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Smoothcall 11-10-2005 11:21 PM

Re: Furgeson says have to be very intelligent! Is he right?
Oh so its a worm out when i state something in the origianl post? Or is it you trying to twist my words to make me look like i was insulting them? Any intelligent person can see i wasn't insulting them and instead complimenting them(if anyhting) saying they are very good players. And trying to show that you dont have to be book smart to be atop. I guess that says somthing of your intelligence that you couldn't figure that out?

Now you say i was saying Chris was snobbish? In fact i think chris is a very nice guy from what i se from afar and have heard about him. I just disagree with him that book smarts have anything to do with great poker. You have misquoted me and insulted me unfairly. Why is it ok for you to do what you claim i did to them. (although i did not) because they are famous, and your heroes so its not ok to insult them(again i ddint in anyway insult them) but its ok to insult me? That makes alot of sense. You are one of those higher thinkers i see.

Btw if those poker players read my post i think most of them would be able to figure out this post wasn't an insult at them. Only you think it was because you want to try and twist and make me look like the bad guy to feel less guilty and defer blsme away from you. And try to have it directed at me.

How do you know if they are intelligent or very intelligent? That is an intelligent statement. You make an assertion based on never meeting the people. Let alone having deep conversations with them. You made yourself look silly. I fogrgive you. A simple apology would be great. But i won't get it. thats how guys like you work. Insult aimlessly. Just dont respond to my posts if u dont find them interesting. No need to attack me when unprovoked. That makes you the bad guy right off the bat. I didnt insult you. Yet you attack me. Grow up bro.

Smoothcall 11-10-2005 11:30 PM

Re: Furgeson says have to be very intelligent! Is he right?
Wow you totally tried to slip past the fact that you said i said nothing about degrees and ferguson saying that. Then i tell you to go read it again. I guess now you SEE it but are not man enough to admit you were wrong. You guys are all the same. Spout lies get proven wrong then won't admit it.

11-10-2005 11:37 PM

Re: Furgeson says have to be very intelligent! Is he right?
Wow you totally tried to slip past the fact that you said i said nothing about degrees and ferguson saying that. Then i tell you to go read it again. I guess now you SEE it but are not man enough to admit you were wrong. You guys are all the same. Spout lies get proven wrong then won't admit it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Has a troll ever posted 1300+ times?

sirio11 11-10-2005 11:40 PM

Re: Furgeson says have to be very intelligent! Is he right?

You have to be intelligent to be the top anything in the world.

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[/ QUOTE ]

I submit this post for consideration for POTY

SNOWBALL138 11-10-2005 11:55 PM

Re: Furgeson says have to be very intelligent! Is he right?
If he does i'm wrong and apologize for adding him in. I just guessd on most of these guys by knowing a little of there backrounds that they aren't road scholars.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've never done this before, but I really feel its necessary. Here goes: A person who can't even spell Rhodes scholar has no business demeaning anyone's lack of academic credentials. There is a huge difference between intelligence and education.

Thats the first and hopefully the last time I ever make a spelling correction post.

Freudian 11-10-2005 11:56 PM

Re: Furgeson says have to be very intelligent! Is he right?
YOU claim Ferguson equate degree with intelligence. You have provided no quote that substantiates this. Most likely you misunderstood him.

Never mind. I'm just going to put you ignore again. I forgot that your M.O is to start stupid threads and then try your hardest to keep them alive despite rigor mortis setting in. Tedious trolling get old real fast.

Howard Treesong 11-10-2005 11:59 PM

Re: Furgeson says have to be very intelligent! Is he right?
Furguson said you have to be very intelligent to be atop the poker world. He then went on to name his degrees. I believe that all the degrees in the world will not make up for instincts and fearlessness. And yes these guys can be very intelligent. But i don't think they have to be. they need those 2 qualities. great instincts and the fearlessness to act on them. I think you can have low intelligence and still dominate in poker.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your point is nonsensical. Intelligence is, in rough terms, the ability to solve problems. After having played witth both of them, I'm entirely comfortable saying that both Layne and Phil I are very intelligent men; that is to say, they're both excellent problem-solvers. I note that Layne is extremely witty and verbally quick to boot; I can't imagine anyone that knows him saying he's a stupid man.

I don't know Phil I nearly so well.

That's not to say that either one is highly educated; I don't think they are. But education is very different from intelligence. To be very successful at poker, you must be intelligent; I cannot think of a single top-drawer poker player that is a stupid person, and I hereby challenge you to name one.

JimHammer 11-11-2005 12:01 AM

Re: Furgeson says have to be very intelligent! Is he right?
I've heard that you are a successful poker player at the limits you play.

So I'd have to say you are right: you don't have to be intelligent to win at poker.

sweetjazz 11-11-2005 12:06 AM

Re: Furgeson says have to be very intelligent! Is he right?
I supplied a Ferguson quote in my post "Why attempting to converse with you is a waste of time." Guess what it said? [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]

Smoothcall 11-11-2005 12:07 AM

Re: Furgeson says have to be very intelligent! Is he right?
When did i insult anyones academic credentials? I can isult you for your lack of ability to read a post. But i won't.

Why do you hope this is the last time you correct someone for spelling? Is because you know its stupid and childish? I agree. So why did you decide to do it this time? Oh because maybe you like bashing me? Because your trying to start a flamewar? why all these insults? Why don't you start a post? At least i try and make an interesting post. You and the other haters do not contribute in any positive way to this forum. You just like to fire insults to feel better about yourself. Usually a sign you don't like yourself. I don't blame you!

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