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12-20-2005 01:30 PM

This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
I am an independent and I am an Infantryman in the Army.

I read through this forum pretty much everyday when I’m not deployed and everyday I am more and more convinced that most of you are completely out of touch with reality. Lets do a little reality check:

1. Wiretap/civil liberties/Patriot Act, etc. Let the congress have an investigation, let the courts decide if its constitutional or not, move on. I think it’s questionable, but I see why the President ordered it. It would be virtually impossible to go to the court 1000s of times a day. 1000s of times a day, you heard me correctly. And no, the NSA isn’t listening to you talk to your wife about picking up a loaf of bread on the way home. Allowing the Patriot act expiring is just stupid. Do we actually want to win this war? Who do you think will get the blame when the next attack happens on our soil? The NY Times?

2. Bush is a liar, Bush is the devil, etc. He’s doing a pretty good job, not perfect, but it ain’t easy. Over 80% of people like me agree that he’s doing a pretty good job based on the military vote in the last election. I don’t think he’s Abe Lincoln but he isn’t the devil either. Do you think 80% of the people like me are just too stupid to know better, or do we have an informed opinion?

3. Irag, Afghanistan and the GWOT. Been there (both places), things are going great, thank you very much. I love the “we need to get out of Iraq”, “we went to war on a pack of lies”, posts. Last time I checked, “we” aren’t in Iraq or Afghanistan, We (the military) are. Do you hear us bitching? I mean really bitching. Not joe (soldiers) being joe. Joe bitches all the time about chow, being hot, being cold, being tired, being bored, getting shot at, etc. Do you hear us saying this is a waste of our time? Do you hear us refusing to go back? Don’t get me wrong, it sucks to be away from home and all that, but when you (we) sit down and really think about what we are doing and why, its pretty clear we are making a huge difference and it matters a lot.

So what is reality? I’ve killed them, they’ve tried to kill me. I’ve talked to them (terrorists, members of AQ) and they are very focused on their mission and commanders intent. Their mission is to destroy our society, one way or another. Western Europe will be right after us, those poor idiots are really in a state of denial. The enemy are very clear about their mission and very focused on making it happen. I'd say being a suicide anything is pretty focused.

What is reality? That this is a war for National Survival, all the bs “background noise” is political fluff on both sides. "Background noise" is all the talk about what "we" should or should not be doing, all the political bs.

So “we” should grab a ruck and a rifle and see wtf is really happening in the world before commenting on anything in the arena of “background noise.” Of course, if you chose not to grab a rifle and a ruck, I fight for and support your continuing right to make as much “background noise” as you want, but you really don’t know anything more than what you read or hear about second hand instead of seeing or touching or feeling it first hand, so keep that in mind when you state your opinion.

BCPVP 12-20-2005 01:36 PM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)

canis582 12-20-2005 01:52 PM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
"And no, the NSA isn’t listening to you talk to your wife about picking up a loaf of bread on the way home."

But they are listening to the president's political opponents. What is stopping the republican government from spying on the opponents of senate republicans during the upcoming election cycle?

They WILL abuse this. And it is not about the war on terra, it is all about political power.

BluffTHIS! 12-20-2005 02:16 PM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
Great post!

And hey, sorry you failed to qualify for whatever highly technical MOS that recruiter signed you up for, allowing them to stick you in 11 Bravo where they wanted you all along. But at least you don't have to eat those 5 year old C-rats some of us did.

Again great post, and be proud you both act on your convictions and think straight unlike so many here.

Exsubmariner 12-20-2005 02:19 PM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
First, thank you for your service.

Secondly, and tragically, there will probably be a number of 9/11 type attacks before "we" get it. Say it until you are blue, but that's the simple truth.

Thirdly, I appreciate you coming to this forum and sharing your views. Keep it up. Men like you need to be active participants in the future of this country. There are too many who have never shot a weapon, let alone been shot at. The reality is that freedom is paid for in blood and many simply don't have a frame of reference to understand that, as smart as they may be. Know that you will go unthanked and unregarded by many you protect.

Once again, thank you for being an instrument of Freedom.

canis582 12-20-2005 02:19 PM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
Another gem: "Their mission is to destroy our society, one way or another."

They are succeeding and Bush is their main instrument to that end. See: illegal spying on american citizens perpetrated by Bush & co. How does he justify it? TERRA! TERRA! OHHH LORDY THERES GONNA BE TERRA!

I bet someone calls me a troll for saying that.

BluffTHIS! 12-20-2005 02:22 PM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
The post above this one by canis is what troll doo doo looks like.

elwoodblues 12-20-2005 02:43 PM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
Bush is a liar, Bush is the devil, etc. He’s doing a pretty good job, not perfect, but it ain’t easy. Over 80% of people like me agree that he’s doing a pretty good job based on the military vote in the last election. I don’t think he’s Abe Lincoln but he isn’t the devil either. Do you think 80% of the people like me are just too stupid to know better, or do we have an informed opinion?

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't know if you are stupid or not. You might be, you might not. Is it surprising to you that 80% of people who are like you are also thinking like you? If so, why would that surprise you --- by definition, they are "like you."

That this is a war for National Survival...

[/ QUOTE ]

What nation? Certainly not ours.

Wes ManTooth 12-20-2005 02:54 PM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)

I read through this forum pretty much everyday ... everyday I am more and more convinced that most of you are completely out of touch with reality...

[/ QUOTE ]

so true

andyfox 12-20-2005 02:59 PM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
"this is a war for National Survival"

I think the crux of the disagreement critics have with the administration's policy is that the invasion and occupation of Iraq have nothing to do with national survival. That we were attacked by Al Qaeda which was being harbored by the Taliban in Afghanistan.

"all the bs 'background noise' is political fluff on both sides. 'Background noise' is all the talk about what 'we' should or should not be doing, all the political bs."

No doubt a lot of the talk in Washington is politics. After all, our leaders are politicians.

But, to the best of my knowledge, most of us who post here are just interested citizens. There is no political advantage to be gained or lost by what we post here as we're not politicians.

"So 'we' should grab a ruck and a rifle and see wtf is really happening in the world before commenting on anything"

I disagree with this. Every citizen is entitled to voice his or her opinion and it doesn't necessarily require a chicken to recognize an egg. There is also a sporting events forum in which many of us comment on trades and strategies. We don't need to play the game to have some knowledge of expertise or have something to contribute. After all, the president hasn't grabbed a ruck and a rifle, but that doesn't affect how I view his decisions.

"'we' aren’t in Iraq or Afghanistan, We (the military) are."

The military is there in the name of the United States. And maybe some of us have friends, or relatives in service. Maybe some of us have been in service before or have lost friends or relatives in service. While it is easy for me to sit in the comfort of my home or office, I wouldn't think to criticize the actions of the men and women on the ground in Iraq or Afghanistan, as I know little about their day to day activities. But I do know what the president, the vice president and the attorney general have said over the past few days and I see nothing wrong with a bunch of us discussing it here on this forum.
"We," meaning the armed forces of the United States, operating in the name of the country, are indeed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Autocratic 12-20-2005 03:07 PM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
This is stupid. One guy's opinions are deemed a "reality check" by himself? Just because you're in the military means you have some spectacular insight that we cannot comprehend? You have some good points, but to call this war one of national survival is embarassingly inept, but I point you to andy's response.

12-20-2005 03:34 PM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
This is stupid. One guy's opinions are deemed a "reality check" by himself? Just because you're in the military means you have some spectacular insight that we cannot comprehend? You have some good points, but to call this war one of national survival is embarassingly inept, but I point you to andy's response.

[/ QUOTE ]

If the GWOT is not a war of national survival what do you think it is? A war of convenience? What is Al Qaeda's stated mission?

You are in fact correct that this is one guy's opinion. But I guarantee you that my insight is far broader than many simply from first hand experience.

Just because you're in the military means you have some spectacular insight that we cannot comprehend?

[/ QUOTE ]

It seems to matter for John Murtha, who has insight as well.

12-20-2005 03:36 PM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
"What is Al Qaeda's stated mission?"

What is our stated mission?

12-20-2005 03:37 PM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
Bush is a liar, Bush is the devil, etc. He’s doing a pretty good job, not perfect, but it ain’t easy. Over 80% of people like me agree that he’s doing a pretty good job based on the military vote in the last election. I don’t think he’s Abe Lincoln but he isn’t the devil either. Do you think 80% of the people like me are just too stupid to know better, or do we have an informed opinion?

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't know if you are stupid or not. You might be, you might not. Is it surprising to you that 80% of people who are like you are also thinking like you? If so, why would that surprise you --- by definition, they are "like you."

That this is a war for National Survival...

[/ QUOTE ]

What nation? Certainly not ours.

[/ QUOTE ]

Like me = in the military.

If you don't think there is a threat to our national survival that's fine with me. The fact is that there is.

12-20-2005 03:41 PM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
"What is Al Qaeda's stated mission?"

What is our stated mission?

[/ QUOTE ]

*sigh* What is this, the 3d grade?

Meech 12-20-2005 03:42 PM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
If you don't think there is a threat to our national survival that's fine with me. The fact is that there is.

[/ QUOTE ]

There seems to be a bunch of them.

Nukes in Korea. Nukes in Iran. Industrialization of China.

The response to Iraq violating no-fly zones seems a bit... disproportionate.

12-20-2005 03:47 PM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
"I think the crux of the disagreement critics have with the administration's policy is that the invasion and occupation of Iraq have nothing to do with national survival. That we were attacked by Al Qaeda which was being harbored by the Taliban in Afghanistan."

I think that is a fair point. Certainly the battle in Iraq has clouded the overall perception of the war.

"I disagree with this. Every citizen is entitled to voice his or her opinion and it doesn't necessarily require a chicken to recognize an egg. There is also a sporting events forum in which many of us comment on trades and strategies. We don't need to play the game to have some knowledge of expertise or have something to contribute. After all, the president hasn't grabbed a ruck and a rifle, but that doesn't affect how I view his decisions. "

You didn't post the next sentence, I wonder why?

12-20-2005 03:48 PM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
"What is Al Qaeda's stated mission?"

What is our stated mission?

[/ QUOTE ]

*sigh* What is this, the 3d grade?

[/ QUOTE ]

No, answer it. You are in the army, what is our stated mission? Didnt they tell you?

What is our real mission? Are they the same?

12-20-2005 03:51 PM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
"What is Al Qaeda's stated mission?"

What is our stated mission?

[/ QUOTE ]

*sigh* What is this, the 3d grade?

[/ QUOTE ]

No, answer it. You are in the army, what is our stated mission? Didnt they tell you?

What is our real mission? Are they the same?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll humor you.

Ours: Kill, capture or destroy ACM.

Your turn, what AQ's stated mission?

12-20-2005 04:05 PM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
acm? What does that mean? I must be dense.

I have no idea what Al-Queadas mission is...All I have ever heard is the George Bush propaganda about them.

What I do know about Osama Bin Laden (head of 'AQ') is that Ronald Regan provided material support to terrorists including OBL in Afganistan during the 1980's

12-20-2005 04:59 PM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
acm? What does that mean?

[/ QUOTE ]

Anti-Coalition Militants, i.e. bad guys.

I have no idea what Al-Queadas mission is...All I have ever heard is the George Bush propaganda about them.

[/ QUOTE ]

hmm. A lot of people from New York would disagree. You would do well to learn a subject before commenting on it. He, UBL, stated his mission on an ABC interview which had nothing to do with the government or the President.

What I do know about Osama Bin Laden (head of 'AQ') is that Ronald Regan provided material support to terrorists including OBL in Afganistan during the 1980's

[/ QUOTE ]

That is correct. We also provided the same type of support to Iraq at the same time. Gas was 75 cents a gallon, the Bears won the superbowl, lots of things happened in the 80s which don't mean a hell of a lot today.

12-20-2005 05:12 PM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
*sigh* What is this, the 3d grade?

[/ QUOTE ]

Frequently it seems more like kindergarten.

12-20-2005 05:15 PM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
I bet someone calls me a troll for saying that.

[/ QUOTE ]

Personally, I don't think you're a troll. I think you, and others in this forum, just refuse to believe there's a danger to our country and our way of life. Others of us do.

12-20-2005 05:20 PM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
The response to Iraq violating no-fly zones seems a bit... disproportionate.

[/ QUOTE ]

Iraq did not violate the no-fly zone. They had no air force left to fly. Those aircraft that weren't shot down, long before the no-fly zone was established, were tucked away in Iran, IIRC.

They did, however, fire missiles at our planes patrolling the no-fly zone. And every time they did, that particular missile site was destroyed.

adios 12-20-2005 05:36 PM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
Original poster wrote in part:

So what is reality? I’ve killed them, they’ve tried to kill me. I’ve talked to them (terrorists, members of AQ) and they are very focused on their mission and commanders intent. Their mission is to destroy our society, one way or another. Western Europe will be right after us, those poor idiots are really in a state of denial. The enemy are very clear about their mission and very focused on making it happen. I'd say being a suicide anything is pretty focused.

What is reality? That this is a war for National Survival, all the bs “background noise” is political fluff on both sides. "Background noise" is all the talk about what "we" should or should not be doing, all the political bs.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think it's clear that OP is referring to the War on Terror when he refers to a war for national survival. With that said you responded:

What nation? Certainly not ours.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok I think this is the crux of the difference between supporters of Bush policy and those who are opposed. The opponents to Bush policy to a large extent (not everyone who is opposed but IMO at least most of those who are) do not buy into the concept of a "War on Terror" nor do they buy into the concept that the "War on Terror" is a matter of U.S. national survival. Apologies if you were only referring to the war in Iraq but in reviewing the posts in context I assume that you are referring to the "War on Terror" as not being a matter of national survival. I only commented on your post because I think your comments get to why there is a deeply divided nation on this issue.

elwoodblues 12-20-2005 05:45 PM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
I buy into the War on Terror. I don't buy that we are struggling against a terrorist threat that could any way threaten our nation's survival. That's beyond hyperbole.

Peter666 12-20-2005 06:39 PM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
Ok, the invasion was wrong, but now that that is history we must deal with today's problems. Getting out of Iraq right now will not solve anything. Why continually harp about the invasion and try to use that incident to discredit the work being done now?

12-21-2005 01:48 AM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
I bet someone calls me a troll for saying that.

[/ QUOTE ]

Personally, I don't think you're a troll. I think you, and others in this forum, just refuse to believe there's a danger to our country and our way of life. Others of us do.

[/ QUOTE ]

This administration's notion of imperial presidency is a far greater threat to "our country and our way of life" than AQ. It's a shame that you, and others in this forum, "just refuse to believe" that.

sweetjazz 12-21-2005 03:53 AM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
Hey PR -- First, I want to say that I really appreciate your service and sacrifice in the military. I have a lot of respect for what you do (I'll be the first to admit I couldn't cut it in the military), and I believe strongly that our soldiers deserve to be treated well -- both by giving them the resources they need for their missions and taking care of them after they come home. I hope you are able to find your way onto Party and rake in some extra bucks in between your deployments. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

I don't necessarily agree with your opinion about this war, but I respect where you are coming from and I want to become better informed. My primary objection to the war in Iraq is that I fear that the presence of American troops in the Middle East is recruiting as many or more terrorists than you and other brave soldiers are killing and capturing. This is based on reading different sources regarding what is going on down there, as you are right that I obviously don't know anything first hand.

Maybe you could help answer some questions for me. To what extent is the "insurgency" in Iraq made up of Arab terrorists who were already plotting against the U.S. before the war in Iraq? How many of them are disgruntled Sunnis?

How good is our intelligence finding terrorists? We have been told that we have eliminated many of the members of al Qaeda who had leadership roles in 2001, and it looks like we have made a good deal of progress disrupting the organizational capacity of al Qaeda. In my opinion, this has been our best achievement in the "War on Terror." But is al Qaeda filling these holes with new recruits? Are other terrorist organizations being created with similar goals against America?

I too find the threat of terrorism to be very serious and worth fighting. I am just skeptical that we are on the right course to minimize the prospect of another major attack. I think we are blessed that we have not been attacked since 2001, but I am concerned that it seems like there are even more Arab terrorists with designs on killing many Americans.

Anyway, I'd love hearing more about what you have experienced, both in Afghanistan and Iraq. (I'd especially be interested in how similar or different you think the enemy is in these two locations.) You definitely have an insight that the rest of us don't, and it would be great if you could share it with us.

God bless you and thank you for what you done for me and other Americans.

Autocratic 12-21-2005 04:31 AM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
This is stupid. One guy's opinions are deemed a "reality check" by himself? Just because you're in the military means you have some spectacular insight that we cannot comprehend? You have some good points, but to call this war one of national survival is embarassingly inept, but I point you to andy's response.

[/ QUOTE ]

If the GWOT is not a war of national survival what do you think it is? A war of convenience? What is Al Qaeda's stated mission?

You are in fact correct that this is one guy's opinion. But I guarantee you that my insight is far broader than many simply from first hand experience.

Just because you're in the military means you have some spectacular insight that we cannot comprehend?

[/ QUOTE ]

It seems to matter for John Murtha, who has insight as well.

[/ QUOTE ]

The "GWOT" (which I assume means greater war on terror) is certainly not about national survival. On their best day, terrorists took 3,000 lives. More than that number were born that day. Terrorism is a media operation. It intends to strike fear into the population, because they cannot win a conventional war. You really think there's a legit chance of total destruction? I guess nuclear weapons could come into play, even though they would not decimate the nation. Regardless, I was referring more to the war in Iraq specifically.

lastchance 12-21-2005 04:38 AM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)

Not saying that there shouldn't be a war on terror, but the US is not going to cave into Al-Qaida's demands, and we have tech + superior firepower + more forces = teh win.

Cyrus 12-21-2005 06:17 AM

Big, Fat Reality Check
"Most of you are completely out of touch with reality."

Them's fighting words, fit for an infantryman. [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]

"Wiretap/civil liberties/Patriot Act, etc. I think it’s questionable, but I see why the President ordered it. It would be virtually impossible to go to the court 1000s of times a day."

Well, that is what is actually happening right now! (And your number is wrong. It is way more than 1000s of times a day!) This is how criminals are getting caught daily. The system seems to be in relatively good shape, unless you choose to believe the cop show writers.

But one should make a note of the easiness with which you are willing to sacrifice a lot of your basic freedoms, because "the president must know what he's doing"...

A heapload of people, infantrymen and others, have died for Habeas Corpus. It is a sign of the times that people are willing to part with it so blithely.

"The NSA isn’t listening to you talk to your wife about picking up a loaf of bread on the way home."

But they are! The NSA are also listen in on you talk to your lover - or your boss - or whomever. They are supposed to listen to most everything and then filter out the noise and stick to the juice. And with PATRIOT, it only gets worse. So if you think that there is not enormous room for abuse here, you are mistaken.

And, by the way: The NSA kind of technology is mostly useless against the low-tech threat that is Qaeda and its branches. Bear that in mind.

"Over 80% of people like me agree that he’s doing a pretty good job based on the military vote in the last election."

If you want only professional soldiers to have the right to vote, just say so. In the meantime, this kind of percentage is as meaningful as the voting proclivities of Blonde American Women.

"Do you think 80% of the people like me are just too stupid to know better?"

You are not stupid. (I mean, I don't know you!) And it does not mean that you are not informed, either. It's just that the American military, more than any other sector of society, has been placed by the administration's actions and policies in a must-win/must-prevail situation. It would be unthinkable for the American military personnel to be "voting" against its own objectives!

"Irag, Afghanistan ... Been there (both places), things are going great, thank you very much."

Uh, from what kind of perspective, soldier?

It's not just that there are casualties (the dead thank you very much). The whole war is WRONG. Even if no soldiers were getting killed (as they are, daily), you think this alone would make the war in Iraq a just war? If America invades another country, e.g. Grenada, without any casualties, this makes it a just war? Sorry, but no.

"When you (we) sit down and really think about what we are doing and why, its pretty clear we are making a huge difference and it matters a lot."

I agree about the "difference" - but I think it is going in the wrong direction! The War Against Terror has not been promoted one iota by the effort in Iraq. On the contrary, and as prominent hawks in America keep saying, the war in Iraq is both distracting from and weakening the War Against Terror.

"Western Europe will be right after us, those poor idiots are really in a state of denial."

Even if the threat from muslim fundamentalists is as great as you insinuate, America is going the wrong way about it. It's comforting to believe that the whole world except the United States (sorry, I forget, the United States plus Albania, Macedonia, El Salvador... [img]/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]) are right and the others are in denial..

Denial is the right word, alright!

"This is a war for National Survival, all the bs “background noise” is political fluff on both sides."

If this were truly about America's survival, nukes would have been out already. They have not and it is not. Ease up. Your Commander-in-Chief has not f*cked it all up THAT badly.

Not yet anyway.

"You really don’t know anything more than what you read or hear about second hand instead of seeing or touching or feeling it first hand, so keep that in mind when you state your opinion."

No-nonsense Americans, people who are siding with the military first and looking at the question second, experts such as Melvin Laird, ex-Sec of Defense during Vietnam's most ferocious phase, or Zbigniew Brzezinky, ex-NSC chief and extreme anti-Soviet, or Henry Kissinger, a known war criminal, are not exactly saying kind things about the war that Bush is conduting! From one perspective or others, it is being suggested, with very delicate words, that the war is a huge SNAFU. And these are folks who are genuinely interested in America advanncing its interests in the world and strengthening its security. These guys are all enthusiastic imperialists!

You choose to discount such input, and others' like them, that's your prerogative. I'd say you're perhaps too close to the action to see the big picture but then perhaps you'd flame me. (Perhaps literally. [img]/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img])

adios 12-21-2005 08:18 AM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)

Not saying that there shouldn't be a war on terror, but the US is not going to cave into Al-Qaida's demands, and we have tech + superior firepower + more forces = teh win.

[/ QUOTE ]

Al-Qaida + control of a large supply of oil + nuclear weapons + will to use them == utter chaos and mayhem in the U.S.

MMMMMM 12-21-2005 08:40 AM

Re: Big, Fat Reality Check
"The NSA isn’t listening to you talk to your wife about picking up a loaf of bread on the way home."

[/ QUOTE ]

But they are! The NSA are also listen in on you talk to your lover - or your boss - or whomever. They are supposed to listen to most everything and then filter out the noise and stick to the juice. And with PATRIOT, it only gets worse. So if you think that there is not enormous room for abuse here, you are mistaken.

[/ QUOTE ]

Cyrus, I'm just now starting to read about these eavesdroppings, but weren't the electronic eavesdroppings by the NSA on FOREIGN communications, including foreign communications on U.S. soil? Example: Call originates from foreign destination to U.S. (or vice versa) and may get listened to by NSA. You call to order a local pizza = call does not get listened to by NSA. Plus, there may be list of specific names of suspected terrorists/associates which may get listened to.

As regards some of your other points, the situation in Iraq has improved DRAMATICALLY of late, and may well continue to get better. Time to pout away the negative for a while and open your eyes to the positive.

BluffTHIS! 12-21-2005 08:48 AM

Re: Big, Fat Reality Check
MMMMMM, I just want to comment that I think this last response of yours is just right in length. By that I mean nothing denigrating about the actual substance or length of some of your other responses, but just that by keeping them shorter, when Cyrus feels compelled to parse them line by line and word by word and rebut to each minute part, then his overall reply post won't have to be 3 monitor screens high.

vulturesrow 12-21-2005 10:00 AM

Re: Big, Fat Reality Check
And, by the way: The NSA kind of technology is mostly useless against the low-tech threat that is Qaeda and its branches. Bear that in mind.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is incredibly wrong. And that is not an exaggeration in the least.

Cyrus 12-21-2005 10:49 AM

Yo, Stringer?
And, by the way: The NSA kind of technology is mostly useless against the low-tech threat that is Qaeda and its branches.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is incredibly wrong. And that is not an exaggeration in the least.

[/ QUOTE ]

I stand by my claim - "mostly" an' all.

Those guys are fanatics, criminals, etc, but they are not stupider than the drug dealers in The Wire, Season 1.

vulturesrow 12-21-2005 10:52 AM

Re: Yo, Stringer?
Al-Qaeda and their ilk make heavy use of satellite communications, cellular technology, and the Internet. How is the NSA 'mostly useless' against this?

Cyrus 12-21-2005 10:56 AM

1/3rd monitor-high Response
By keeping [your responses] shorter, when Cyrus feels compelled to parse them line by line and word by word and rebut to each minute part, then his overall reply post won't have to be 3 monitor screens high.

[/ QUOTE ]

1. The sentence above looks like a cut-up. [img]/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]

2. Some posts make a lot of worthwhile points, e.g. PartyRocks' OP. Other posts are short on quantity but long on quality. Both kinds deserve a substantial response, which could also be a lengthy one. Nevertheless, I try to make 'em short 'n sweet. And they mostly are.

Take care.

sternroolz 12-21-2005 11:52 AM

Re: This board makes me laugh (a reality check)
With Iran and North Korea developing nuclear weapons? With Soviet nukes still unaccounted for? I can only assume you are joking.

I don't buy that we are struggling against a terrorist threat that could any way threaten our nation's survival. That's beyond hyperbole.

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