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Alobar 04-27-2005 12:32 PM

Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
So I'm sitting at my comp lastnight when my phone rings around 10pm. It's this smokin hot girl I used to poke about 2 years ago, who I now haven't seen in over a year. She called me out of the blue like 2 weeks ago, with the old "I was just going through my phone and saw your number" line, and then started to tell me how her boyfriend broke up with her and all that jazz. We all know what that means!! So anyway, for various reasons it hadnt worked out yet for us to meet. So then this phone call lastnight happens and she wants me to come pick her up and then hang out at my place (cuz shes never seen it before).

So I go pick her up (oh man, she's even hotter now than she was a year ago) and we get back to my place a bit after 11pm. I live in Ahwatukee now, which for the people outside of Phoenix, is a pretty nice area of town, so crime isn't a big issue. I park my truck in the garage, AND CLOSE (Im 100% positive of this) the garage door.

We hang out downstairs till about 12:30am watching videos and drinking a couple beers. At which point I make my move, and then we head up stairs. All the doors to my house are locked, except for the back sliding glass door. So we go upstairs and have some pretty loud sex until about 2am. Now my dog doesn't like whenever I'm getting it on, so she is downstairs. After the sex, my friend goes downstairs to use the bathroom. Which isn't unusual for her, cuz she has this phobia about people hearing her while shes peeing. She is downstairs for prolly 5 minutes. Then comes back up and we are cuddle, my dog is also on the bed too. I fall alseep and at 3am she wakes me up asking if I would take her home, cuz she has to go to work at 11.

So we get dressed, walk downstairs and I let my dog out into the backyard and lock the sliding glass door, then we go into the garage. Now when I open the door to the garage and turn on the light, I see some wierd [censored]. The drivers door is open, the gas tank lid is open, the glove box, center console, and all the little compartments inside are open. I have a row of floor to ceiling storage cabinets in the garage, those are all open. The "suitcases" in my tool box have been taken out (I dunno what to call them, like the hard plastic container that holds all the wrenches and stuff), and just sat nicely directly in front of the toolbox. Absolutely NOTHING is missing. I check the side door that goes into the garage and it is locked. So to get in the garage they had to come through the house.

Since nothing is taken, I think maybe they wernt done and there is a possibility someone is still in the house. Someone could easily have ducked into the downstairs bathroom or bedroom when they heard us start moving around. So I call the police, cuz my skinny white ass doesnt wanna go searching through the house to see if someone is there, I'll let the guy with the badge and the gun do that.

like 15(!!) minutes later 2 cops show up, I explain to the main cop what happened. And after like 5 minutes of explaining the same siituationhe finally gets it, and they go make a round through the house. They finish and the guy tells me "welp, no one was in your house tonight." All kind of matter of factly then implies that we were high or something, and did it our selves. Wow, nice. So the two douches leave and I take my friend home.

Now logically I can only deduce 3 possibilites.

1) Someone, who saw the lights and the TV on, still decided to break into my house, snuck in the back door (without my dog ever hearing it) went through the house, never touching anything. My wallet wasnt taken, my friends purse wasnt touched, nothing downstairs was even moved. Went into the garage and then went through my truck, but took nothing. Ive 2 bicycles each worth over 2 grand a piece, a tool box full of tools, all kinds of stuff. They took nothing. just opened everything and then snuck back out of the house the way they came, again, without my dog ever hearing it. If it was while we were having sex, my dog was downstairs, if it was afterwords while my dog was upstairs, they had less than an hour and made no noise. Why would a burgler do this? It makes no sense. My friend says they were scoping the place out to come back and rob it later.

2) My place is haunted. I've been here for not quite 2 months tho, and have not had one even remotely wierd thing happen.

3) My friend did it when she was downstairs "using the bathroom". Obviously since she was naked at the time she couldnt take anything, and since I was her ride home, she couldnt take anything, so thats why my wallet wasnt touched or anything of that nature. Or mmaybe she wasnt trying to take anything, just wanted to make it look like a ghost or something, cuz for what ever phsycological reason she was compelled to do this. I just dont get what her motivation for this would have been, and I don't see her doing that. But then I also havent seen her in over a year, she is only 20, and was a little on the immature side when I knew her before.

So wtf do I do now? If it was a robber, am I supposed to worry they were casing the place and will be back? Or does it make more sense it was this chick, and if thats true, then I'm not hanging out with her again, but since I cant say for any certainty it was her (and shes never done nothinglike that before in the past) that would be some pretty damn good sex to toss out the window just on a suspision. Or is my place haunted???

[img]/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]

Any of you who actually made it through this long ass post, have any advice or suggestions???

Slow Play Ray 04-27-2005 12:37 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
Damn why did I read that whole thing?

Sounds to me like somebody was looking for something specific, for whatever reason, and didn't find it...

P.S. But who cares, at least you got some tail.

PoBoy321 04-27-2005 12:39 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
Yeah, that makes absolutely no sense.

I really doubt that it was robbers casing the place, because if they were scoping it out to rob it later, why would they have gone through all your stuff in the garage, to let you know that they were there? It'd just give you a way to get a security system or something so that you could protect against them.

I doubt that it was a robber who got scared off, because wouldn't your dog have started barking or attacking him when he came in?

At the same time, I doubt it was the girl, because if it was only 5 minutes, that really isn't enough time to go through all of that stuff in your garage.

SomethingClever 04-27-2005 12:39 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
Is the interstellar pig hidden in your garage?

Weird story, dude. At least you got some.

Rick Diesel 04-27-2005 12:39 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
Is it possible for your "friend" to unlock the side door to the garage when she went downstairs, to let an accomplice in to attempt to rob you. The accomplice was too scared to come through the rest of the house, so just went through the garage looking for anything that they may value. They did not find anything and then went back out through the side door and locked it as they left?

kerssens 04-27-2005 12:40 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
Is it possible for your "friend" to unlock the side door to the garage when she went downstairs, to let an accomplice in to attempt to rob you. The accomplice was too scared to come through the rest of the house, so just went through the garage looking for anything that they may value. They did not find anything and then went back out through the side door and locked it as they left?

[/ QUOTE ]

This seems very logical.

B Dids 04-27-2005 12:40 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
Sounds like somebody was looking for something, do you have anything worth looking for that somebody might be trying to find?

If I was the paranoid type, I'd say the girl set it up so that a friend could come and go through your [censored], looking for something (your roll maybe?).

lucas9000 04-27-2005 12:41 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
i've typed replies, then deleted them, about 4 different times. i really don't know what to make of this.

slickpoppa 04-27-2005 12:44 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
That's really weird, I don't know what to say

offTopic 04-27-2005 12:44 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*

Eurotrash 04-27-2005 12:45 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
didn't any of you guys used to do this kind of thing in high school or some [censored] as a prank?

we used to call it "spaceshipping" somebody's car, I believe.. you find a friend's car when they're in close proximity to it and will soon find it, and you open up every door/latch/window you possibly can as a joke.

that's honestly the only thing I can think of. do any of your friends live nearby? Maybe they got sick of hearing you bang this girl and wanted to play a joke on you.

edit: hmm.. I didn't explain that concept very well, I don't think, but hopefully somebody can understand. and usually if we ever did this, it wasn't at 3 AM or so.

bosoxfan 04-27-2005 12:46 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
Don't discount the haunted theory. I thought for a time that my house was haunted.

Alobar 04-27-2005 12:46 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
Is it possible for your "friend" to unlock the side door to the garage when she went downstairs, to let an accomplice in to attempt to rob you. The accomplice was too scared to come through the rest of the house, so just went through the garage looking for anything that they may value. They did not find anything and then went back out through the side door and locked it as they left?

[/ QUOTE ]

well the door is locked with a dead bolt, so they wouldn't ahve been able to lock it behind them. Also it was the first time this girl had been to my house, and she had no clue as to where it was. I also live about 25 mins from her (and thus her friends). The only time she was away from me that whole night was when she went to the bathroom, so I dont think even if she called someone on her phone and gave them directions, it would be enough time for them to get there and do their business before we left.

She was doing lots of text messaging while we were hanging out watching videos. but I was sitting right next to her, and she made no attempt to "hide" whatever she was typing, so I doubt it was that either.

Sponger15SB 04-27-2005 12:47 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
She was doing lots of text messaging while we were hanging out watching videos.

[/ QUOTE ]

What a bitch.

willie 04-27-2005 12:48 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
Is it possible for your "friend" to unlock the side door to the garage when she went downstairs, to let an accomplice in to attempt to rob you. The accomplice was too scared to come through the rest of the house, so just went through the garage looking for anything that they may value. They did not find anything and then went back out through the side door and locked it as they left?

[/ QUOTE ]

This seems very logical.

[/ QUOTE ]

somewhat, but i kind of doubt it. if it was this old scam- this has been done to sportbike riders with some regularity. Random hot chick sees a guy on a bike, flags him down in traffic, gets him to come back to her place. He splits the middle while her buddies rob the bike, sometimes the guy gets his ass kicked too- it's a funny scam.

now, if she was involved in this in anyway then there is no way that she would have wanted to go home at 3am. the OP just busted and was probably in a post sex semi-coma and had to drag his ass out of bed to drive her home. If there was a team working here, the girl would have just had him sleep the whole night and then act shocked as hell when everything is missing in the morning.

that said, i have no idea what caused this. I say it was your dog bein a smartass since you KNOW he doesn't like you gettin laid.

nolanfan34 04-27-2005 12:48 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
If I was the paranoid type, I'd say the girl set it up so that a friend could come and go through your [censored], looking for something (your roll maybe?).

[/ QUOTE ]

This seems logical too. Just too much of a coincidence that this happens when she just happens to be there.

Alobar 04-27-2005 12:50 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
didn't any of you guys used to do this kind of thing in high school or some [censored] as a prank?

we used to call it "spaceshipping" somebody's car, I believe.. you find a friend's car when they're in close proximity to it and will soon find it, and you open up every door/latch/window you possibly can as a joke.

that's honestly the only thing I can think of. do any of your friends live nearby? Maybe they got sick of hearing you bang this girl and wanted to play a joke on you.

edit: hmm.. I didn't explain that concept very well, I don't think, but hopefully somebody can understand. and usually if we ever did this, it wasn't at 3 AM or so.

[/ QUOTE ]

That makes some sense, but why would she let me call the cops, and then have to sit around and wait for who knows how long, when it was late and she was tired??

also, none of my friends live evern remotely close to me.

DireWolf 04-27-2005 12:52 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
The more i think about this the wierder it gets.

beerbandit 04-27-2005 12:52 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
What a bitch.

[/ QUOTE ]

i hate that [censored] too, atleast she wasnt talking on the phone --- and she gave you the booty

beerbandit 04-27-2005 12:54 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*

he commented in another post that the garage door was locked with the deadbolt so someone leaving would be unable to lock it from the outside without a key

similar to what i thought at first

Eurotrash 04-27-2005 12:54 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
That makes some sense, but why would she let me call the cops, and then have to sit around and wait for who knows how long, when it was late and she was tired??

also, none of my friends live evern remotely close to me.

[/ QUOTE ]

ah, yeah. See, I was guessing that it was some other friends that happened to live close by... like the guys you usually hang out with, etc. but I guess if they don't live close to you, then this theory kind of goes out the window.

I agree it's really weird for the girl to do it herself then let you call the cops and all that unless she was really twisted.

I really don't know, man. weird stuff.

kerssens 04-27-2005 12:56 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
Did any previous owner die in your house?

B Dids 04-27-2005 12:57 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
She was doing lots of text messaging while we were hanging out watching videos.

[/ QUOTE ]

What a bitch.

[/ QUOTE ]

Forreal. That's annoying.

beerbandit 04-27-2005 12:57 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
tis weird

maybe shes just one of those wierd girls and felt like looking through some of your [censored]

garage was safer, because of the possiblity of you hearing her --

not sure especially since your dog did not bark/growl -- almost all dogs would become defensive here, i believe

i would watch things a little closer for a while -- keeping all doors locked and quit hiding an extra front door key under the door mat , atleast for a while


Shajen 04-27-2005 01:03 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
Sorry man, at the time it seemed like a good joke.

Didn't realize you'd take it this hard.

Oh well. I'll make sure I don't do it again.

Was just messin with you.

Eurotrash 04-27-2005 01:03 PM

gas tank cover
This seems to me like it's the most curious and weirdest part.

why the hell would somebody do this unless it was a prank akin to the one I mentioned? I'm not necessarily trying to argue totally in favor of that explanation, but the gas tank thing has me baffled... really weird.

asofel 04-27-2005 01:06 PM

Re: gas tank cover
This seems to me like it's the most curious and weirdest part.

why the hell would somebody do this unless it was a prank akin to the one I mentioned? I'm not necessarily trying to argue totally in favor of that explanation, but the gas tank thing has me baffled... really weird.

[/ QUOTE ]

yeah i thought you were going to find sugar or some substance in there...

there are only a couple of real possibilities. Friends seem out of the question. A ghost didn't do it. I doubt this girl let anyone in or anything. Seems like its gotta be some strange joke by her. Maybe she'll tell you next week "oh it was me....but wasn't it kinda exciting?"

then you run...

Eurotrash 04-27-2005 01:10 PM

Re: gas tank cover
yeah i thought you were going to find sugar or some substance in there...

[/ QUOTE ]

I was thinking that too, but if somebody put sugar in the gas tank, my guess would be they wouldnt leave the cover open as an indication that the tank has been messed with.

there are only a couple of real possibilities. Friends seem out of the question. A ghost didn't do it. I doubt this girl let anyone in or anything. Seems like its gotta be some strange joke by her. Maybe she'll tell you next week "oh it was me....but wasn't it kinda exciting?"

then you run...

[/ QUOTE ]

hah, I was also thinking about this option with the girl telling you a few days down the road. and I like the suggestion to run, she might even have a voodoo doll of you [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

Alobar 04-27-2005 01:14 PM

Re: gas tank cover
This seems to me like it's the most curious and weirdest part.

why the hell would somebody do this unless it was a prank akin to the one I mentioned? I'm not necessarily trying to argue totally in favor of that explanation, but the gas tank thing has me baffled... really weird.

[/ QUOTE ]

yeah i thought you were going to find sugar or some substance in there...

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah the gas tank is by far the wierdest bit. Unless they were trying to pop the hood for whatever reason and hit that latch first by mistkae (they are next to each other in my truck), but the hood was never popped.

Also I should clarify, the lid to the gas tank was open, the actual gas cap was stll on.

Maybe they were looking to steal it, like looking for a spare key or something? But they could have just taken my keys off the counter


there are only a couple of real possibilities. Friends seem out of the question. A ghost didn't do it. I doubt this girl let anyone in or anything. Seems like its gotta be some strange joke by her. Maybe she'll tell you next week "oh it was me....but wasn't it kinda exciting?"

then you run...

[/ QUOTE ]

exactly. Which is why I cant figure if I'd rather have had it been a robber or her. A robber and I feel unsafe in my own home. If its her, then she curbside, which would suck, cuz she smokin and I'm hoping we continue for a little while.

asofel 04-27-2005 01:32 PM

Re: gas tank cover
This seems to me like it's the most curious and weirdest part.

why the hell would somebody do this unless it was a prank akin to the one I mentioned? I'm not necessarily trying to argue totally in favor of that explanation, but the gas tank thing has me baffled... really weird.

[/ QUOTE ]

yeah i thought you were going to find sugar or some substance in there...

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah the gas tank is by far the wierdest bit. Unless they were trying to pop the hood for whatever reason and hit that latch first by mistkae (they are next to each other in my truck), but the hood was never popped.

Also I should clarify, the lid to the gas tank was open, the actual gas cap was stll on.

Maybe they were looking to steal it, like looking for a spare key or something? But they could have just taken my keys off the counter


there are only a couple of real possibilities. Friends seem out of the question. A ghost didn't do it. I doubt this girl let anyone in or anything. Seems like its gotta be some strange joke by her. Maybe she'll tell you next week "oh it was me....but wasn't it kinda exciting?"

then you run...

[/ QUOTE ]

exactly. Which is why I cant figure if I'd rather have had it been a robber or her. A robber and I feel unsafe in my own home. If its her, then she curbside, which would suck, cuz she smokin and I'm hoping we continue for a little

[/ QUOTE ]

if the fine minds of OOT can't deduce what really happened, then I think you're out of luck. My advice to you is to enjoy banging the hell of the hot-but-possibly-psychotic-robber-chick and keep on keepin on.

mostsmooth 04-27-2005 01:41 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
i've typed replies, then deleted them, about 4 different times. i really don't know what to make of this.

[/ QUOTE ]
sounds like indecision to me, a mental disorder perhaps. i type things and post em, no problem.

mostsmooth 04-27-2005 01:49 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
sounds like the chick definitely had something to do with it.
i say you set up a hidden cam in the garage and have her over again.
i further say you set up a hidden cam in the garage no matter what.
as far as "casing" the place goes, no burglar is going to go through all that to see what they can come back for later to take, unless its a big item like a motorcycle or car, but they dont look for motorcycles in cabinets. and if they were looking for the keys, they wouldnt want you to know they were there.
final thought, the chick definitely had something to do with it, probably all of it.

BusterStacks 04-27-2005 01:57 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
Sounds like something a tweaker would do. Or someone like Ginger from 'Casino'.

Bluffoon 04-27-2005 01:59 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*

he commented in another post that the garage door was locked with the deadbolt so someone leaving would be unable to lock it from the outside without a key

similar to what i thought at first

[/ QUOTE ]

Do you have an automatic garage door? The perp could open the door, hit the button to close it and duck out.

mostsmooth 04-27-2005 02:00 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
btw she could have done this while you were sleeping from 2-3am, no?

Rick Diesel 04-27-2005 02:10 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
What kind of truck do you have? Could someone have entered the house by jumping in the back of the pickup while you were picking the broad up and hiding there until you went upstairs? Could someone have snuck into the garage while you had it open when you were returning from picking the broad up?

daryn 04-27-2005 02:18 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In risposta di:</font><hr />
What kind of truck do you have? Could someone have entered the house by jumping in the back of the pickup while you were picking the broad up and hiding there until you went upstairs?

[/ QUOTE ]

oh yeah.. i like this.

Alobar 04-27-2005 02:22 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*

he commented in another post that the garage door was locked with the deadbolt so someone leaving would be unable to lock it from the outside without a key

similar to what i thought at first

[/ QUOTE ]

Do you have an automatic garage door? The perp could open the door, hit the button to close it and duck out.

[/ QUOTE ]

yeah I do....but I would have heard my garage door open

Alobar 04-27-2005 02:23 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
btw she could have done this while you were sleeping from 2-3am, no?

[/ QUOTE ]

naw, cuz she was laying with me, I would have woken up if she had untangled herself from me and snuck off

Alobar 04-27-2005 02:24 PM

Re: Some strange sh*t, what do I make of it? *warning, long*
What kind of truck do you have? Could someone have entered the house by jumping in the back of the pickup while you were picking the broad up and hiding there until you went upstairs? Could someone have snuck into the garage while you had it open when you were returning from picking the broad up?

[/ QUOTE ]

heh, that would be freaky. Its not actually a truck tho, its a 4runner (SUV). I dunno why I call it a truck, old habit I guess cuz I used to own a truck, that and it sounds gay to use "SUV" in a sentance.

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