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Popinjay 12-04-2005 09:47 AM

My new sleep schedule, implementing today
I just thought of this new sleep schedule and I'm pretty damn excited. Here's how it goes:

3AM wake up / six hours
9AM sleep / two hours
11AM wake up / six hours
5PM sleep / two hours
7PM wake up / six hours
1AM sleep / two hours

This will give me six hours of sleep everyday. The plan is to be very active during my hours awake so I can fall asleep quickly. I think this will increase my productivity a crapload. Thoughts? I will update this thread with results.

Borknagar 12-04-2005 09:52 AM

Re: My new sleep schedule, implementing today
you will not get enough deep sleep, which is the part that you need the most. So when you're awake you'll still be tired and wont be able to do as much that you want. You'll become grumpy too.

Just be human, and take those 7-8 hours a night.

Popinjay 12-04-2005 09:55 AM

Re: My new sleep schedule, implementing today
you will not get enough deep sleep, which is the part that you need the most. So when you're awake you'll still be tired and wont be able to do as much that you want. You'll become grumpy too.

Just be human, and take those 7-8 hours a night.

[/ QUOTE ]

I figure this will be true during the first few days. But as my body adjusts I should start dreaming during every 2 hour session. It worked for Da Vinci and he only slept 20 minutes at a time.

Go Blue 12-04-2005 09:55 AM

Re: My new sleep schedule, implementing today
Yeah right. Good luck on that one. This is just like what Kramer tried to do and we all know what happened there.

Actually, I'd be quite interested to know if this works for more than a week. Keep us posted.

waffle 12-04-2005 10:02 AM

Re: My new sleep schedule, implementing today
the initial adjustment period is very hard, and it's tough on outside responsibilities. you can do some research online, try google searches for these terms:

uberman's sleep schedule

polyphasic sleep

Popinjay 12-04-2005 10:06 AM

Re: My new sleep schedule, implementing today
the initial adjustment period is very hard, and it's tough on outside responsibilities. you can do some research online, try google searches for these terms:

uberman's sleep schedule

polyphasic sleep

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes I've read up on these a lot. I'm not trying to sleep a lot less (Uberman is something like 2 hrs or less everyday) but rather spend my time more efficiently.

waffle 12-04-2005 10:11 AM

Re: My new sleep schedule, implementing today
oh, ok. a year or two ago i fell into a similar schedule by accident: a 3.5-4 hour sleep in the early morning and a 3.5-4 hour sleep in the afternoon. i didn't plan on it, it just happened. i kept it up for a semester and i liked it.

DougOzzzz 12-04-2005 10:23 AM

Re: My new sleep schedule, implementing today
When I was in high school I typically slept from 3-6 am and from 4-7 pm. I hated it. I was exhausted all day at school. At lunch period I would eat really fast then go to the library and try to sleep.

I hope this works out for you but I know for sure I would never, ever be able to keep this sleep schedule.

Lazymeatball 12-04-2005 10:27 AM

Re: My new sleep schedule, implementing today
this sounds similar to my weekend sleep schedule which consists of roughly 6 hour periods of conscienceness followed by roughly 5 hours sleep periods. However most of my awake periods consist of heavy drinking from the moment I wake up followed by passing out later.

Fabian 12-04-2005 10:46 AM

Re: My new sleep schedule, implementing today
I'm interested in hearing how this goes. Keep us posted, and good luck.

12-04-2005 11:03 AM

Re: My new sleep schedule, implementing today
you will not get enough deep sleep, which is the part that you need the most. So when you're awake you'll still be tired and wont be able to do as much that you want. You'll become grumpy too.

Just be human, and take those 7-8 hours a night.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've heard that the National Foundation for Sleep is funded mainly by sleeping pill companies, which is why 8 hours a day is the recommended amount of sleep.

I've found, that unless I'm run down, 5 to 5.5 hours is all I need.

Isura 12-04-2005 12:11 PM

Re: My new sleep schedule, implementing today
I'm curious why you want to be awake between 3-9am.

djj6835 12-04-2005 12:14 PM

Re: My new sleep schedule, implementing today
Isn't this just the DaVinci sleep schedule?

edit: just saw the other post..guess he only slept 20 minutes at a time.

TTChamp 12-04-2005 12:14 PM

Re: My new sleep schedule, implementing today
IMO naps (which is essentially all you will be doing) are the worst thing you can do if you want to maintain a healthy sleep schedule. I know some people swear by naps, but I am much worse off long term if I take a nap.

It sounds like you don't have any rigid time commitments. If that is the case, you might want to try a sleep schedule that I used in grad school. It decreased the % of my time that I was sleeping while maintaining a high level of alertness. Basically I switched from a 16 hour day to a 20-22 hour day. Example:

-wake up at 0800 on Monday
-Go to sleep at 0600 Tuesday
-Wake up at 1400 Tueday
-Go to sleep at 1200 Wed

The obvious down side is that it is difficult to coordinate your schedule with the rest of the world, but I was very satisfied and well rested the whole time I was able to do this. I would do it now if it not for my job.

edtost 12-04-2005 12:45 PM

Re: My new sleep schedule, implementing today
"Since I don't have too many time constraints or daily responsibilities, I kind of just go to sleep when I'm sleepy and wake up when my body feels like it. This puts me on about a 26 to 28 hour day, which means there are often times when I'm going to sleep at 10:00am and waking up at 6:00pm. It doesn't bother me too much, but it does suck when I feel like lunch and there's no place to go and no one to go with 'cause it's freaking 3 in the morning." -GoT

surfinillini 12-04-2005 12:54 PM

Re: My new sleep schedule, implementing today
I just thought of this new sleep schedule and I'm pretty damn excited. Here's how it goes:

3AM wake up / six hours
9AM sleep / two hours
11AM wake up / six hours
5PM sleep / two hours
7PM wake up / six hours
1AM sleep / two hours

This will give me six hours of sleep everyday. The plan is to be very active during my hours awake so I can fall asleep quickly. I think this will increase my productivity a crapload. Thoughts? I will update this thread with results.

[/ QUOTE ]

you've watched seinfeld one to many times...just make sure you don't wake up in the east river in a garbage bag.

bobman0330 12-04-2005 02:45 PM

Re: My new sleep schedule, implementing today
I just thought of this new sleep schedule and I'm pretty damn excited. Here's how it goes:

3AM wake up / six hours
9AM sleep / two hours
11AM wake up / six hours
5PM sleep / two hours
7PM wake up / six hours
1AM sleep / two hours

This will give me six hours of sleep everyday. The plan is to be very active during my hours awake so I can fall asleep quickly. I think this will increase my productivity a crapload. Thoughts? I will update this thread with results.

[/ QUOTE ]

you've watched seinfeld one to many times...just make sure you don't wake up in the east river in a garbage bag.

[/ QUOTE ]

It was a sack, not a garbage bag.

12-04-2005 02:48 PM

Re: My new sleep schedule, implementing today
well, at least you left enough awake time to lose your bankroll/stake.

young nut 12-04-2005 03:08 PM

Re: My new sleep schedule, implementing today
"Since I don't have too many time constraints or daily responsibilities, I kind of just go to sleep when I'm sleepy and wake up when my body feels like it. This puts me on about a 26 to 28 hour day, which means there are often times when I'm going to sleep at 10:00am and waking up at 6:00pm. It doesn't bother me too much, but it does suck when I feel like lunch and there's no place to go and no one to go with 'cause it's freaking 3 in the morning." -GoT

[/ QUOTE ]

This quote is hilarious, it describes my sleep schedule and situation exactly. It is strange to operate on a 28 hour day, but for some reason that is just what feels normal to my body. I also have a problem of staying up for 24 hour periods or more, and on the other side of the coin, I have many sleep sessions that last 12 hours.

Jack of Arcades 12-04-2005 03:10 PM

Re: My new sleep schedule, implementing today
the problem with uberman's sleep schedule and others like it is that you get [censored] BORED.

man 12-04-2005 03:26 PM

Re: My new sleep schedule, implementing today
I really can't see this being a good idea. you're missing out on REM sleep, which is pretty important. but like you said you may be able to adapt to it. the human body is pretty amazing in that way.

one of my friends tried to become nocturnal for a semester. it consisted of him taking two naps of three-four hours during the day. he said he constantly felt like a zombie, and didn't readjust until christmas break when he had to work a few 40-hour weeks. the first week back was hell, because he needed to get back into the cycle.

lighterjobs 12-04-2005 03:37 PM

Re: My new sleep schedule, implementing today

Blarg 12-04-2005 03:39 PM

Re: My new sleep schedule, implementing today
you will not get enough deep sleep, which is the part that you need the most. So when you're awake you'll still be tired and wont be able to do as much that you want. You'll become grumpy too.

Just be human, and take those 7-8 hours a night.

[/ QUOTE ]

I figure this will be true during the first few days. But as my body adjusts I should start dreaming during every 2 hour session. It worked for Da Vinci and he only slept 20 minutes at a time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Supposedly Thomas Edison didn't sleep at all.

But actually, it was found out that he took many short naps of 10 or 20 minutes or more throughout the day. He apparently didn't discourage the idea that he never slept.

I expect you may be vulnerable to stories like these of how you can change your natural genetic human patterns. If you try, you'll doubtlessly have many hazy waking hours where you feel far less than energetic, and be taking lots of naps.

For what it's worth, I've known a few people who have tried to be clever with sleep in such ways. They all looked at least 20 years older than their real ages. It beat the hell out of their bodies, and I'll be surprised if they don't die much younger than they should and live with less health. They also didn't seem to have a lot of joy or energy in their lives.

The fact that you're even trying this seems to me to indicate a lack of focus and an unhealthy search for panaceas or magical approaches or solutions to life. This is very not good.

If you want more energy and productivity, work out and get fresh air, eat and drink better and cleaner and keep the boozing very moderate, cut way back on the caffeine or drop it, drop smoking if you smoke, drink more water, read more books and watch less t.v., and cultivate your concentration and good attitude and mental hygiene. Clear your mind of crap to the best of your ability. Don't go searching for more to pack in there unless it's going to be very high quality. And get enough normal sleep.

Unless you want to look like a reasonably healthy 65 when you hit 40.

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