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emonrad87 12-25-2005 04:43 AM

Common Items Quiz
The average person only gets 7 right.

This is based on U.S. info, so use all lobes of your brain. This can be more difficult than it looks - it just shows how little most of us really see!

There are 25 questions about things we see every day or have
known about all our lives. How many can you get right?
These little simple questions are harder than you think-- it just
shows you how little we pay attention to the commonplace
things of life.

Put your thinking caps on. No cheating! No looking around! No
getting out of your chair! No using anything on or in your desk or

Can you beat 20?? It is nearly impossible for any normal person to get higher than a 20 (The average is 7). Write down your answers and check answers (on the bottom) AFTER completing all the questions.

REMEMBER - NO CHEATING!!! BE HONEST!!! That means no looking at your phone or anything on your desk...

Then, before you repost this, change the number on the subject line to show how many you got correct.

have fun!

Here we go!

1. On a standard traffic light, is the green on the top or bottom?

2. How many states are there in the USA? (Don't laugh, some
people don't know)

3. In which hand is the Statue of Liberty's torch?

4. What six colors are on the classic Campbell's soup label?

5. What two numbers on the telephone dial don't have letters by

6. When you walk does your left arm swing with your right or left
leg? (Don't you dare get up to see!)

7. How many matches are in a standard pack?

8. On the United States flag is the top stripe red or white?

9. What is the lowest number on the FM dial?

10. Which way does water go down the drain, counter or clockwise?

11. Which way does a "no smoking" sign's slash run?

12. How many channels on a VHF TV dial?

13. On which side of a women's blouse are the buttons?

14. Which way do fans rotate?

15. How many sides does a stop sign have?

16. Do books have even-numbered pages on the right or left

17. How many lug nuts are on a standard car wheel?

18. How many sides are there on a standard pencil?

19. Sleepy, Happy, Sneezy, Grumpy, Dopey, Doc. Who's missing?

20. How many hot dog buns are in a standard package?

21. On which playing card is the card maker's trademark?

22. On which side of a Venetian blind is the cord that adjusts
the opening between the slats?

23. There are 12 buttons on a touch tone phone. What 2 symbols bear no digits?

24. How many curves are there in the standard paper clip?

25. Does a merry-go-round turn counter or clockwise?

ANSWERS (In white)

<font color="white"> 1. Bottom

2. 50

3. Right

4. Blue, red, white, yellow, black, &amp;gold

5. 1, 0

6. Right

7. 20

8. Red

9. 87.7

10. Clockwise (north of the equator)

11. Towards bottom right

12. 12 (no number 1)

13. Left

14. Clockwise as you look at it

15. 8

16. Left

17. 5

18. 6

19. Bashful

20. 8

21. Ace of spades

22. Left

23. *, pound

24. 3

25. Counter </font>


Don't lie either!

emonrad87 12-25-2005 04:45 AM

Re: Common Items Quiz
I got 21.... Missed #7, 9, 12, and 20.

daryn 12-25-2005 04:53 AM

Re: Common Items Quiz
i got 4 wrong:

damn campbell's soup
no smoking
women's blouse
tv channels

by the way, water drains counter-clockwise in my toilet

? It is nearly impossible for any normal person to get higher than a 20

[/ QUOTE ]


WackityWhiz 12-25-2005 05:01 AM

Re: Common Items Quiz
Daryn, just accept that you are above normal...

I got 17 right... I thought I did better but I somehow missed most the ones where there were only 2 possible answers

N 82 50 24 12-25-2005 05:20 AM

Re: Common Items Quiz
I got 21, although I kinda think I should have gotten 21.83 to be fair.

4. I missed gold on the Campbell's label. I never eat that stuff so my answers were guesses anyway. I shouldn't get 5/6 credit here?

9. So close! I guessed 88.0 and it's 87.7. Damn presets have made it so I don't scroll down through that area of the dial.

12. C'mon, that's unfair. Who actually uses a TV with those things on it anymore? It took me a couple of minutes to even recall what you were talking about and then I remembered seeing something like that on my grandmother's old TV.

19. Sorry, haven't read that story in years, no clue who I was looking for.

dblgutshot 12-25-2005 05:21 AM

Re: Common Items Quiz
10. Which way does water go down the drain, counter or clockwise?

this question should be removed

New001 12-25-2005 05:35 AM

I only got 17. [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

Soup label (don't eat it), matches (don't smoke), FM radio (haven't used one in years), no smoking slash (!), channels, lug nuts, hot dogs (don't eat them), and merry-go-round.

roxtar 12-25-2005 05:50 AM

16 right. I always thought that the way water went down a drain was dependant on which hemisphere you were in.

12-25-2005 05:56 AM

Re: Common Items Quiz
10. Which way does water go down the drain, counter or clockwise?

this question should be removed

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes. That it goes down one standard way is a myth (the coriolis effect is too small on such a small scale).

BCPVP 12-25-2005 06:22 AM

Re: Common Items Quiz
18. Missed 4 (gold), 5, 7, 9 (88 also), 12, 16, and 19. How can the average be 7?!

DCIAce 12-25-2005 06:23 AM

Re: Common Items Quiz (21)

Missed #3 (right hand seemed too obvious [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img] ), #4 (got 4 out of 6 colors), #9 (88.3), and #24 (4)

The average person has to get more than 7 right, I'd think.

roxtar 12-25-2005 06:26 AM

Re: Common Items Quiz (21)
The average person has to get more than 7 right, I'd think.

[/ QUOTE ]

You obviously give the average person way too much credit.

Lazymeatball 12-25-2005 09:28 AM

16 right. I always thought that the way water went down a drain was dependant on which hemisphere you were in.

[/ QUOTE ]

18 right

somehow I screwed up the traffic light, the phone thing with the letters, campbells soup (this question is kind of dumb considering there are more than three colors, and they count gold and yellow as seperate colors) the VHF (which is wicked outdated and trivial), hot dog buns (i should have known this), ventein blinds (i don't own them) and merry go round (just guessed wrong)

so doesn't anyone realise that the Coriolis effect is only one of many forces acting upon a body of water and for the most part it plays a minor role in the direction of flow in your toilet.

And 10 of these questions are 50/50 toss ups, so the idea that the avg person only gets 7 right is a joke, statistically they should get 5 right through chance and then have 15 more to work on.

Matt Flynn 12-25-2005 09:38 AM

Re: Common Items Quiz
22 - I didn't wait to figure out Bashful, got a soup color wrong, and missed 87.7.

spamuell 12-25-2005 10:57 AM

Re: Common Items Quiz
The average person or the average American only gets 7 right? That wasn't a suggestion that Americans are stupid btw, it was that lots of these questions are about the US.

I got 17 which I think isn't too bad for an "alien". [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]

Maulik 12-25-2005 11:18 AM

Re: Common Items Quiz

i feel terrible. worst OOT'r ever.

mmbt0ne 12-25-2005 11:39 AM

Re: Common Items Quiz

4. Red, White, Black, Gold, and two more
9. 85.5
10. counter clockwise
11. top right, to bottom left
12. what's a vhf dial [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]
13. right side

jonoo 12-25-2005 11:51 AM

I dont know what a VHF TV is so that didnt help.

Los Feliz Slim 12-25-2005 12:00 PM

Re: Common Items Quiz
I got 20.

I missed 6, 9, 12, 19, and 24.

No way that 7 is average. That would mean a lot of people get less than 7, which is beyond my comprehension.

Blarg 12-25-2005 12:04 PM

Re: Common Items Quiz
15 right.

I got all but one of the directional spin ones wrong. Guess I don't pay attention.

The matchbook one and FM dial were rough -- I haven't looked at a radio dial in years and I don't smoke and probably haven't opened a matchbook in at least 10 years.

And the campbell's soup one. Black white yellow red -- after that I thought I remembered blue but never thought of gold as a color separate from yellow. Tricky one for me, oh well.

I'm surprised I remembered the traffic signal and the no smoking/don't do this sign incorrectly.

Very cool poll by the way.

Voltron87 12-25-2005 12:06 PM

Re: Common Items Quiz
22, i missed bashful (wtf question is that), the VHF dial question (wtf is that) and lug nuts on a car (wtf is that, although my total guess was 6 which isnt bad).

Blarg 12-25-2005 12:07 PM

Re: Common Items Quiz
I could see it. This is more about paying attention to minutiae or having a somewhat photographic memory than anything like intelligence.

RiverFenix 12-25-2005 12:08 PM

Re: Common Items Quiz *DELETED*
Post deleted by astroglide

Blarg 12-25-2005 12:14 PM

Re: Common Items Quiz
What, cutting and pasting the answers in, including some wrong ones?

Solami17 12-25-2005 12:14 PM

Re: Common Items Quiz
If 7 is the average, this just goes to show how dumb some ppl really are...hopefully they will be sitting at your table!

Voltron87 12-25-2005 12:15 PM

Re: Common Items Quiz
the campbells color for me was a miracle guess, it was such a good guess im going to give myself a lot of credit.

waffle 12-25-2005 12:16 PM

I got 20 and I'm a retard.

Like everyone else, I call bs on

Can you beat 20?? It is nearly impossible for any normal person to get higher than a 20 (The average is 7).

[/ QUOTE ]

There are 11 questions that are "A or B" (1,3,6,8,10,11,13,14,16,22,25). So someone who knows absolutely nothing and just guesses on these questions will average a 5.5. They only need to know a few mundane facts to hit 7.

Why would the quiz-maker include this false scoring info in the quiz? Is it designed to make the taker feel like they're s00per intelligent when it's really pretty easy?

Blarg 12-25-2005 12:35 PM

Re: 20
I think guessing on a quiz like this is pretty counter-productive.

emonrad87 12-25-2005 12:45 PM

Re: Common Items Quiz
For all those that are saying that 7 seems like a real low average... well, just remember there are people out there who don't even know the name of the President of the USA (and are American citizens), etc. I would guess the people on this board would generally be of above average intelligence.

I didn't write the quiz (obv.) and i don't know if those stats are really correct or not.

runner4life7 12-25-2005 01:15 PM

Re: Common Items Quiz
if you get less than a 7 you should be killed because you have nothing to give to society. I got a 19 thankfully, missing cambells(all but gold), matches(dont smoke), fm radio (88.3 close enough), no smoking sign, wtf is VHF i put 66 to be random, bashful

12-25-2005 01:20 PM

Re: Common Items Quiz
The average person only gets 7 right.

[/ QUOTE ]

The average person in the US is retarded?

Talk2BigSteve 12-25-2005 01:28 PM

Re: Common Items Quiz
I got 21 I knew the Campbell's question because it was on jeopardy a while back.

#5--1 and 0??? 1 has nothing but 0 clearly has the letters O-P-E-R on it! [img]/images/graemlins/shocked.gif[/img]

Big Steve [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]

Rick Nebiolo 12-25-2005 01:36 PM

Re: Common Items Quiz
I got 21 right (missing the Cambell's can, SOL torch, .2 off on FM, and Bashful). Don't understand how the average can be only seven, since about eleven answers are either or and many others have only a few reasonable guesses.

BTW, the clockwise, counterclockwise drain answer is urban myth.

~ Rick

12-25-2005 02:12 PM

Re: Common Items Quiz
20 correct
missed 4,9,10,12,19
Apparently I don't know soup, the FM dial, drains, vhf tv, or dwarfs.

man 12-25-2005 03:26 PM

Re: Common Items Quiz
20 correct
missed 4,9,10,12,19
Apparently I don't know soup, the FM dial, drains, vhf tv, or dwarfs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Duke 12-25-2005 04:08 PM

Re: Common Items Quiz
Campbell's soup got me, since after red white and gold I'm lost.

The rest were exactly what the test was talking about - being observant. It's tough to believe that the average is 7, though. That's absurd.


Dudd 12-25-2005 04:13 PM

Re: Common Items Quiz
I only got 12. Missed 3,4,5,7,9,12,13,15,17,18,19,22,24.

kyro 12-25-2005 04:15 PM

Re: Common Items Quiz
17 [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

Haven't looked at other results but I imagine the average is 20-22.

NutzyClutz 12-25-2005 07:16 PM

Re: Common Items Quiz
Missed 3, soup colors, fm-dial, lug nuts

d10 12-25-2005 07:50 PM

I missed the Campbells soup question (got 4 colors right, guessed randomly on the other 2 and missed), the matches (randomly guessed, I was way off), the FM radio dial (I should have known that one), and the VHF TV dial (whoever knows this is really showing their age). The rest weren't that hard I didn't think. Anyone who can only get 7 must be retarded.

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