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fluff 12-09-2005 09:17 PM

Re: good Lee Jones article
Think about it, if they never hit their longshots, they'd become disenchanted and stop playing altogether

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Duh, they hit their longshots as often as probability says they should. They're longshots, not impossible shots.

It's like those lemmings that keep popping quarter after quarter into the slot machines. At the end of the trip to Vegas, they're in the red. In fact, they probably lost more money than they brought because they went to the ATM five times to reload. Why do they keep doing it? Why do they keep returning to Vegas to go through that again. Because every now and then they win $1,200 bucks and believe the illusion that they can become wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. Clank, clank, clank....more quarters into the slot.

[/ QUOTE ]

So you're saying that Vegas slots are rigged to go off more than they should? Whaaa??? Of course Vegas doesn't rig their slots to pay out more than they should, and yet the fish are still coming. So why again does a pokersite need to rig their longshot?

There might be other reasons to "rig" the game, but yours isn't it.

gabyyyyy 12-09-2005 09:21 PM

Re: good Lee Jones article
Think about it, if they never hit their longshots, they'd become disenchanted and stop playing altogether

[/ QUOTE ]

Duh, they hit their longshots as often as probability says they should. They're longshots, not impossible shots.

It's like those lemmings that keep popping quarter after quarter into the slot machines. At the end of the trip to Vegas, they're in the red. In fact, they probably lost more money than they brought because they went to the ATM five times to reload. Why do they keep doing it? Why do they keep returning to Vegas to go through that again. Because every now and then they win $1,200 bucks and believe the illusion that they can become wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. Clank, clank, clank....more quarters into the slot.

[/ QUOTE ]

So you're saying that Vegas slots are rigged to go off more than they should? Whaaa??? Of course Vegas doesn't rig their slots to pay out more than they should, and yet the fish are still coming. So why again does a pokersite need to rig their longshot?

There might be other reasons to "rig" the game, but yours isn't it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Can you not read? Oh ya this is the zoo what am I thinking.

He did not say they rig them to win more often. He said it's the WAY they rig them. Big win here and there to keep you hooked.


You lose at life.

fluff 12-09-2005 09:54 PM

Re: good Lee Jones article

Wyers 12-10-2005 12:26 AM

Re: good Lee Jones article

I'm truly torn as to whether you are actually a regular High Stakes poster who created this gimmick account for kicks, or if you really are this lonely, bored and dillusional.

If you are the former... it's kind of cute but time to let it go bro.

If you are the latter... time for that mental health assessment.

For the record, if it wasn't for denial of r***b**k, I'd be all over Stars like white on rice. I'm looking forward to more details on the VIP program Lee has been touting.

revots33 12-10-2005 12:29 AM

Re: good Lee Jones article
The arguements that they wouldnt do it because the rake is profitable enough anyway are incredibly naive given the types of things that go on in big business day in day out.

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My point isn't that businesses never break the law or do unethical things to make more money. My point is they wouldn't do it if it COST them money. Running a crooked game makes absolutely no sense in an operation where the site's only reason for existence is to provide a venue for a fair poker game.

Sites do not need to program in suckouts to keep the fish happy, because suckouts are already a part of poker. The luck element in poker keeps the fish coming back all by itself.

gabyyyyy 12-10-2005 12:31 AM

Re: good Lee Jones article
My point is they wouldn't do it if it COST them money. Running a crooked game makes absolutely no sense in an operation where the site's only reason for existence is to provide a venue for a fair poker game.

[/ QUOTE ]

How does it cost them money when idiots like you come to their defense anytime someone makes an accusation?

Guthrie 12-10-2005 01:41 AM

Re: good Lee Jones article
The operative words:

"Here in the world of online poker, we’ve sped up time, so even relatively unlikely events happen all the time."

All these suckouts and oddities people use as absolute proof that online poker is rigged are nothing more than the result of being dealt lots and lots more hands. I play more hands of poker in an hour online than I used to play all day at the Bike.

MikeTexas 12-10-2005 03:20 AM

Re: good Lee Jones article
My opponent hit one of those 989-1 shots just yesterday on prima after I had flopped a set of Queens.

I chekced my set to slwoplay which is something I NEVER do in low limit games since you typically get action regardless.

Anyways, a four comes on the turn and I decide to bet. The guy calls and then the river is another four. I bet, he raies, I re-raise, he caps.....sure enough the guy flips over pocket fours for runner runner quads.

I was shocked....but not because the odds of him hitting runner runner quads is so remote.....but because the one time I decide its safe to slowplay a hand (and this is a heads up pot mind you) the guy goes runner runner for quads. I never slowplay....ever.....its usually unecessary....but the one time I decide to do it this happens. LOL.

12-10-2005 12:09 PM

Re: good Lee Jones article
So you're saying that Vegas slots are rigged to go off more than they should? Whaaa??? Of course Vegas doesn't rig their slots to pay out more than they should, and yet the fish are still coming. So why again does a pokersite need to rig their longshot?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sorry, did you even read what I wrote? If you actually read what I wrote and think that I believe that online poker is rigged, or that slots are rigged, you need to improve your reading comprehension skills.
All casino games favor the casino (roulette, blackjack, craps, slots). There's no question about that. However, if the players of those games didn't win occasionally, they would lose hope and stop playing altogether, however, they have tasted "victory" and keep coming back.
I did not say that online sites are rigged to provide the same psychological illusion for fish, I merely said that if they were to do that, then that would be the reasoning for them to do it.
The OP said they have no incentive to cheat since they make millions legitimately. That's nonsence. Ken Lay had no reason to be dishonest since he was making tons of money legally as was Martha Stewart. They had millions, and they had the capacity to continue to make enormous amounts of money in an honest manner, so, by that logic, it would be unreasonable to think that they are capable of dishonestly earning more money. However, greed affects even the wealthiest of people. They had no incentive, but they did it anyway. That's corporate America. $100 million is not enough.

timprov 12-10-2005 12:15 PM

Re: good Lee Jones article
I am amused at the rigging accusation Lee was defending against, which really was nonsensical. I hope we can all agree that none of the poker sites are going to rig the game to make you fold more often preflop.

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