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[censored] 11-02-2005 04:22 AM

Wrestling Angles that worked
I seem to be getting a touch of the wrestling fever as of late. Today I've been thinking about those wrestling angles that actually worked. worked as in were entertaining, made you want more AND resulted in matches you wanted to see.

I can think of a bunch but I'll wait a bit and then chime in with some that are missed.

Jack of Arcades 11-02-2005 04:26 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
The only thing that ever got me interested in seeing a match were the two guys in the ring.

Boris 11-02-2005 04:27 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
I was always a big fan of Cactus Jack and his barbwire club.

jaydub 11-02-2005 04:28 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked

kipin 11-02-2005 04:28 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
Wrestling was fun when I was 12. I think it got stupid by the time I was 14.

[censored] 11-02-2005 04:29 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
The only thing that ever got me interested in seeing a match were the two guys in the ring.

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Examples? I'm somewhat this way too but let's face it since the matches are predetermined the only reason someone could be interested in the match and outcome is if there has been sometype of buildup, angle, story to cause it to be so.

[censored] 11-02-2005 04:30 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
Wrestling was fun when I was 12. I think it got stupid by the time I was 14.

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You need to ungrow-up then.

kipin 11-02-2005 04:31 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
Wrestling was fun when I was 12. I think it got stupid by the time I was 14.

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You need to ungrow-up then.

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I have tried to watch it recently, but it just doesn't hold the same appeal. I think its fun until you realize they just keep repeating the same gimmicks and story lines.

Eurotrash 11-02-2005 04:34 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
I always really like the Corporation/DX angles. like when HBK was the crooked commish, but then he made the face turn and gave McMahon the superkick. that was pretty cool.

edit: also a lot of stuff that involved McMahon (both Vince and Shane-o) strutting out to NO CHANCE and talking [censored]. that was too funny

Jack of Arcades 11-02-2005 04:37 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
The only thing that ever got me interested in seeing a match were the two guys in the ring.

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Examples? I'm somewhat this way too but let's face it since the matches are predetermined the only reason someone could be interested in the match and outcome is if there has been sometype of buildup, angle, story to cause it to be so.

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It's never the outcome that matters in things like wrestling, tv shows, and movies. It's how it gets there. The Chris Jericho/Christian thing from about a year and a half a go was horribly boring and drawn out, but it's Chris Jericho and Christian! They'll make quality matches, so I'll watch.

Dynasty 11-02-2005 04:37 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
I'd say the three most successful were:

1. Hulkamania (WWF, 1984-1987): Hulk Hogan as the all-American hero who conquered all obstacles worked very well in it's early years. When he beat Andre the Giant at WrestleMania III, it was a great moment.

It's truly amazing that Vince McMahon made such a great choice for his "chosen one". Hogan had gained popularity in the midwest AWA region due, in part, to his appearance in Rocky III. But, for McMahon to annoint him as champion immediately upon his entrance into the WWF in January of 1984 and for Hogan to take off like he did seems almost magical. Within half a year, wrestling went from a saturday afternoon TV show to something which was being show live on MTV (Moolah vs. Richter & Hogan vs. Piper) and then to great success in close-circuit TV and Pay-Per-View.

2. New World Order (WCW, 1996-1997): The invasion storyline had been done before in Japan. But, it was completely fresh in the U.S. Scott Hall's and Kevin Nash's early appearances in WCW, pretending to still work for the WWF, was a completely unique way to introduce new performers- especially since they were now using their real names. When Hogan made his long overdue heal turn, it sealed the nWo's future.

3. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Vince McMahon (WWF, 1998): Austin portrayed the anit-hero perfectly. More importantly, he had the ultimate villian in Vince McMahon. McMahon had been on WWF TV for more the two decades. By 1998, all fans knew he actually owned the company and wasn't just a broadcaster. McMahon was probably the only guy who had the credibility to pull off that role. Austin vs. McMahon was a great "regular guy vs. the system".

[censored] 11-02-2005 04:39 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
One Example from ECW is the feud between Taz and Sabu. Former partners whose feud built up over almost a year without either of the two facing each other in the ring. Damn I need to go back and get all the details. Those who watched ECW will know what I'm talking about.

[censored] 11-02-2005 04:42 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked

[/ QUOTE ]

Have an example that you remember?

kipin 11-02-2005 04:45 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
I'd say the three most successful were:

2. New World Order (WCW, 1996-1997): The invasion storyline had been done before in Japan. But, it was completely fresh in the U.S. Scott Hall's and Kevin Nash's early appearances in WCW, pretending to still work for the WWF, was a completely unique way to introduce new performers- especially since they were now using their real names. When Hogan made his long overdue heal turn, it sealed the nWo's future.

3. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Vince McMahon (WWF, 1998): Austin portrayed the anit-hero perfectly. More importantly, he had the ultimate villian in Vince McMahon. McMahon had been on WWF TV for more the two decades. By 1998, all fans knew he actually owned the company and wasn't just a broadcaster. McMahon was probably the only guy who had the credibility to pull off that role. Austin vs. McMahon was a great "regular guy vs. the system".

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These are two of the angles that I did enjoy the most. After Austin was injured the WWF really started to go downhill.

jaydub 11-02-2005 04:46 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked

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Have an example that you remember?

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You missed the joke. Pride as in the pride fighting championship. Smallish NHB fighting confederacy out of japan. They have some ties to pro wrestling and usually put on a pretty good show

rusty JEDI 11-02-2005 04:49 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
Brutus the Barber dishing out sleeper holds and haircuts

Hart Foundation vs British Bulldogs, and the crooked ref who later fought alongside the Hart Foundation

Any time they get some midgets in there and its 4 midgets vs 1 regular guy

Phoenix1010 11-02-2005 04:50 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
The Undertaker-Kane feud was one of the ones I found most entertaining. All the DX stuff got my attention back in the day as well. Everything between Stone Cold and the Rock was also really crazy because their stardom just grew so wildly out of control that everything they did together was special.

edfurlong 11-02-2005 04:53 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
I'm straight so I don't watch wrestling. But when I was in college I saw some matches where the ring hookers tried to tear the clothes off each other. That's good stuff.

[censored] 11-02-2005 04:54 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
1. Hulkamania (WWF, 1984-1987): Hulk Hogan as the all-American hero who conquered all obstacles worked very well in it's early years. When he beat Andre the Giant at WrestleMania III, it was a great moment.

It's truly amazing that Vince McMahon made such a great choice for his "chosen one". Hogan had gained popularity in the midwest AWA region due, in part, to his appearance in Rocky III. But, for McMahon to annoint him as champion immediately upon his entrance into the WWF in January of 1984 and for Hogan to take off like he did seems almost magical. Within half a year, wrestling went from a saturday afternoon TV show to something which was being show live on MTV (Moolah vs. Richter & Hogan vs. Piper) and then to great success in close-circuit TV and Pay-Per-View.

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Interestingly enough not only did McMahon choose Hogan but he also used the formula from Rocky III basically exclusively during those years.

Popular champion loved by people. unstoppable monster climbs the ranks quickly destroying his competition. I believe the lineage went Big John Studd (Madison square gardens, King Kong Bundy (WM2) and Andre The Giant (WM3. Each time Hogan would first get beat up or embarrassed and seem to be completely overmatched.

Good Stuff.

Another good Hogan angle from the time was when Paul Orndorff (Mr. Wonderful) turned on Hogan after a tag team match and pile drived him in the center of the ring.

The one constant in all the Hogan feuds? Bobby The Brain Heenan. Piper gets a ton of credit but it was Heenan IMO who was ultimate Hogan foil. It was quite similar the Lex Luthor vs. Superman type.

2+2 wannabe 11-02-2005 04:58 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
I think the....what's-his-face....anyways, the guy who was pretty much a backyard wrestler who would get thrown off the cage, had a hand puppet, and was just well liked by everyone interested in the WWF. Mic Foley or something like that? It was only good for the WWF.

[censored] 11-02-2005 04:58 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked

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Have an example that you remember?

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You missed the joke. Pride as in the pride fighting championship. Smallish NHB fighting confederacy out of japan. They have some ties to pro wrestling and usually put on a pretty good show

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I've actually been wanting to order some their DVD's for sometime now as I hear it is much better than UFC.

Where to start? Also they have english commentary right?

LesJ 11-02-2005 05:00 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
Sting vs. Heel Hogan in WCW. They actually took their time and built up Sting coming to the resuce of WCW over a period of several months. He dropped down for the rafters and saved "WCW" workers from the evil Hogan and NWO for months before they FINALLY squared off in a main event match. Even with the constant battles with WWF for ratings at the time, they resisted the urge to hot-shot that match.

[censored] 11-02-2005 05:02 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
Sting vs. Heel Hogan in WCW. They actually took their time and built up Sting coming to the resuce of WCW over a period of several months. He dropped down for the rafters and saved "WCW" workers from the evil Hogan and NWO for months before they FINALLY squared off in a main event match. Even with the constant battles with WWF for ratings at the time, they resisted the urge to hot-shot that match.

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Yes! Excellent choice. That's what is missing today the slow burn build up for matches.

Boy did they sure [censored] up the booking of the actual match though. Classic WCW screwing up something that writes itself.

jaydub 11-02-2005 05:03 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked

[/ QUOTE ]

Have an example that you remember?

[/ QUOTE ]

You missed the joke. Pride as in the pride fighting championship. Smallish NHB fighting confederacy out of japan. They have some ties to pro wrestling and usually put on a pretty good show

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I've actually been wanting to order some their DVD's for sometime now as I hear it is much better than UFC.

Where to start? Also they have english commentary right?

[/ QUOTE ]

start with the ultimate fighter being shown on spike, it's free and will test your interest. yup english is all that's needed.

[censored] 11-02-2005 05:05 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked

[/ QUOTE ]

Have an example that you remember?

[/ QUOTE ]

You missed the joke. Pride as in the pride fighting championship. Smallish NHB fighting confederacy out of japan. They have some ties to pro wrestling and usually put on a pretty good show

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I've actually been wanting to order some their DVD's for sometime now as I hear it is much better than UFC.

Where to start? Also they have english commentary right?

[/ QUOTE ]

start with the ultimate fighter being shown on spike, it's free and will test your interest. yup english is all that's needed.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm way past that man. I've rented the first 37 UFC's in order and will get caught up by the end of the year im sure.

jokerthief 11-02-2005 05:07 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
The best one is called the cowboy. When on top push your opponent down and go for the left wrist, grabbing underneath the arm. Buck opponent forward until his left arm is to his chest or under his body maintaining the grip on the wrist the whole time. Now grab his left wrist with your right hand while you manuver your left shoulder blade on his left shoulder blade. Now use your body as a lever and wrench out his arm. Once the arm is out lay it 180° on his back, grab and secure the wrist with the right hand. Pull his wrist to the mat as forcefuly as you can. If his right arm is at his side crossface him with your left forearm until he is forced to put his arm out to avoid being flipped. Once his arm is outsrtreached go under it and grap his left wrist with your left hand while releasing with your right. After doing this scoot around his body 270° until you are perpendicular with his right shoulder. Reach over his body with your right hand and cup his chin while lifting his body and your own. Push your chest to his chest while pushing with your legs. Continue pushing until his back is 180 ° to the ground. Match over.

Jack of Arcades 11-02-2005 05:08 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
Sting vs. Heel Hogan in WCW. They actually took their time and built up Sting coming to the resuce of WCW over a period of several months. He dropped down for the rafters and saved "WCW" workers from the evil Hogan and NWO for months before they FINALLY squared off in a main event match. Even with the constant battles with WWF for ratings at the time, they resisted the urge to hot-shot that match.

[/ QUOTE ]

And then they [censored] it up when they actually did it.

Of course, then they screwed up Goldberg vs Hogan.

[censored] 11-02-2005 05:10 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
The best one is called the cowboy. When on top push your opponent down and go for the left wrist, grabbing underneath the arm. Buck opponent forward until his left arm is to his chest or under his body maintaining the grip on the wrist the whole time. Now grab his left wrist with your right hand while you manuver your left shoulder blade on his left shoulder blade. Now use your body as a lever and wrench out his arm. Once the arm is out lay it 180° on his back, grab and secure the wrist with the right hand. Pull his wrist to the mat as forceful as you can. If his right arm is at his side crossface him with your left forearm until he is forced to put his arm out to avoid being flipped. Once his arm is outsrtreached go under it and grap his left wrist with your left hand while releasing with your right. After doing this scoot around his body 270° until you are perpendicular with his right shoulder. Reach over his body with your right hand and cup his chin while lifting his body and your own. Push your chest to his chest while pushing with your legs. Continue pushing until his back is 180 ° to the ground. Match over.

[/ QUOTE ]

No dude.

jaydub 11-02-2005 05:10 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
I'm way past that man. I've rented the first 37 UFC's in order and will get caught up by the end of the year im sure.

[/ QUOTE ]


then why did you not know pride? they pay more and have better fighters. seen smashing machine yet? phenom flick.

[censored] 11-02-2005 05:12 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
Sting vs. Heel Hogan in WCW. They actually took their time and built up Sting coming to the resuce of WCW over a period of several months. He dropped down for the rafters and saved "WCW" workers from the evil Hogan and NWO for months before they FINALLY squared off in a main event match. Even with the constant battles with WWF for ratings at the time, they resisted the urge to hot-shot that match.

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And then they [censored] it up when they actually did it.

Of course, then they screwed up Goldberg vs Hogan.

[/ QUOTE ]

They definently scewed up Sting - Hogan. Horrible match booking as I said.

Why do you say they screwed up Goldberg - Hogan though? I thought that was one of the most exciting Nitros and I was actually unsure as to who would win because Hogan looked like he would never give that title up.

My only complaint would be that it should have been a PPV but I thought the match itself was fine.

[censored] 11-02-2005 05:14 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
I'm way past that man. I've rented the first 37 UFC's in order and will get caught up by the end of the year im sure.

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then why did you not know pride? they pay more and have better fighters. seen smashing machine yet? phenom flick.

[/ QUOTE ]

I knew it existed. I just haven't seen it at all.

If the OP would have said Pride fighting then I would have known I thought he was using pride being on the line as a example of a good angle

jokerthief 11-02-2005 05:23 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked

No dude.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh yes. It works quite well if you have your angles just right. The most important angle is when you cup the chin and lift the body. You want to be chest to chest while being 90° to his body.

<font color="white"> I know this joke is lame but this exwrestler can't help himself. If do ever get into a fight the fist half of the move is very good strategy to gain control. Once you get the arm on the back it's also very easy to break! Good times. </font>

Dynasty 11-02-2005 05:23 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
Here's a couple old-school angles.

1. Larry Zbyszko turns on Bruno Sammartino (1980): In the WWWF's first sixteen years of existence, Bruno Sammartino was champion for eleven of them. His second reign ended in 1977 but he continued wrestling as an additional attraction to supplement WWWF champion Bob Backlund (1978 - 1983).

Larry Zbyszko was a protege and friend of Sammartino in both real life and in the WWWF TV programs. He was a typical 1970's good guy. He never broke the rules. He smiled at the fans. He was a goody-goody who didn't stand out too much.

In 1980, vitually out of nowhere, Zbyszko acted upset and jealous over his mentor's popularity and perceived superior ring skills. Eventually, Zbyszko challenged Sammartino to a good guys vs. good guy match. When the match happened, the two fought a technical match with Sammartino constantly frustrating Zbyszko. Eventually, Zbyszko fell out of the ring after getting out-maneuvered. Sammartino held the ring ropes open for Zbyszko to re-enter but (of course) let his attention slip. Zbysko grabbed your standard metal folding chair and cut loose on the WWWF legend.

The heel turn was stunning and carried Zbyszko throughout his career. In fact, Zbyszko would start calling himself the "New Living Legend" mocking Sammartino's nickname of "Living Legend".

The feud ended in the summer of 1980 when Zbyszko and Sammartino fought in a Steel Cage match in Shea Stadium. The match was so huge that it was broadcast live on ABC's Wild World of Sports. Sammartino won the match. But, Zbysko claimed that he was the true victor by saying that Sammartino was never the same after the beating Zbyszko gave him, thus forcing Sammartino into retirement.

2. The Von Erich brothers vs. The Freebirds (1983)

World Class Championship wrestling, based in Texas, in 1983 was pure fun. David, Kevin, and Kerry Von Erich were Texas boys who were already the most popular stars in their family-owned company. In 1983 (actually, very late 1982), The Fabulous Freebirds, three rock 'n'roll/Georgia boys who had been together for a couple years in other promotions joined World Class.

World Class created a six-man tag team championship. On Christmas, 1982, the Freebirds won the championship as good guys. Later in the evening, Kerry Von Erich was wrestling Ric Flair for the NWA championship. Freebird Michael Hayes was a guest referee controling the cage door. Towards the end of the match, Hayes interfered in the match and offered Von Erich an easy path to win the NWA belt. Von Erich protested an said he wouldn't accept a win that way. Hayes responded by slamming the steel cage door in Von Erich's face allowing Flair a sudden victory.

Throughout 1983, the six wrestlers fought in every imaginable way (including a memorable strap match). The heat was non-stop. The only thing which slowed it down was the death of David Von Erich.

daveymck 11-02-2005 05:24 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
I enjoyed when undertaker went dark and had the brood.

Only see it in passing now (and when take the kids to the live show) doesnt seemt the same characters around as in the past and I think they are missing the true superstars that they had a few years ago.

Jack of Arcades 11-02-2005 05:27 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
Sting vs. Heel Hogan in WCW. They actually took their time and built up Sting coming to the resuce of WCW over a period of several months. He dropped down for the rafters and saved "WCW" workers from the evil Hogan and NWO for months before they FINALLY squared off in a main event match. Even with the constant battles with WWF for ratings at the time, they resisted the urge to hot-shot that match.

[/ QUOTE ]

And then they [censored] it up when they actually did it.

Of course, then they screwed up Goldberg vs Hogan.

[/ QUOTE ]

They definently scewed up Sting - Hogan. Horrible match booking as I said.

Why do you say they screwed up Goldberg - Hogan though? I thought that was one of the most exciting Nitros and I was actually unsure as to who would win because Hogan looked like he would never give that title up.

My only complaint would be that it should have been a PPV but I thought the match itself was fine.

[/ QUOTE ]

It was a good match but it was rushed, and they definitely could've saved it for a PPV. they screwed themseleves over by blowing it on a nitro, they could've gotten a huge ppv out of it.

[censored] 11-02-2005 05:28 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked

more please

Dynasty 11-02-2005 05:30 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked

more please

[/ QUOTE ]

It'll have to be tomorrow. I'm getting sleeping. I cut short that last post.

[censored] 11-02-2005 05:33 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
Sting vs. Heel Hogan in WCW. They actually took their time and built up Sting coming to the resuce of WCW over a period of several months. He dropped down for the rafters and saved "WCW" workers from the evil Hogan and NWO for months before they FINALLY squared off in a main event match. Even with the constant battles with WWF for ratings at the time, they resisted the urge to hot-shot that match.

[/ QUOTE ]

And then they [censored] it up when they actually did it.

Of course, then they screwed up Goldberg vs Hogan.

[/ QUOTE ]

They definently scewed up Sting - Hogan. Horrible match booking as I said.

Why do you say they screwed up Goldberg - Hogan though? I thought that was one of the most exciting Nitros and I was actually unsure as to who would win because Hogan looked like he would never give that title up.

My only complaint would be that it should have been a PPV but I thought the match itself was fine.

[/ QUOTE ]

It was a good match but it was rushed, and they definitely could've saved it for a PPV. they screwed themseleves over by blowing it on a nitro, they could've gotten a huge ppv out of it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I thought one problem was that it vaulted Goldberg too quickly when he still had a number of mid card level wrestlers he could have taken on in a believable fashion (believable in terms of could defeat him) If I recall correctly he had just one the U.S. Championship the week prior against Raven and had not even started messing with the NWO.

Once he beat Hall and then Hogan in the same night those matches could no longer be done with any interest and we were forced to wait 1/2 a year until Starrcade where he would face Kevin Nash.

I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on how badly WCW screwed up the first Goldberg - Sting match and run up to the match (basically non) God what a [censored] joke

siccjay 11-02-2005 05:46 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
Quickly, here are some of my favorite things that I remember.

Of course DX, the Corporation, and the Nation of Domination (Rock's beginning)

ECW Invasion

The Rock and Sock connection.

NWO recruiting new members every week.

Tables, Ladders, and Chairs matches (Dudleys and Hardys)

The Y2J countdown.

Goldbergs streak (Sure he couldnt work a match, but him MAULING jobbers was enjoyable) It was great when he finally fought someone decent and everyone thought there might be a match but he still SPEAR JACKHAMMER PIN hahahah

Stone Cold vs Vince (I heard this has started back up, I doubt it could be the same)

I'm sure there is a ton more, but I can't remember any at the moment.

Jack of Arcades 11-02-2005 06:29 AM

Re: Wrestling Angles that worked
He had actually just won the U.S. Championship *that night* vs Raven.

Memory fading though, I was in an out of wrestling during that time, and would be off/on/off until today. Christian leaving pretty much sealed my fate since I don't catch USA though.

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