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ericd 10-20-2004 07:02 AM

I was wondering why the story of the supply unit refusing to obey orders has died down. I think there is a good chance the military PR department is trying to come up with a way to soften the blow to the public when they announce they all those involved with be charged with Mutiny.

I'm no lawyer but I've read and reread Article 94 of the UCMJ

I don't know if irony is the right word but those in the group who figured there was safety in numbers may come to rue that decision.

hutz 10-20-2004 09:14 AM

Re: Mutiny
I am a lawyer (don't hold it against me) but I haven't read the UCMJ. I do know one thing, though -- they won't be charged with mutiny.

P.S. Where's Wrong Forum Man?

ericd 10-20-2004 09:41 AM

Re: Mutiny
The UCMJ seems pretty clear to my untrained eye. But, I will defer to your judgement.

As to the wrong forum, I see I screwed up. I only read the sub-topic heading and not the topic. Sorry, I'll get it right the next time.

drewjustdrew 10-20-2004 09:41 AM

Re: Mutiny
P.S. Where's Wrong Forum Man?

[/ QUOTE ]

Let me step in:

Wrong forum, man!

hutz 10-20-2004 09:47 AM

Re: Mutiny
Unless they were on a ship in the desert, they won't be charged with mutiny.

thomastem 10-20-2004 12:10 PM

Re: Mutiny
I am a lawyer

[/ QUOTE ]


snakehead 10-20-2004 12:41 PM

Re: Mutiny

PokerNoob 10-20-2004 12:52 PM

Re: Mutiny
I think its going to hinge on whether the order was lawful. It seems pretty negligent to me to put fuel type A into trucks that just hauled fuel type B without using the proper procedures to purge the tanks or whatever. I just can not imagine the breakdown in communication that must have occured in the chain of command for this to happen. It sounds like the work of some dumbass junior officer that the senior noncoms couldn't end run. I really think we will probably never hear about this again, and some officer careers are over.

hutz 10-20-2004 01:41 PM

Re: Mutiny

[/ QUOTE ]

Yet another pointless/devoid of content message from one of the kings of spam? Shocking.

ericd 10-20-2004 02:09 PM

Re: Mutiny
My understanding of the correct military procedure is that the seniormost member of those who refused to follow orders should have:

1. Tried to convince his superior that the order was wrong
2. Failing that, request to go up the chain of command seeking a solution (the chain goes all the way to the President).
3. Inform his direct superior that he was ordering his troops not to go on the mission.

Where it appears everything fell apart is when the aforementioned senior person became involved with organizing his command to refuse the order from his superior. To protect his troops he should have issued them a new order directly from him which they would have been required to follow. Instead he made a bad situation much worse.

thomastem 10-20-2004 03:14 PM

Re: Mutiny

[/ QUOTE ]

Yet another pointless/devoid of content message from one of the kings of spam? Shocking.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your reputation precedes you and you are highly thought of in the 2+2 forums. Many people wish to call you friend.

That I am shocked that you are a lawyer is not an attack against you but your blatant reply calling me "One of the kings of spam" as well as stating this is yet another pointless post by me devoid of content is.

If I were you Mat would already be notified. Matter of fact that is exactly what I going to do.

Thank you.

hutz 10-20-2004 03:46 PM

Re: Mutiny
Poor thomastem, the innocent victim of a horribly malicious attack. Do whatever makes you happy as far as notifying the moderator. Mat is smart enough to see through your troll post that led to my response.

thomastem 10-20-2004 04:20 PM

Re: Mutiny
Poor thomastem, the innocent victim of a horribly malicious attack. Do whatever makes you happy as far as notifying the moderator. Mat is smart enough to see through your troll post that led to my response.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why does everything have to be a fight with you?

I'm shocked that you are a lawyer and that is somehow a troll post? Do you consistantly question other 1 word or 1 line replies?

Look if I were to meet you in person I'd have a good laugh and buy you a beer. Life is too short to hold a grudge against someone you never met on a forum.

Can't you just let it go?

hutz 10-20-2004 05:44 PM

Re: Mutiny
I'm not fighting with you and I'm not going to let you turn this into a fight. The past several months of having you not directly try to stir things up with me has been nice. If you (and your aliases) will leave me alone I'll continue to stay out of your way.

Fat Bottomed Girls 10-21-2004 04:14 AM

Re: Mutiny
Yo hutz, I heard you were hitting people up for loans on Party because you busted out. I didn't think you were such a poor player.

PokerNoob 10-21-2004 11:13 AM

Re: Mutiny
We interrupt the thomstem/hutz feud to bring this update:

The company commander was relieved of duty "at her request". The unit had also allegedly just gotten back from a 3 1/2 mission to deliver the contaminated fuel, but it was rejected so they took it back to their base. The commander then just wanted to get rid of it and ordered the unit to take it somewhere else that's apparently a pretty dangerous place that the unit was ill prepared to deal with. Its a shame that it had to reach this point before the army realized it had a big problem with this officer.

ericd 10-21-2004 12:53 PM

Re: Mutiny
The issue is not the competence of the commander. The issues are:

1. Not following orders
2. Organizing a group to not follow orders

As I noted in a prior post, the military has a structure in place to deal with the inevitable incompetent commander. This group failed to follow it and they did it in the worst possible way.

If they had followed procedures, an inquiry would have been revealed the commander's failings. Now, they have exposed themselves to charges the military takes very seriously and only the politcal climate of the day may spare them from extremely harsh punishment. However, to keep from setting a precedent, some punishment is inevitable.

PokerNoob 10-21-2004 01:19 PM

Re: Mutiny
But we don't know exactly what happened between the time the senior noncom or whomever decided that the mission was probably a very bad idea and when the arrests took place. The unit commander may have overstepped her authority in some way that didn't allow proper procedures to be followed. The senior noncom may not have followed his training properly. I know enlisted personnel are repeatedly trained on how to deal with illegal orders, but this case might be a little different.

ericd 10-21-2004 01:29 PM

Re: Mutiny
Since this incident has received so much press and will in most likelihood continue to do so, there seems to be no chance that this can be "swept under the carpet". I know I will follow it with interest. I am curious though how the military will be able to rationalize letting any of the people go without some punishment that is more than a "slap on the wrist".

Pot Head 10-22-2004 02:21 PM

Re: Mutiny

[/ QUOTE ]

Yet another pointless/devoid of content message from one of the kings of spam? Shocking.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your reputation precedes you and you are highly thought of in the 2+2 forums. Many people wish to call you friend.

That I am shocked that you are a lawyer is not an attack against you but your blatant reply calling me "One of the kings of spam" as well as stating this is yet another pointless post by me devoid of content is.

If I were you Mat would already be notified. Matter of fact that is exactly what I going to do.

Thank you.

[/ QUOTE ]

How can we go about protecting Hutz from stupid posters like this? If it weren't for Hutz half of 2+2 would leave IMO.

Anyone want to help take up the cause?

cottonpickincornhuskinassfuc 11-08-2004 09:35 AM

Re: Mutiny
Why does Mat the nitwit love Hutz so much?

He acts like Hutz is his little pet.

Harvey/Raging homo reporter 11-08-2004 01:13 PM

Re: Mutiny
Sweat pea don't get your panties in a wad. We'll take care of my little puddum wouldums.

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