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Jimbo 10-30-2004 11:50 PM

Bye Bye Kerry Supporters
We are just a few days away from all these fly by night Kerry supporters slithering out the door. Personally I can hardly wait for the election to be over so Bush can get back to killing Arab terrorists and putting the fear of God into Europe. Our economy will boom the day after the election and President Bush is reelected. The psychiatrists will be making a fortune from Democrats who refused to believe that Kerry was just a loser from start to finish. Poker tables will be full of on-tilt Demmie fish throwing away their money, just like their campaign contributions.

An added benefit will be the Republican gains in the Senate. We are guaranteed to have 53 seats in the majority after the election and may edge up to 55. A couple of more election cycles and the Demmies will be but a figurehead party in reality as well as appearances. When they lose their power to prevent political appointments what will they do? All the radical Democratic principles of fixing elections, fillibustering judicial appointments and pork barrel spending will soon be over.

Life in America is about to undergo a radical change for the better. The Democrats are along for the ride in spite of themselves. Who says life is fair? However I wouldn't have it any other way. After all someone has to take care of the misinformed.

Flame away as the bombs drop and the terrorists die.

PS: No hard feelings I understand that being a Democrat is something that you cannot help. Whether it be a genetic flaw or a product of your environment some conditions just cannot be overcome with reason.


Non_Comformist 10-31-2004 12:58 AM

Re: Bye Bye Kerry Supporters
I don't know Jimbo,

I am pretty worried. It seems as though many Republican's think Kerry is going to win Ohio and are instead counting on Bush winning a combination of Iowa, Wisconsin and New Mexico. I just can't shake this gut feeling though that if Bush can't win Ohio, he is not going to take left leaning states.

I hope your right.

goldcowboy 10-31-2004 01:08 AM

Re: Bye Bye Kerry Supporters
You have just described my vision of Nirvana.

Dynasty 10-31-2004 01:21 AM

Re: Bye Bye Kerry Supporters
I am pretty worried. It seems as though many Republican's think Kerry is going to win Ohio...

[/ QUOTE ]

It should be be a nailbiter in Ohio. Kerry was up in the polls recently. But, Saturday's polls from Zogby, Mason-Dixon, Cleveland Plain Dealer (big newspaper), and Rasmussen all have Bush ahead.

Bush supporters could even argue about how good the Ohio polls are since both the Zogby and Plain Dealer poll leads are outside the margin of error.

Lots of states are going to be within 3 points one way or the other. It's possible we won't know who wins the Presidency until hours after the polls close in Hawaii.

Thythe 10-31-2004 01:22 AM

Re: Bye Bye Kerry Supporters
This thread reminds me of a thread that was posted a week or so ago that read "bye bye bosox fans" or something along those lines. I've already bookmarked this thread in case Kerry wins. Now I want him to win just so I can post here again.

Jimbo 10-31-2004 01:27 AM

Re: Bye Bye Kerry Supporters
I've already bookmarked this thread in case Kerry wins. Now I want him to win just so I can post here again.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is the first good reason for wanting Kerry to win that I've seen posted on this forum. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


SinCityGuy 10-31-2004 01:58 AM

Re: Bye Bye Kerry Supporters
Even including those new Ohio polls, Bush's average number in Ohio is 47.4, which is horrible for an incumbent president.

Look at these average numbers for Bush in the battleground states:

Ohio - 47.4
Pennsylvania - 46.7
Wisconsin - 46.3
Minnesota - 47.3
Michigan - 44.8
New Hampshire - 46.5

He's in better shape in Florida and Iowa, but still showing poorly for an incumbent. Right on the cusp for having a chance to win.

Florida - 48.5
Iowa - 48.4

Bush needs to track up at least to the high 48's by Monday to have a decent chance in these states.

lastchance 10-31-2004 02:02 AM

Re: Bye Bye Kerry Supporters
I'm going to give you 20 to 1 odds that the Bush will not be able to get back to being the President and that Democrats will not just shut up and go on tilt berserk.

If you think it's a stupid bet, it isn't. Why? Because the Dems have lawyers. Don't you love the new political process where everything is decided by lawyers a month after election has taken place?

Cyrus 10-31-2004 02:58 AM

US map with size of each state showing electoral college importance
Here's an interesting and meticulous blog maintained by a Princeton U professor. (I, of course, find it "interesting" because the professor leans Kerry in his analysis! [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] )

Sample: "...Imagine that in a race between candidates K and B, and K needs to win at least one of Florida or Ohio to win the presidency, while other states do not matter. (This is not that far from the truth, and is simplified to make a clear example.)
<font color="red"> If K's chance of winning either one is 40% (odds 3-to-2 against), then his probability of winning at least one is higher, 64% (odds 16-to-9 in favor).</font> In this case his median number of electoral votes would be more than 270 EV, but a map would show both Florida and Ohio red. In fact, the sum of electoral votes in states with probability greater than 50-50 for K would be less than 270 EV.

Bonus explanation for real geeks:

If the probability of winning Florida (27 electoral votes) is F and the probability of winning Ohio (20 electoral votes) is O, then the probability distribution for all the combinations (0, 20, 27 and 47 EV) can be expressed as the coefficients of the polynomial

[(1-F) + F * x^27] * [(1-O) + O * x^20]

where x is just a placeholder variable.

As you can also see, when the number of possibilities is large (in the millions or more) this is far faster than going through each combination explicitly. In fact, it reduces the calculation from exponential time to polynomial time."

Electoral College Meta-Analysis

<font color="white">+</font>

jokerswild 10-31-2004 01:13 PM

Re: Bye Bye Kerry Supporters
What are you going to do ? Kill everyone that realizs that bush is a fascist dictator?

You would have made a good German citizen in the 1932 election. Truly, your poorly thought out positions deserve a salute of vomit in your face.

sameoldsht 10-31-2004 05:51 PM

Re: Bye Bye Kerry Supporters
Truly, your poorly thought out positions deserve a salute of vomit in your face.

[/ QUOTE ]

This from the guy who wrote:

Osama works for Bush.

[/ QUOTE ]

LMAO at you again.

Jimbo 10-31-2004 05:56 PM

Re: Bye Bye Kerry Supporters
What are you going to do ? Kill everyone that realizs that bush is a fascist dictator?

[/ QUOTE ]

You bring up a good point. Executing people that really believe your statement would increase our nations IQ and might even eliminate a pretty large number of those troublesome democrats. Looks like a win-win situation to me.


iblucky4u2 10-31-2004 10:05 PM

Re: Bye Bye Kerry Supporters
Let me answer with a combination of SNL and Republican approach to a debate


Life in America will get better when we all realize that it's ok to have a different opinion and learn to listen to those that do not agree with us.

That is Democracy.

Jimbo 10-31-2004 10:17 PM

Re: Bye Bye Kerry Supporters
That is Democracy.

[/ QUOTE ]

We live in a constitutional Republic. If you want Democracy seek asylum elsewhere.


rgreenm90 11-01-2004 02:12 AM

Re: Bye Bye Kerry Supporters
Only if you'd like to say it that way. We really live in a Democratic Republic and constitutional is an optional word. More to the point, I really am disgusted with some of Jimbo's posts. Not only do you show a complete disregard for real political issues, but also an unfortunate political preference. May the religious zealot be ousted.
"I'm an intellectual; You're a stupid dumbass."

Felix_Nietsche 11-01-2004 02:47 AM

I wish I was as confident as you...
I fear Bush will win the popular vote but lose in the electoral(sp?) college.

This election will have a MASSIVE amount of voter fraud. Dead people and felons will voting and they will be voting for the Democrats.... In New Mexico poll workers are not allowed to ask for IDs..... Many cities allow foreigners to vote for local elections and I think they will be illegally voting in this election. If you read the news you can see there are a lot of nut-head democrats out there. Shooting, robbing, and vandalizing Bush-Cheney campaign offices is just the tip of the iceberg. Commiting election fraud is well within their ethical boundries......

As for the Senate it takes 60 votes to control the senate. The repubs will not win 60 seats. Also, 2 or 3 repub senators can not be trusted to vote for conservative causes (John McCain is not exactly a small govt guy either).

If the Democrats fail to win the election by fraud, they will go to court and try to win the presidency there. The majority of Democrats are STILL psycotic about the last election....

Boopotts 11-01-2004 02:49 AM

Re: I wish I was as confident as you...
"Commiting election fraud is well within their (the Democrats) ethical boundries......"

This may be the funniest remark posted on this forum in the past three years.

I'll leave it to others to elaborate.

Jimbo 11-03-2004 09:41 AM

Re: Bye Bye Kerry Supporters
Since it is unlikely the Kerry supporters will bump my thread I am happy to do it.

I am now claiming the title of champion political prognosticator. The people have spoken and we will have four more years of safety and prosperity.

It will now be even more difficult for the Democrats to block progressive legislation and judicial appointments if they wish to keep any future polotical viability alive. Perhaps now we can properly conduct the business of the US without being stonewalled by the stubborn liberals. Then again they may not have learned their lesson and the Democratic party will continue to spiral downwards, we must wait and see.


Festus22 11-03-2004 09:57 AM

Re: Bye Bye Kerry Supporters

Maybe Georgie can run the deficit up another $400B or so per year with an outside shot at $1T. My kids are already excited about the prospect of paying all this back. My daughter has saved over $3 so she's well on her way.

Oh wait, I know. It's all these new jobs being created in this booming economy that will provide a huge influx of tax revenue. I'm sure the Asians will be happy to share part of their newly found income to help us out.

At least Iraq will be free (sarcasm).

ddollevoet 11-03-2004 10:24 AM

Re: Bye Bye Kerry Supporters
Speaking of Kerry supporters....

Grey had so many posts before the election that my eyes started to bleed. He hasn't had much to say since the results came in though...

Matty 11-03-2004 12:13 PM

Re: Bye Bye Kerry Supporters
So many? Try 20-30 over the last month.

I went to bed around 11 last night, which was about when my last post was. Sorry I didn't stay up all night posting for you.

Provisional ballots broke about 4:1 for Gore in 2000. Whether this election is over or not really depends on how many provisional ballots are out there.

Toro 11-03-2004 12:18 PM

Re: Bye Bye Kerry Supporters
Yes bye, bye. I don't know how old you are Jimbo, but I'm 55 and doubt that the government will draft me. Have fun.

Jimbo 11-03-2004 11:32 PM

Re: Bye Bye Kerry Supporters
Yes bye, bye. I don't know how old you are Jimbo, but I'm 55 and doubt that the government will draft me. Have fun.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your post is a bit cryptic but I would venture a guess that you dodged the draft and are a bitter liberal. If I am mistaken please correct me.


Toro 11-04-2004 10:48 AM

Re: Bye Bye Kerry Supporters
If by dodging the draft you mean joining the National Guard to avoid the Vietnam fiasco ala dubya, yes, I plead guilty. Am I a liberal? Don't know. I'm conservative on some issues and liberal on others.

I'm just very concerned with Iraq turning into the same fiasco that occurred in Nam. And I'm pretty confident that if we didn't have an all volunteer Army, opinions on Iraq would be a whole lot different.

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