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MMMMMM 02-23-2003 07:37 AM

Re: Czechoslovoka, Hungary, the Berlin Wall, Iron Curtain?
First of all, I don't agree with everything Pipes said but I do think he made an important point.

Second, we have a simple communication problem regarding my use of the phrase "more intractable": I wasn't comparing the Palestinian view to the Israeli and designating one as more intractable than the other. I was trying to say that the view of those Palestinians who would refuse to accept a compromise with Israel which includes two states living side by side in peace--in other words, those Palestinians who would be satisfied with nothing less than the "right of full return"--are holding a view that is ultimately more intractable (and less likely to succeed) than their Palestinian brethren who would be willing to accept a two-state solution.

As for the other points you bring up, it's late and I must sleep. By the way, when I don't answer all of the points you bring up in a post, it's generally because I either don't have time or energy to answer all of them in that post...and you do sometimes list a great many points. Hence the convenience factor comes into play fairly often.

hudini36 02-23-2003 07:59 AM

Re: Polls, Palestinians and the Path to Peace (short article)
Your bias is very evident. Why don't you support the Palestinians attacking and killing Jordanians? They are the ones that occupy "Palestine."

It isn't worth debating with you. If Allah and Yahway exist, suffice it to say that Arafat will burn in hell along side Sharon.

brad 02-23-2003 10:13 AM

Re: Polls, Palestinians and the Path to Peace (short article)
'that Arafat will burn in hell along side Sharon.'

i really doubt anyone would disagree with that!!

nicky g 02-23-2003 02:01 PM

Re: Polls, Palestinians and the Path to Peace (short article)
Countries don't "own" lad. Don't you think the inhabitants of an area have any right to a say in who governs them? If Bush ceded Alaska to Japan would that be ok with you?

MMMMMM 02-23-2003 04:13 PM

Re: Polls, Palestinians and the Path to Peace (short article)
What's moral or ethical isn't always legal, and vice versa.

The point I'm making is that the the "illegal occupation" doesn't appear to be truly illegal--the legal owners of that land signed it over to Israel.

The Palestinians have been cynically used by the neighboring Arab states to further Arab hatred against Israel. Pushed on one side by Israel, the Palestinians also have been screwed by their fellow neighboring Arabs on the other side, and are tragically caught in the middle, a disenfranchised people who receive very little aid from other Arabs except cash payments from Saddam to continue the propagation of the cottage industry of suicide-bombing. One might think that Jordan, which has a predominantly Palestinian population, ought to be more sympathetic towards the Palestinian plight, but instead Jordan actually took land which had been partitioned for the Palestinians. Later Jordan signed away to Israel land the Palestinians were living on. Yet Paletinian outrage is directed entirely against Israel (and the USA to some extent), not against Jordan.

It's a sad scenario all around. The Palestinians ought to have severe grievances against Jordan, but they don't seem to be concerned with this, and choose instead to vent all of their desperate rage on Israel. Their Arab brothers ought to help the Palestinians, but instead they cheer them on in their self-destructive aggression against Israel while doing little or nothing to offer them aid or land. It's a sad, cynical picture all around, and it isn't all Israel's fault or the Palestinians' fault--other Arab states share in the blame too.

adios 02-23-2003 04:15 PM

Re: Polls, Palestinians and the Path to Peace (short article)
Somehow I got the impression that you didn't believe in the concept of hell or heaven for that matter [img]/forums/images/icons/smile.gif[/img].

brad 02-23-2003 08:58 PM

Re: Polls, Palestinians and the Path to Peace (short article)
thats a deep one but hey i play poker i *know*. heh

btw, remember somebody's quote 'hell is other people'. i used to think wow how funny/philosophical but now it just seems arrogant/conceited etc.

nicky g 02-24-2003 07:45 AM

Re: Polls, Palestinians and the Path to Peace (short article)
It's from Jean-Paul Sartre's "Huis Clos".

hudini36 02-24-2003 04:03 PM

On the contrary, Chris has shown himself to be a radical extremeist that has noting but contempt for the Jewish race.

He has posted extremely offensive statements that might well have been comic material in Cabaret in 1939. He has posted material declaring that international news agencies change stories to appease Zionists. He has posted that he favors suicide bombing. He rejects Ghandi's non-violence as a means of legitimate protest. He has been, and continues to be , watched closely by US intelligence.

IrishHand 02-24-2003 04:20 PM

You speak with a great deal of confidence for one who clearly hasn't read any of his posts.

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