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jakethebake 08-09-2005 09:09 AM

Re: Not Eating Food For A Day
I fasted for 3 days last week, using just distilled water and a few herbs.

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Basil? Thyme?

astroglide 08-09-2005 01:04 PM

Re: Not Eating Food For A Day
bruiser, "don't knock it until you try it" is an idiot's argument. are you unwilling to advise people that smoking crack is a bad idea because you haven't?

i could get "parasite cleansing" until i was blue in the face. unless i had objective, reproduceable evidence that i had a "parasite problem" and was able to objectively and reproduceably prove that it was solved it's basically meaningless to me. it might make me feel good, but freebasing skittles might too if i didn't know what they were and i really believed that they would.

saying "this sort of thing makes me feel good" is miles apart from "this is the best thing you can do for your health". one is "i enjoy this and thought it made me feel better" and the other is asserting that everybody will have the same effects and that it is factually and veritably beneficial. saying it's the BEST thing one can do for their health in particular i s laughable compared to, say, regular exercise or any other obvious lifestyle improvement.

johng is free to enjoy what he enjoys, and i certainly won't argue whether or not he does. for facts on one of his fads he can talk to a gasteroenterologist or whoever does colonoscopies to hear about what is in a normal person's colon. they have cameras. maybe his father has had one and could recount for him the lack of worms or ropes that came out of his ass when he prepared for it. putting the two pieces of information together, one can see how the "supplements" given to "assist" cleansings are actually the generators of the objects that are later dispelled. quacks make money by making up problems and solving them.

poker-penguin 08-09-2005 03:50 PM

Re: Not Eating Food For A Day
Well, I'm semi-fasting today (had a couple slices of toast for breakfast and will have another couple when the sun goes down).

It's nearly 2pm, and I'm already hungry and wanting to eat. I am a soft fat westerner. Maybe I'll make a nice curry tonight and eat that.

It's sad - I can't even skip lunch.

JohnG 08-09-2005 05:52 PM

Re: Not Eating Food For A Day
saying it's the BEST thing one can do for their health in particular i s laughable compared to, say, regular exercise or any other obvious lifestyle improvement.

[/ QUOTE ]

You know this because...

for facts on one of his fads he can talk to a gasteroenterologist or whoever does colonoscopies to hear about what is in a normal person's colon.

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Yes mate, I have zero idea about the facts. BTW, the colon is responsible for only a small percentage of waste removal. But then, I don't even remember mentioning the colon.

Does something that is centuries old count as a fad? Doesn't match my definition. Is it a fad for animals to fast when sick? Nature and it's fads eh.

putting the two pieces of information together, one can see how the "supplements" given to "assist" cleansings are actually the generators of the objects that are later dispelled.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sounds like quakery to me. Do you think I am dumb or something that I wouldn't notice something like this? Only you are that clever? Don't tell me, someone told you or you read it somewhere, and you accepted it as fact without question.

You don't know what supplements I took, and neither do you know what was expelled by the various cleanses, other than when I mentioned the liver cleanse. I don't recall mentioning anything else about it. You seem to be making assumptions.

With regards the liver cleanse, are you suggesting the olive oil and grapefruit juice generated the stones that came out? Are you saying the thousands of people that have had positive health results from cleaning the liver all imagined it?

quacks make money by making up problems and solving them.

[/ QUOTE ]

A bit like the medical profession with it's drugs and surgery? I hear there's quite a bit of profit in it. And people have never been healthier as a result.

And to think of the $10 I spent on the liver flush, not to mention all those dollars I spent on fruit. What a rip off. These quacks making millions off me like that.

JohnG 08-09-2005 05:54 PM

Re: Not Eating Food For A Day
I fasted for 3 days last week, using just distilled water and a few herbs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Basil? Thyme?

[/ QUOTE ]

No. I can't remember the exact details. It was various recipes. I think they were based on John Christopher formulas.

Arnfinn Madsen 08-09-2005 06:08 PM

Re: Not Eating Food For A Day
1 day is piece of cake, I remembered when I entered into the 3rd day it started to get hard (not adviseable). 1 day will make you feel much better afterwards and is actually worth it. Drink a lot of water, more than you even would think.

astroglide 08-09-2005 06:25 PM

Re: Not Eating Food For A Day
Do you think I am dumb

[/ QUOTE ]


head over to a local pub and ask the bartender for a "cement mixer". it's an oral parasite cleanser, no tricks. be sure to tip!

theBruiser500 08-09-2005 06:26 PM

Re: Not Eating Food For A Day
why did you do 3 days arfin madson

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