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PassiveCaller 11-26-2005 03:09 AM

Re: accidentally doing coke...
Man if you've done coke you can always tell when it's around....

I remember a close friend of mine (from way younger) who didn't think I'd be accepting of it and I thought the same... Well I remember hanging out and just noticing the signs (sniffy nose, heading off to the back, other subtle signs you just know) and we were drunk at some party and I had to call him out on it... ended up being a fun night...

jokerthief 11-26-2005 03:10 AM

Re: accidentally doing coke...

can't see why you're all up in arms (man whose name rhymes w/ "raig"), unless you're joking which would be pretty funny but some of the stuff you wrote is dark.


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I am mostly joking around (except the part about you being OK) BUT you are correct that some of what I wrote is dark. Smoking "tobacco" of any sort isn't doing drugs. Powders are drugs and they are dark indeed.

Alobar 11-26-2005 03:16 AM

Re: accidentally doing coke...
never did coke before never will do it again.

[/ QUOTE ]

uhm, you still havent done it

Victor 11-26-2005 03:20 AM

Re: accidentally doing coke...
you will likely die soon.

craig r 11-26-2005 03:26 AM

Re: accidentally doing coke...

can't see why you're all up in arms (man whose name rhymes w/ "raig"), unless you're joking which would be pretty funny but some of the stuff you wrote is dark.


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I am mostly joking around (except the part about you being OK) BUT you are correct that some of what I wrote is dark. Smoking "tobacco" of any sort isn't doing drungs. Powders are drugs and they are dark indeed.

[/ QUOTE ]

Okay, my horrible attempt at comedy must end now. First to say that smoking tobacco is not a drug is kind of silly. Nicotine is more addictive than cocaine. If not as addictive mentally, it is addictive physically, unlike cocaine. One can definitely make the argument that smoking cigarrettes is not as bad for you as dope. And they are almost certainly right. Tobacco kills a lot more people than marijuana does; in fact there hasn't been one reported case of death caused by marijuana. Yet, it is illegal and alcohol and tobacco are not. I think that is silly, but I don't want to get into that now.

As far as my posts to the original poster. I was 100% joking (well, cut your hands off if you want). I don't think you are "addicted" in anyway at all. I was more making fun of people that would say that little bit you did on accident was going to destroy you. People try coke, most like it, most don't die from it, but do end up screwing there lives up real bad.

I am very lucky that I got out of it when my only problem was a monetary one. I was spending over a grand a week on it (and I was getting a discount). But, other than that, I didn't lose any friends, go to jail, rehab, etc... But, I consider myself very lucky. But, enough of that.

Once again, as far as it showing up in your piss...72 hours max and it is gone. The marijuana is a different story though. It is 30 days unless you buy one of those detox drinks.

The truth of the matter is, you might have gotten paranoid for a second and then that went away. And it might have even lasted you an hour. But, I promise, it will never last that long again. It will be about 15 minutes max. And, it really won't ever be as good as your first or second time. The only reason it might be better for you is because you smoked it, which as plain cocaine is its weakest form. Also, this is not to encourage you to snort it. I would say, that even though we get bullshited that Marijuana is the gateway drug, there is some truth behind how powerful of an addiction cocaine really is. I know the first time I did it, I thought, "this is exactly what was missing from my life". But, if you step back for a second, you will realize that most people end up in the cycle of addictions. Or you can just take what Robin Williams said to heart, "Cocaine is God's way of saying you have too much money."

Anyways, I will end my rant now. I just wanted you to know I wasn't being seriuous about any of my above posts. But, I also can't promise I will be serious from this point forward. But, I assure you this post was serious.

Oh, one other thing, I never tried Heroin, that story was made up along with most of the othe ones. When I think of Heroin I think of cocaine x100 and know it would be the death of me.


ChipWrecked 11-26-2005 03:32 AM

Re: accidentally doing coke...
Actually, nicotine has been found to be helpful for mental patients, craig. Might want to take up smoking after all.

craig r 11-26-2005 03:38 AM

Re: accidentally doing coke...
I do smoke. But, all "drugs" can have some positive effects. Morphine and Heroin do, As well as caffeine and nicotine, cocaine, etc... But, I don't think the long term effects are worth the short term effects. Plus, in cigs. it isn't really the nicotine that kills you. So, if they found a way to just market nicotine (and the gum can cause cancer) then maybe that would help (of course there is a very powerful industry fighting to sell people cigarrettes). Also, it doesn't matter whether nicotine is beneficial, that is not why you smoke. Addiction has a lot to do with ritual, compulsion, etc... Have you ever seen a junky wait all day for some sht, and then when he gets it, he plays with it, cuts it for a while, etc.... If it was just a physical fix he would have that drug up his nose or in his vein in a heartbeat.


jokerthief 11-26-2005 03:40 AM

Re: accidentally doing coke...
First to say that smoking tobacco is not a drug is kind of silly.

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You are probably correct. He really wasn't talking about tobacco though and neither was I (notice the "" marks). My point is that powder drugs can destroy your life FAST. Drinking, smoking weed, and especially tobacco does the job slowly. That is all I was trying to convey.

BTW, good job in breaking the cycle while your only problems were monetary. Many people look down on someone like yourself, but I see you for what you are -- a very resilient individual. To take a good taste and walk away before any real consequences require a strength of character that few possess.

lighterjobs 11-26-2005 03:48 AM

Re: accidentally doing coke...
I wouldn't worry about being a junky until you end up like this guy.

craig r 11-26-2005 03:53 AM

Re: accidentally doing coke...
First to say that smoking tobacco is not a drug is kind of silly.

[/ QUOTE ]

You are probably correct. He really wasn't talking about tobacco though and neither was I (notice the "" marks). My point is that powder drugs can destroy your life FAST. Drinking, smoking weed, and especially tobacco does the job slowly. That is all I was trying to convey.

BTW, good job in breaking the cycle while your only problems were monetary. Many people look down on someone like yourself, but I see you for what you are -- a very resilient individual. To take a good taste and walk away before any real consequences require a strength of character that few possess.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank you very much for your support. It actually was harder than quitting smoking when I quit for a year and then cracked when I started coke. I mean why not smoke if you care doing cocaine. What is actually weird about me quitting was that I wasn't at that unhappy stage. I just didn't want to get a part time night job (since I already have a dream job at home; i.e. coke dealer..just kidding). It is amazing how quickly your tolerance grows to that stuff.

Cocaine is weird chemically, because it really isn't the coke that gets you high, it just releases your dopamines. Well, your body is very stingy with how often it releases these. And cocaine releases these very quickly. the problem is that your body doesn't produce dopamines as quickly as it releases them. That is why if you keep doing coke for 24 hours straight, you won't get high. Once the dopamines are gone that is it. You will just have the side effects of sleeplessnes, etc...Of course you will keep trying anyways.

Once you completely quit, it is not physically addictive. The only time you have to detox is when you are an alcoholic (I dont drink at all, I don't like it for some reason). So, other than the minor stress headache, it is all mental. But, to be honest it was very tough. Even though I only did it for 4 months, I was told it would take up to 6-12 months before my dopamine levels were back to normal. I didn't do the coke that long, but I was doing at least 10 eight balls a week. And, suppossedely, just like with any addiction, I will always be addicted and sometimes crave it more than others. But, the first month was the toughest. I was horribly depressed. Nothing would get me excited or happy (minimal dopamines). Okay, I will end that rant now, I just wanted people that are doing that stuff to know that you can quit. I have the perfect personality for that stuff, semi manic, anxious, and very addictive mind.

Also, for those that are doing it still and are running low on funds, the next step will be crack. And to me, once you hit the crack level you are finished. Yes, it is a little cheaper, but every hit is just like the last; ie. to make y ou feel normal.

One real positive thing that I can say I got out of this was compassion for addicts of all kinds. Because they are all really the same. One of my friends said, I don't have to go to cocaine anonymous, I could go t any of the anonymour meetings. Because an addiction is an addiction. Whether that be coke, smack, food, or alcohol. The compassion that I learned was that addicts are basically like dogs, in a constant state of longing, becuase they want the high to last forever, but like everything else it goes away.


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