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goodedesign 12-14-2004 02:53 PM

Post deleted by Mat Sklansky

jakethebake 12-14-2004 02:56 PM

Re: strange question
It depends entirely on what they want/need to know and why. My wife might call multiple times to find out what I want for dinner. A business colleague may call hourly, daily, or weekly depending on urgency so it just depends.

NLSoldier 12-14-2004 02:56 PM

Re: strange question
Its totally call dependant. If they are calling about plans for later that night then the wait should be much shorter than if they are calling about plans next month. Also I think it depends how well you know the person. Good friends can and should call back faster than people calling for more professional reasons.

NLSoldier 12-14-2004 02:57 PM

Re: strange question
Oh cmon! Our answers both took place at 1:56, why did yours get to be on top!

ThaSaltCracka 12-14-2004 02:58 PM

Re: strange question
this totally depends. Suppose you call a buddy up to ask him come out to the bars. he doesn't answer for whatever reason, you leave a message, if he hasn't called before you head out, you always call again. If its someone I don't know very well, a day or two probably.

jakethebake 12-14-2004 03:00 PM

Re: strange question
Oh cmon! Our answers both took place at 1:56, why did yours get to be on top!

[/ QUOTE ]
I can only assume anti-viking prejudice.

ThaSaltCracka 12-14-2004 03:01 PM

Re: strange question
Oh cmon! Our answers both took place at 1:56, why did yours get to be on top!

[/ QUOTE ]
I can only assume anti-viking prejudice.

[/ QUOTE ]wrong. age descrimination.

jakethebake 12-14-2004 03:03 PM

Re: strange question
Oh cmon! Our answers both took place at 1:56, why did yours get to be on top!

[/ QUOTE ]
Oh, wait. I reged 8 days before you. I got seniority.

goodedesign 12-14-2004 03:16 PM

Post deleted by Mat Sklansky

jakethebake 12-14-2004 03:18 PM

Re: well suppose
consider this is about a good friend & spouse:

when answering, please average together all instances:
- invite to eat
- call just to tell something,
- see something on TV that might interest them
- call to get something/have them return something
- check up on them

basically, take the AVERAGE of all the reasons you could think to call someone that is a good friend who lives in the area.

[/ QUOTE ]
That's a dumb bunch of circumstances. Get something to eat and see something on TV are important RIGHT NOW. The others might be a week away or more. I'm still not answering this dumb poll. How about giving us ONE example?

ThaSaltCracka 12-14-2004 03:20 PM

Re: well suppose
assuming I left a message, the amount of time I would wait to call back for each one would be:

1. maybe an hour or so long as I left a message, I wouldn't call back anytime soon.
3. wouldn't call back
4. would call back in a few days
5. call back in a few days

this thread sucks.

goodedesign 12-14-2004 03:23 PM

Post deleted by Mat Sklansky

jakethebake 12-14-2004 03:29 PM

Re: well suppose
i'm looking for a good average... ok, if it was my dad was dying... i could see same day...

consider these people to be college friends who have moved within 45min-1hr of your home... you took 2 days off out of work from your HOME BUSINESS, you helped them move from atlanta to their new home, helped load all their crap into a trailer, drove with them up to their home, helped them move in, they had your tools and some other things, afterwards you figured you'd want to hang out with them since you were such good friends in college... go grab a beer, plan a cook out, something... just curious...

need i ask more specifically? i will if necessary.

[/ QUOTE ]
The specificity needs to deal with the question, not how well you know them. How urgent is the question? An average of those you listed tells you nothing. This whole thing is pointless. Why didn't you start the poll with the exact point you and your buddy are debating. Instead of some meaningless generalization?

ThaSaltCracka 12-14-2004 03:29 PM

Re: well suppose
whats the problem? You called them and they haven't called back?

goodedesign 12-14-2004 03:30 PM

Post deleted by Mat Sklansky

NLSoldier 12-14-2004 03:36 PM

Re: strange question
This thread still sucks and I still refuse to vote. Maybe if My first reply would have gotten in there ahead of jaketheblake's I wouldn't be so bitter.

stabn 12-14-2004 03:37 PM

Re: well suppose
If they've just moved in maybe give them a week or so to get settled. After that, if you are mainly looking for your stuff back i'd give it 3-4 days between calls. If you want to hang out, but nothing specific, maybe once a week. If there's say, something special saturday you want to invite them to, and it's thursday, then calling again friday definitely wouldn't be out of the question. It just depends.

BottlesOf 12-14-2004 03:38 PM

Re: strange question
It depends.

goodedesign 12-14-2004 03:39 PM

Post deleted by Mat Sklansky

goodedesign 12-14-2004 03:41 PM

Post deleted by Mat Sklansky

jakethebake 12-14-2004 03:43 PM

Re: well suppose
You can call us once, leave a message, then wait for us to return you call. It may not be exactly when you want it, but we will return your phone call. That way you won’t be frustrated b/c you have tries numerous times and you have not reached us, or you have left numerous messages and not heard from us. And we won’t be frustrated b/c you call too often.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yea. I wouldn't call them anymore. ever.

stabn 12-14-2004 03:43 PM

Re: moving time frame
Basically, it looks like your 'friends' just used you for your help. Don't call them back again, as they aren't worth it, and don't help them move again. They were assholes for not returning your tools quicker too.

stabn 12-14-2004 03:44 PM

Re: well suppose
Exactly. Their assholes. There really is no reason to treat them like resonable people.

goodedesign 12-14-2004 03:45 PM

Post deleted by Mat Sklansky

stabn 12-14-2004 03:47 PM

Re: problem:

i've come to learn, they aren't the most grateful friends and thus aren't friends...

[/ QUOTE ]

Bolded for truth. It might be annoying and frustrating, but it's nothing more than a learning experience at this point. You can't salvage anything.

ThaSaltCracka 12-14-2004 04:22 PM

Re: well suppose
my friend says that i have called too much... however, i called him 2-3 times per month after:
HELPING them move from atlanta
PACKING for them
UNPACKING for them
LOANING my tools
2 DAYS away from my wife
SEEMED to be close friends
HAVE SIMILAR interests
LIVE 30 min
INVITE up to our house for dinner

-- Some of those calls were to get my tools back... after i had gotten my tools back, & as i noticed they wouldn't return calls... i called less and less... now i don't call, but we took them out & bought them dinner and received an email. Saying, [ QUOTE ]
You can call us once, leave a message, then wait for us to return you call. It may not be exactly when you want it, but we will return your phone call. That way you won’t be frustrated b/c you have tries numerous times and you have not reached us, or you have left numerous messages and not heard from us. And we won’t be frustrated b/c you call too often.

[/ QUOTE ] and we had only called them 2 times in the previous 4 weeks... both times to see if they wanted to get together...

does this seem a bit butt-holish? or am i taking it wrong? it really ticked off my wife... and that's NOT COOL. especially when she has tried to really give to these people.

[/ QUOTE ]


Your "friends" are pricks, do not ever call them again. If they do call you, pick up the phone and act like you are on your way out. Seriously, fuc[/b]k them, friends don't do shi[/b]t like this. These people are not your friends, IMO. Nor should you want to be friends with them.

If I am ever in NC, me and you will go to the house and shi[/b]t on their cars hood.

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