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pleyya 11-16-2005 06:37 PM

Re: My typical day
I guess its different if you play poker for the thrills and leave your kids away than if you are pursuing a poker career and making money, so i kinda see your point. Somehow whether or not a pokerplayer gets recognition depends on how much money he makes. I guess this wouldnt be an issue if she made 150 000 a year

FishNChips 11-16-2005 06:37 PM

Re: My typical day
I don't have kids...but intend to in the semi-near future.

If I'm still playing poker from home then I would consider this to be an advantage.

Maybe I don't undderstand the full realities of it all...but I would think that you can take care of the kid just a little bit while clicking-away online.
And my sig-other can pursue her career all she likes while i'm the stay-at-home-dad-who-is-still-making-money.

I don't think the OP is nearly as bad as others are making her out to be.
I might be inclined to take my kid to day-care every once in awhile just as much for the social-interaction as anything. But this wouldn't be a regular thing if I didn't have to do it of course.

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I think that you'll find that taking care of the kid and playing won't mix. I think that there may be a few kids out there that this would work with, but in general, babies/toddlers need way too much attention to make playing at the same time an option.

My main issue with OP is:
1 - she could adjust her playing schedule and keep the kid at home
2 - her husband is around sometimes, he could take care of the kid when he's around
3 - it seems like she's choosing to play to make a little extra cash and is using that as an excuse to pawn her kid off (I realize that this may be an inaccurate conclusion, but given the facts as presented this is what I'm coming to). The math was done above, she's just not making that much for the 6-8hrs a day that her child is in day care.

Again, its her choice. She can do whatever she wants, but she asked for opinions and now she's getting them.


HRFats 11-16-2005 06:38 PM

Re: My typical day
Maybe I don't undderstand the full realities of it all...but I would think that you can take care of the kid just a little bit while clicking-away online.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, it's almost impossible. Kids are pretty demanding and when your holding pocket aces HU with a 50% VP$IP player, something will happen and you will have to leave the computer immediately...

If I'm home with my kids I try to clear a casino bonus and save the poker for after bed time.

FishNChips 11-16-2005 06:41 PM

Re: My typical day
So she clears $10K - peanuts, really.

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Oh come on. That "peanuts" is about the annual income of a full-time, year-round worker on minimum wage. I'd love to be in a place where $10k is peanuts. You may not think it's worth the trade-off, but let's not pretend that the income she's forgoeing by quitting poker isn't very significant to many families.

[/ QUOTE ]

this is a fair point. If they live in a small apt in a low cost of living area this might cover 80% of the rent every month and that is significant.

My issue is with the schedule. As another poster stated, your kids have to be priority 1/2/3...n. You're a parent now, thats how it is. She can play at night after her husband gets home or after her kid goes to bed. I've also not seen her say that she "needs" the $$$. She has stated that there isn't much to spare if they rely on her husbands salary.


fallout1234 11-16-2005 06:45 PM

Re: My typical day
Ok I made 10K after tax after deducting daycare cost. But my husband's 20K won't be there if my kid is at home all day.

And last year I started by playing 25c/50c with 500 dollar bankroll . The first 1k took me 4 months to earn. So my 20K per year is not an flat average.
We hope to use poker money to help pay for a house later, considering how costly house are, we can't afford it by my husband's teacher salary.

Neurotoxin 11-16-2005 06:52 PM

Re: My typical day
if you have a $40,000 bankroll why are you only making $20k a year.

FishNChips 11-16-2005 07:01 PM

Re: My typical day
Ok I made 10K after tax after deducting daycare cost. But my husband's 20K won't be there if my kid is at home all day.

And last year I started by playing 25c/50c with 500 dollar bankroll . The first 1k took me 4 months to earn. So my 20K per year is not an flat average.
We hope to use poker money to help pay for a house later, considering how costly house are, we can't afford it by my husband's teacher salary.

[/ QUOTE ]

clearly we're giving you feedback on about 1/100th of the truly available information so how about I do this:

1 - is it a "waste" to spend your day playing poker : ABSOLUTELY NOT! Plenty of folks on this site do it for a living and I do not have any issue with that. Its not a waste if you understand the risks and its not an addiction / life destroying activity.


2 - your situation is a bit different because you have a kid involved. In My Opinion, your child needs to be your #1 priority and that means that if you CAN you should have the little one at home with you during the day. Your choices should reflect what is in the best interest of your child, not what is easiest/most convenient/nicest/funnest/coolest for you. You're a parent now, the days of "what I want" are over and "what is best for my child" should be the driving force behind your decisions. If dropping your child off at day care and spending 5 - 8hrs/day playing poker is truly what is best for your child then go for it.

3 - don't justify dropping your child off at day care with "the social interaction is good for him." If I need to dig up the cites for the studies I'll do it, but its better for the kids to be at home with mom and/or dad during their early years. They'll get plenty of interaction when they reach school age.

Again . what you do is up to you, but you asked, its been answered, and you might not like it.


fallout1234 11-16-2005 07:03 PM

Re: My typical day
Each of us has 20K bankroll.

fallout1234 11-16-2005 07:12 PM

Re: My typical day
Thanks for your suggestion. I understand your point, and respect your and your wife's schedule. I see you sleep less than 6 hours a day. I really can't do that and function right. I am almost 35 now and no longer have the energy of a 25 year old. I find myself too tired taking care of a toddler all day to do any serious poker playing afterwards.

Once again let me say I respect your way of taking care your baby.

HRFats 11-16-2005 07:15 PM

Re: My typical day
if you have a $40,000 bankroll why are you only making $20k a year.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think it's because her husband also plays and he made $20K last year as well.

So it sounds like you need the money so you can buy a house. Why don't you limit your play to times when your child is in bed either at night or morning or both. Let your husband keep his schedule so he still makes his $20k. You will save $5k in daycare (how much ARE you paying?) and can probably make $6k playing mornings, nights and weekends ($500 a month should not be a problem).

So you save $5k, make $6k that becomes $4500 after taxes for a total of almost $10k. You're in the EXACT same position , your son is no longer in daycare and you are only playing half the hours you were playing before - and you don't need to take a job...

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