11-04-2005 11:32 PM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
Im thinking of moving it quick, but then im thinking they will correct their mistake and then there won't be the money in there to cover it....

[/ QUOTE ]

This should work if you're cool with stealing.

bholdr 11-04-2005 11:54 PM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
don't steal their money, esp if you intend to play there in the future.... asking for a bonus for being up front with them wouldn't be out of line, though.

UATrewqaz 11-05-2005 12:06 AM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
What's up with all these poker players with morality?

If someone deposits money into Paradise and abandons it do you think Paradise would track down the owner to refund it?

Think of this as rakeback I say.

Freakin 11-05-2005 12:07 AM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
don't steal their money, esp if you intend to play there in the future.... asking for a bonus for being up front with them wouldn't be out of line, though.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is a good line.

IronDragon1 11-05-2005 12:08 AM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
What's up with all these poker players with morality?

If someone deposits money into Paradise and abandons it do you think Paradise would track down the owner to refund it?

Think of this as rakeback I say.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's more pragmatism than altriusm I'd say

UATrewqaz 11-05-2005 12:22 AM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
Well they very well may catch the mistake, that's why I would leave the money (both deposits) sitting in Neteller for at least a month (most accountants do things monthly).

If at any point they request it back, sure no problem its theirs.

If they do not claim it after a month I think its "safe" to cash out due to the fact they will most likely not catch it from that point on, which does not have a negative impact at you playing on there in the future.

Obviously this raises the "ethical" question of is this ok to do, but thats better suited for the religion/politics forum.

Although this has no bearing on the ethical qeustion, what is the size of the cash out? If it's like $100 bucks then screw it, just tell them. If it's like $1000 it might be worth it to take the "risk" to keep the money.

However the larger the sum of money the more they are going to notice its missing.

rusty JEDI 11-05-2005 12:36 AM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
What you propose is no different than stealing something from a gas station when the only attendant runs outside to pump someones gas.

Do you steal at every opportunity?


11-05-2005 12:44 AM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
I steal all the time, and I think it is good for the economy. This has happened to a number of people. Some of them were asked for the money back, some of them weren't and have not had trouble for months or even years. leave it there. and then cash it out after a while.

OldYoda 11-05-2005 12:49 AM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
The correct answer is give it back - and it's not even close. Over and above that, the Poker Gods hate a thief. Do you really want to risk their wrath?

wonderwes 11-05-2005 01:38 AM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
Everything should have a log record. You could do future cashouts/deposits and that record could pop up on their database years down the line. As tempting as it is (well depends how much $$$ you made) I think the high road would be to send it back.

Shame though, the poker sites make so much off you in rake anyways.

StellarWind 11-05-2005 01:38 AM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
I would:

1. Doublecheck that they really made a mistake. Sometimes when I get "too much change" it turns out to be my confusion and not theirs. Recheck your Neteller and Paradise balances to be sure you really do have extra money.

2. Withdraw all money from Neteller except the amount of the overage. Mistakes have a way of occurring in bunches. You don't want any extra money lying around when they try to take their money back *twice*.

3. Notify Paradise and offer to return the money because it's the right thing to do.

BTW, my personal rule is that my obligation ends there. The second time someone gives me too much change for the same purchase I deem them to be wasting my time and move on with my life.

primetime32 11-05-2005 02:13 AM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
First and foremost, this is not stealing. The money was given to him and is in a seperate account. He is under no legal obligation to return the money.

For example, if you leave the grocery store with extra change and realize it later on that day do you think its against the law to keep the extra change? There is no affirmative duty to return the extra money.

And forget about the moral aspect of the situation. Like someone else said, they wouldn't be looking for you if you left your money with them and never played their again.

Do the right thing and keep the money.

11-05-2005 02:28 AM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice

Do the right thing and keep the money.

[/ QUOTE ]

Eh...calling it the "right thing" might be stretching it a bit. I think though that it's not the end of the world, regardless of you do. Do what you want to do with it: if you keep it, just remember that there may or may not be consequences and be willing to accept them. Provided this isn't a large sum of money, then yes, it's like the example someone mentioned about a grocery store giving a little bit extra change back. No harm done. Technically, it's stealing, but just because something is technically wrong doesn't mean it's not acceptable. We all break speed limits at one time or another and we all have lied when it probably wasn't a good idea.

Does that make it right? Not really. But I don't think it's an issue worth worrying about.

smoore 11-05-2005 02:44 AM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
You need to be completely selfish here.

If it will bother you to keep the money (I suspect it will or you wouldn't have posted) then you should tell them and ask for a bonus.

If you don't care about the morality of it (I personally wouldn't) then ignore it. Simply leave it there. Whatever happens to it will happen to it. I think you could notice it in three months with complete safety.

wonderwes 11-05-2005 02:51 AM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
Its hard to argue because we don't know the amount of the cashout. Would be different it was $50 as apposed to $2500?

UATrewqaz 11-05-2005 03:06 AM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
Like if your bankroll is 10K and it's $500 who cares either way

If you are a micro limit bonus whore and every $1 matters and it's a few hundred, it's much more attractive to keep.

I have trouble feeling sorry for a multi-million dollar company as Paradise most likely is.

I know stealing is stealing or whatever, but if I saw one of the VP's of Wal-Mart driving down the street and a giant bag of money fell out of his car I'm keeping it.

If I see some guy in an unemployment line drop his wallet I'm giving it back.

Hypocritical, a little, but that's just what I would personally do.

primetime32 11-05-2005 03:30 AM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
Youre just being honest. As opposed to everyone else at this site that pays every penny of their taxes, returns all lost money and has never done anything wrong in the lives. Its an honor to be amongst this many saints.

tonypaladino 11-05-2005 03:58 AM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
There is a difference between Illegal and Immoral.

Keeping the money may be illegal, depending on the contracts (terms and conditions) with paridise or neteller.

Morality is an individual thing. Posters here are telling the OP what the "right" and "wrong" things to do are. That is bullsh!t. I personally do not think that many types of stealing are morally wrong. It is the responsibility of a firm to protect its assets, if Paradise cannot do that, that is their problem.

If the OP doesn't feel it's wrong, then it's not for him.

11-05-2005 05:39 AM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
Its hard to argue because we don't know the amount of the cashout. Would be different it was $50 as apposed to $2500?

[/ QUOTE ]

Right, you have to know the pot odds before you bet...
but in this situation I would always fold (give it back)

fire_fly 11-05-2005 06:16 AM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
What you propose is no different than stealing something from a gas station when the only attendant runs outside to pump someones gas.

Do you steal at every opportunity?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sorry, but this is just retarded.

A multi million (billion?) dollar company totally screws up and hands you money.

Hold onto it for a bit, and then take it. Their fault, they eat the cost of the mistake. End of story.

By the way, something similer happened to me a while back.

Went to albersons, got some groceries with my ATM card at the self checkout stand, got 20 cash back.

The machine spit out two crisp clean hundred dollar bills. I calmly picked them up and left. Waited a few weeks, no one contacted me or anything, done deal.

A couple hundred or thousand out of this large of a company is abso-fukkin-lutely nothing. Take the money and tell the gods of luck "thank you."

rusty JEDI 11-05-2005 07:08 AM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
The amount it is does not matter.
The size of the corporation does not matter.
Try to justify it anyway you want.

I have done the right thing and notified paradise support to double check their recent withdrawls.

Just in case, I have included a link to this thread and the username of the OP just in case he uses a similar username there.


11-05-2005 09:00 AM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
The amount it is does not matter.
The size of the corporation does not matter.
Try to justify it anyway you want.

[/ QUOTE ]

The legislators where I am from have a different opinion.

1. Stealing $5 is different than stealing $10000.

2. Taking $5 is different than accidently receiving $5.

3. Taking $5 directly from someone's wallet is different than taking $5 that you saw fall out of a wallet and is different still from taking $5 that you found in the gutter. (property vs. lost property vs. abandoned property)

Do you seriously believe that the size (wealth) of the corporation (victim) does not matter? Stealing one million dollars from a company that just profited ten billion would do nothing. Stealing one million from another corporation could be enough to bankrupt it and force everyone out of work. So size doesn't matter? Ever?

Are you really this 'black and white' with morality?

froggy527 11-05-2005 09:25 AM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
This has happened to others on 2+2 and it always breaks
down into two groups. It's the same way when somebody
asks about taxes.(Yes vs No). If memory serves me some
have contacted the site and for their effort they got
a bonus or something thrown there way.

Some have taken the wait and see route and I know that
on at least some of them the site caught it's mistake
and took their money back. And I remember one player that
told the site about there mistake and they told him to
keep it since it was there mistake! I'm thinking that
that doesn't happen very much!

If it was me I would tell them and see if they will throw
a bone my way. Especially if you plan to keep on playing
on paradise.

rusty JEDI 11-05-2005 10:05 AM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
I do see where you are coming from.

As for the size of the corporation I still say it does not matter. If they are so huge, that the amount is insignificant to them then they have the right to say just keep it when you inform them.

As for the amount, i suppose it is different if its $5 or $1 million especially considering punishment. However, morally stealing is stealing. If it is the case of $1 million you just add more morality in the form of how much it is hurting the victim.


Dennisa 11-05-2005 10:14 AM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
Since its paradise, I would triple check your records to make sure it was not yours. Once you confirm its not your money, send an email explaining the situation. Paradise has a legendary doom switch, since you are honest, they should leave the switch on the good size extra long for you since you have been honest. You have a decent chance of making that money back being on their good side

primetime32 11-05-2005 10:15 AM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
Kramer : It's just a write off for them.
Jerry : How is it a write off?
Kramer : They just write it off.
Jerry : Write it off what?
Kramer : Jerry all these big companies they write off everything
Jerry : You don't even know what a write off is.
Kramer : Do you?
Jerry : No. I don't.
Kramer : But they do and they are the ones writing it off.
Jerry : I wish I just had the last twenty seconds of my life back.

11-05-2005 11:13 AM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
just as a matter of interest, how many people here gave back the extra $50 that Plex gave out as bonus this month?

the same obvious mistake on their part that resulted in the player receiving more than he should have.

11-05-2005 11:15 AM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
I have done the right thing and notified paradise support to double check their recent withdrawls.

Just in case, I have included a link to this thread and the username of the OP just in case he uses a similar username there.


[/ QUOTE ]

any chance u could take time off from walking on water and turning water into wine and maybe cure my leprosy?

WLVRYN 11-05-2005 11:29 AM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
I have done the right thing and notified paradise support to double check their recent withdrawls.

Just in case, I have included a link to this thread and the username of the OP just in case he uses a similar username there.


[/ QUOTE ]

any chance u could take time off from walking on water and turning water into wine and maybe cure my leprosy?

[/ QUOTE ]

This might be one of the biggest dick moves I've seen since I've been here. I drove 40 in a 35 this morning on the way back from getting coffee. I guess now you are going to call the cops on me. What an ass.

niwotyalpi 11-05-2005 11:54 AM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
The amount it is does not matter.
The size of the corporation does not matter.
Try to justify it anyway you want.

I have done the right thing and notified paradise support to double check their recent withdrawls.

Just in case, I have included a link to this thread and the username of the OP just in case he uses a similar username there.


[/ QUOTE ]

This must be a joke. If you have nothing better to do with your time than [censored] like this, then you sir are an absolute loser.

UATrewqaz 11-05-2005 12:32 PM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
The amount it is does not matter.
The size of the corporation does not matter.
Try to justify it anyway you want.

I have done the right thing and notified paradise support to double check their recent withdrawls.

Just in case, I have included a link to this thread and the username of the OP just in case he uses a similar username there.


[/ QUOTE ]

You're a tool.

"Teacher! Teacher! Billy took an extra piece of candy!" = You

primetime32 11-05-2005 12:39 PM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
The amount it is does not matter.
The size of the corporation does not matter.
Try to justify it anyway you want.

I have done the right thing and notified paradise support to double check their recent withdrawls.

Just in case, I have included a link to this thread and the username of the OP just in case he uses a similar username there.


[/ QUOTE ]

wow, you might just be the biggest loser.

If this is true, you should be banned. I am speechless.

11-05-2005 01:02 PM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
First and foremost, this is not stealing. The money was given to him and is in a seperate account. He is under no legal obligation to return the money.

For example, if you leave the grocery store with extra change and realize it later on that day do you think its against the law to keep the extra change? There is no affirmative duty to return the extra money.

And forget about the moral aspect of the situation. Like someone else said, they wouldn't be looking for you if you left your money with them and never played their again.

Do the right thing and keep the money.

[/ QUOTE ]

BS logic. Morality is not dictated by how others would treat you.

RiverTheNuts 11-05-2005 03:21 PM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
The amount it is does not matter.
The size of the corporation does not matter.
Try to justify it anyway you want.

I have done the right thing and notified paradise support to double check their recent withdrawls.

Just in case, I have included a link to this thread and the username of the OP just in case he uses a similar username there.


[/ QUOTE ]

Someone ban this douche, you are the biggest fuuckbag alive

smb394 11-05-2005 03:31 PM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
Haven't read many replies but I would send them an email about it.

If they take for their $ back, I would ask for a bonus. Their response to this would be a big factor in how much play I would give them in the future.

If they never respond, I'd assume it's mine after a month. However, I'd be careful transferring money to/from the site in the future (knowing that the mistake could be corrected).

11-05-2005 04:05 PM

Re: Paradise double paid my neteller?? advice
The amount it is does not matter.
The size of the corporation does not matter.
Try to justify it anyway you want.

I have done the right thing and notified paradise support to double check their recent withdrawls.

Just in case, I have included a link to this thread and the username of the OP just in case he uses a similar username there.


[/ QUOTE ]

wow, you might just be the biggest loser.

If this is true, you should be banned. I am speechless.

[/ QUOTE ]

Personally, I have no problem with keeping the money. But even if I didn't, this is the stupidest thing to do. You didn't even give the OP the chance to do what you say is the "right thing"

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