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12-23-2005 11:48 AM

Fox News does a fluff piece promoting a white supremisist website
Well Fox News's local affiliate, Fox Carolina has finally shown us how racist the culture at Fox News is.
Here is the link so you can see the it for yourself.

Fruthermore, the site, also hosts <a href="" target="_blank">this gem</a>.

Here is a post the reporter put on the stromfront message board: [ QUOTE ]
I am the reporter who did this story. For those of you who live in the FOX Carolina viewing area, I am willing to do a follow-up story to show a better make-up of the people who are members and talk more in-depth about your beliefs. THis would probably air in February. Let me know if you are interested.

[/ QUOTE ]

When asked about the story,[ QUOTE ]
[The reporter] told Think Progress that she is unsure whether or not she will be doing a follow-up piece and is waiting to hear more from the “local community.” When asked why she didn’t include some voices that were critical of StormFront, she replied she did the story exactly as she was told to and that officials at the network were very pleased with her coverage.

[/ QUOTE ]

There you have it, neo nazis getting free publicity, fair and balanced, sans fairness and balance.

MMMMMM 12-23-2005 01:05 PM

A Caution About Sample Size
Unfortunately, it appears that the Fox News Carolina affiliate station has removed the actual story, so we can't read it for ourselves to determine just how "racist" it may be--or if it is even "racist" at all.

As for your assertion that this shows how "racist" the culture at Fox News is, you could probably benefit from a basic understanding of logical fallacies.

Using ONE story by ONE reporter from ONE Fox affiliate station to draw conclusions about the nature of the Fox News network is clearly fallacious.

Specifically, you are employing a fallacy known as "Hasty Generalization", which falls under the category of "Unrepresentative Sample."

All posters on this site should be aware of the potential dangers of drawing conclusions based upon insufficient sample size. Hopefully, you may find the above link useful. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

cardcounter0 12-23-2005 01:11 PM

Re: Fox News does a fluff piece promoting a white supremisist website
The corporate media giant that is FOX news also does "Fair and Balanced" reporting in China with the support of the communist party there.

Now as far as local listeners for this broadcast, I can hear them now:

"Yehaaww! Bout time we get some fair and balanced reporting on them Stormfront boys. Won't be hearing a story like that on that there libber-all CBS"

And the local listeners of FOX probably voted for and support the current regime ..err... Bush Administration.

FOX News knows it's audience and won't broadcast anything to upset it, only to support it (in a fair and balanced manner, of course).

cardcounter0 12-23-2005 01:13 PM

Re: A Caution About Sample Size
When James Earl Ray shot Martin Luther King, that was the first n*gger he had ever shot, so it would be hasty to conclude, due to small sample size, that he was racist.

MMMMMM 12-23-2005 01:30 PM

Re: A Caution About Sample Size
When James Earl Ray shot Martin Luther King, that was the first n*gger he had ever shot, so it would be hasty to conclude, due to small sample size, that he was racist.

[/ QUOTE ]

Can you think of a better example than that?

12-23-2005 01:47 PM

Re: A Caution About Sample Size
When James Earl Ray shot Martin Luther King, that was the first n*gger he had ever shot, so it would be hasty to conclude, due to small sample size, that he was racist.

[/ QUOTE ]

Do you actually believe James Earl never did anything else that would demonstrate his racism? C'mon, killing MLK was just his highest low point.

cardcounter0 12-23-2005 01:54 PM

Re: A Caution About Sample Size
Do you actually believe James Earl never did anything else that would demonstrate his racism?

[/ QUOTE ]

Can you name anything? Do you know anything about him? Why would assume that he was racist, other than his sample size = 1 shooting of MLK?

bobman0330 12-23-2005 02:01 PM

Re: Fox News does a fluff piece promoting a white supremisist website
Well Fox News's local affiliate, Fox Carolina has finally shown us how racist the culture at Fox News is.
Here is the link so you can see the it for yourself.

[/ QUOTE ]

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Fox Carolina isn't an affiliate of Fox News, is it? It's the local affiliate of the Fox network, which also owns Fox News. Anyways, how are you projecting a piece made by 8 rednecks in a local newsroom onto an entire network? Doesn't make much sense to me.

cardcounter0 12-23-2005 02:05 PM

Re: Fox News does a fluff piece promoting a white supremisist website
she replied she did the story exactly as she was told to and that officials at the network were very pleased with her coverage.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeeehaaaw! We will just ignore that part, right Billy Bob?

12-23-2005 02:06 PM

Re: A Caution About Sample Size
Can you name anything? Do you know anything about him? Why would assume that he was racist, other than his sample size = 1 shooting of MLK?

[/ QUOTE ]

Answer my question and then I'll go do the research for you. mmmmm-kaaay?

cardcounter0 12-23-2005 02:14 PM

Re: A Caution About Sample Size
Do you always form a conclusion, then do research to support it? If so, there is a spot in U.S. Intelligence for you!

12-23-2005 02:16 PM

Re: Fox News does a fluff piece promoting a white supremisist website
To say fox news and fox affiliates are completely isolated idealogically is a naive statement.

A part of the excellent documentry 'Out Foxed' tells the story of a local affiliate that was brow beat into running negative stories about democrats. They had to run entire pieces unedited that took pot shots at respected policital figures.

So that is not a hasty generalization. The culture of Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch is pervasive. Look at the Katrina coverage or the constant bashing of black leaders.

A CBS or ABC affiliate would never run garbage like this.

The vast majority of Fox News viewers are racist and saying "i have a lot of black friends" does not mean you cant be a bigot.

bobman0330 12-23-2005 02:48 PM

Re: Fox News does a fluff piece promoting a white supremisist website
The vast majority of Fox News viewers are racist and saying "i have a lot of black friends" does not mean you cant be a bigot

[/ QUOTE ]

Amazing. Are you including Fox viewers in this too?

BCPVP 12-23-2005 03:03 PM

Re: Fox News does a fluff piece promoting a white supremisist website
Don't feed the trolls, guys.

whiskeytown 12-23-2005 10:07 PM

Re: A Caution About Sample Size
If you watch "Outfoxed", you will realize that this is STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE for Fox and the affilates. There are several memos regarding talking points and catch phrases, all to be repeated by on-air staff -

How many stories from how many Fox affilates and the Network in general do you need before you start to accept the fact that the outlet has a history of attempting to portray the Republican Agenda as "fair and balanced" when they are anything but?


MMMMMM 12-23-2005 10:54 PM

Re: A Caution About Sample Size
If you watch "Outfoxed", you will realize that this is STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE for Fox and the affilates. There are several memos regarding talking points and catch phrases, all to be repeated by on-air staff -

How many stories from how many Fox affilates and the Network in general do you need before you start to accept the fact that the outlet has a history of attempting to portray the Republican Agenda as "fair and balanced" when they are anything but?


[/ QUOTE ]

I've watched neither, but what you're talking about is a far cry from the OP's claims.

canis582 12-23-2005 11:22 PM

Re: A Caution About Sample Size
The report leaves the impression that these guys are your "friendly neighborhood racists" who just want their own race and to be left alone.

READ THE SITE. They are far worse than Fox made them appear. Stormfront got exactly what they wanted - a free advertisement to lure in "tepid racists" who might be too afraid to join any "extremist racist" sites.

That piece was a SLAM DUNK for stormfront. Sure, we can all see it for what it is, but I'm sure stormfront got a bunch of new members from SC/NC.

The reporter was derelict by allowing the site to define itself in its own words when the "facts" clearly say it is much worse. In this case, simply reporting "their own words" on the website would have been sufficient.

MMMMMM 12-23-2005 11:38 PM

Re: A Caution About Sample Size
The report leaves the impression that these guys are your "friendly neighborhood racists" who just want their own race and to be left alone.

READ THE SITE. They are far worse than Fox made them appear. Stormfront got exactly what they wanted - a free advertisement to lure in "tepid racists" who might be too afraid to join any "extremist racist" sites.

That piece was a SLAM DUNK for stormfront. Sure, we can all see it for what it is, but I'm sure stormfront got a bunch of new members from SC/NC.

The reporter was derelict by allowing the site to define itself in its own words when the "facts" clearly say it is much worse. In this case, simply reporting "their own words" on the website would have been sufficient.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not disputing much of what you say, but since the original piece by Fox Carolina is apparently no longer up on the web, we don't really know what it said in its entirety. All we have to go on is a "report about a report".

canis582 12-24-2005 12:00 AM

Re: A Caution About Sample Size
Here is a video and a transcript of the segment.

If any part of it was faked, you can bet Newscorp would insta-sue think progress.

So whats this arguement you are making about not knowing exactly what was in the segment?

Just admit that it is completely indefensible and not unrelated to fox cable news. Fox cable news would not allow an affiliate to air a pro-liberal story, but it allows them to promote hate sites.

MMMMMM 12-24-2005 12:31 AM

Re: A Caution About Sample Size
OK, canis, I just watched the video, on your recommendation.

Overall, it had the feel of a factual piece of reportage--although at the end, it may have seemed a tad "inviting" to the viewer, perhaps. That is about where the segment got cut off.

I don't see it as championing Stormfront; it does give the group some publicity; and the lack of much negativity in the piece is somewhat notable.

I don't know much about Stormfront, other than what that piece reported; if the report is an accurate overall characterization, then Stormfront would not seem nearly as bad as, say, the KKK or the Neo-Nazis.

I guess I'll take a browse over to the Stormfront website now and see what impressions can be gathered; now I'm curious if they are really Neo-Nazis or the like, or if it is much less bad than all that.

12-24-2005 01:11 AM

Re: A Caution About Sample Size
Do you always form a conclusion, then do research to support it? If so, there is a spot in U.S. Intelligence for you!

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, this is damn funny. [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

MMMMMM 12-24-2005 01:20 AM

Stormfront Forum Short Perusal Report
OK, so I just went over and browsed the Stormfront forums.

Altogether, the forums struck me as pretty boring and somewhat depressing. There appeared to be a range of posters, from the radical to the mundane. I don't think most of them were as far out as Neo-Nazis, but I would suppose most of them are racists.

They seem to be trying to put a different tack on things, to appeal to the average schmoe who won't go for goose-stepping or white robes: sort of a white-pride separatist tack, rather than an "anti" to others. That is, focus is much more on "pro-white", rather than on "anti-black" (for instance). And I got the impression that this was a genuine thrust as well, for many of the members,

All in all, like I said: rather boring and depressing. It was disappointing that the site itself seemed to be only a forum, and did not have an "About Us" or "Our Principles" page, as things like that were only addressed within the forums.

By the way, I don't see anything wrong with Fox Carolina doing a report on the group--after all, various news media have done reports or exposes on groups like the KKK and the Nation of Islam, too, as well as on more innocuous groups--but I do think the report should have had more outside objective assessments and verifiable information, rather than mostly just reporting on what members had to say about themselves and the group. And yes, I did get the feeling, as mentioned before, that the Fox Carolina report seemed a tad "inviting" perhaps, especially at the end where it was cut off.

All in all, I don't think most of those guys are like full-blown KKKers or Neo-Nazis, though some probably are: my impression is that their average member is sort of a "lite" version, is a race or cultural supremacist who believes in the white race and European heritage and culture--and may wish to even secede or something like that, in order to have a "pure" region or country to live in. Some also believe in eugenics.

Well, that's the trip report.

12-24-2005 01:31 AM

Re: A Caution About Sample Size
When James Earl Ray shot Martin Luther King, that was the first n*gger he had ever shot, so it would be hasty to conclude, due to small sample size, that he was racist.

[/ QUOTE ]
Just because it's true for one case does not mean it is true in all cases.

JackWhite 12-24-2005 01:40 AM

Re: A Caution About Sample Size
Just admit that it is completely indefensible and not unrelated to fox cable news. Fox cable news would not allow an affiliate to air a pro-liberal story, but it allows them to promote hate sites.

[/ QUOTE ]

Does the Fox News Channel have editorial control over every piece broadcast on a Fox Network local affiliate? I seriously doubt it. You said they allowed it. Is this a fact? Did Roger Ailes or other Fox Netowrk executives know about this piece and approve it?

jman220 12-24-2005 03:32 AM

Re: Fox News does a fluff piece promoting a white supremisist website
The vast majority of Fox News viewers are racist and saying "i have a lot of black friends" does not mean you cant be a bigot.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was completely 100 percent with you right up until that comment.

xpokerx 12-25-2005 01:22 AM

Re: Fox News does a fluff piece promoting a white supremisist website
Your horrific display of intollerance is pretty ironic. Not to defend those whack jobs, but you realize that you are JUST AS BAD AS THEM right?

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