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12-12-2005 01:52 PM

Re: Why darth vador?
Read my post again, folks. Obi Wan killed Darth Maul, who'd previously killed Qui-Gon Jinn, a very accomplished Jedi. He then kills General Grievous, who'd killed multiple Jedis in the past. Finally, he goes toe to toe with Anakin, at a point when Anakin had already killed tons of Younglings as well as Mace Vindu. In this fight Obi-Wan pretty much dominates Anakin. Based on all this I say Obi-Wan.

Except Vader owned him on the first Death Star.

And Anakin boned Padme.

trying2learn 12-12-2005 01:55 PM

Re: Why darth vador?
Anakin Skywalker (pre-lava burn) had the most raw power/potential out of any Jedi/Sith. As Qui-Gonn Jinn noticed when he met him as a young boy on Tatooine, his midi-clorian readings were higher than any Jedi's, even Yoda. Anakin was born of the Force and was thus able to mold it to his will.

Sidious noticed this early on, and followed Anakin's career, slowly corrupting him towards the Dark Side. Anakin had always been impatient, and upon realizing the full powers of the Sith, began to embrace its teachings. Anakin took out Mace Windu, an equal to Yoda in terms of lightsaber technique (see the Episode III novelization), owned Dooku (who fought Yoda to a standstill and dispatched Obi-Wan easily), and only lost to Obi-Wan because he was still getting used to his new Dark Side abilities (and Kenobi could anticipate his apprentice's moves; they had trained for years with each other). Sidious says to Yoda that "Darth Vader will be more powerful than either of us," and he certainly means it.

Plus, he took out an entire temple full of Jedi younglings.

[/ QUOTE ]

If it could be done, I believe Anakin would crush Vader. He was money...

[/ QUOTE ]

what do you mean if?! it is done, at the end of ROTJ...Anakin defeats Vader, and kills Sidious.

12-12-2005 01:55 PM

Re: Why darth vador?
Luke. It's not the battles that count, it's the war. Luke won the war. You're all poker players. Luke risked his life on a read, and his read was correct.

Also the Emperor said Luke's faith in his friends was a weakness, but again Luke was right.

swede123 12-12-2005 01:56 PM

Re: Why darth vador?

Except Vader owned him on the first Death Star.

And Anakin boned Padme.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, not really. Obi-Wan clearly lowers his guard, letting Vader strike him down.


mrkilla 12-12-2005 02:11 PM

Re: Which Star Wars Character was the best?
Being as your post is misleading...

best character, Boba Fett , He sides with no one , hes in it for the cash, his dad gets murdered by the Jedi so he's got all sortsa "dark side" anger . If you paid him more he'd kill the emperor for you too, throwing in Vader no Charge...
Not to mention every storm trooper is his "brother"

As for Best "Jedi" its Luke, as his overall force is enough to swing his father back to kill the emporer and take down the entire dark side, So Luke pwns the entire dark side. (No matter how he gets it done)

Warrior wise, as in a fighter, its a close between Obi and Vader/Anikin that he (obi)smaked him around as a Kid he should win, but he runs like a bitch in the end so its subjective now

Quinn Warren 12-12-2005 02:33 PM

Re: Which Star Wars Character was the best?
What about Darth Maul? Poor fellow got double-teamed. And his death was ridiculous. The guy has lightning-quick reflexes, then just stands there for five seconds as Obi-Wan flies over him and cuts the bastard in half.

The idea of Luke Skywalker defeating Darth Maul in a lightsaber battle is hilariious.

arod15 12-12-2005 02:36 PM

Re: Which Star Wars Character was the best?
Luke couldnt even beat his sister in a battle....

mrkilla 12-12-2005 05:38 PM

Re: Which Star Wars Character was the best?
see this is where you all fail the true star wars tests, Luke is suppose to be the ultimate Jedi, Well Anikin is, the one who brings Balance etc. Thus his love child is as good or better, unless "force" genes are resive in nature. but alas thats another debate.

Anyway He may look like a puss but he has to beat the man whos has wooped on all the above named Jedi's in some for or another and is also his dad "the most powerful Jedi ever"

This is stricly Jedi were talking, he only wins cause he takes the side of good vs evil , which in full force is always suppose to win (with in the context of the movies)

Thank you i Fufilled my geek quota for the week i think

The emperror was a puppeter who shot lighting out his ass big deal

12-12-2005 06:57 PM

Re: Which Star Wars Character was the best?
Speaking of the bringing balance to the force prophecy...why didn't they just kill the kid when they found him? He's supposed to bring balance to the force. We currently have dozens of Jedis and one or two Siths. Let's see, what would bring balance to this situation? Hmmmm.... oh [censored] it, who knows, let's just train the kid and make him really powerful.

goofball 12-12-2005 07:01 PM

Re: Which Star Wars Character was the best?
the question was which character is the best. Anakin has to be considered since he nailed natalie portman, but in the end it can only be Yoda.

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