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hobbsmann 10-18-2005 03:58 AM

Re: Most Interesting Drinking game you\'ve heard of
Yeah... I'm pretty sure I differ on almost every one of your rules when I play with my friends, but Beer Die in general is awesome.

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Yeah we played Beer Die standing up, but either way a great game.

Escape 10-18-2005 04:01 AM

Re: Most Interesting Drinking game you\'ve heard of
Yeah... I'm pretty sure I differ on almost every one of your rules when I play with my friends, but Beer Die in general is awesome.

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Yeah we played Beer Die standing up, but either way a great game.

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hobbsmann 10-18-2005 04:07 AM

Re: Most Interesting Drinking game you\'ve heard of
Yeah... I'm pretty sure I differ on almost every one of your rules when I play with my friends, but Beer Die in general is awesome.

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Yeah we played Beer Die standing up, but either way a great game.

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These were the rules from a Beer Die tournament I played in a couple of years ago with buddies from college. I also played slightly different rules with other friends, but all variations involved standing.

1. Never say five (say biz instead)
2. 2 teams of two players
3. Teammates always drink together
4. Play to five
5. First team to five wins (you dont have to win by two)
6. Beers placed one finger length from each side, at the corners of the table
7. Play may only take place while all four beers are on the table
8. Die must be thrown higher than the tallest person. If low, throwing team take a drink.
9. Teammates alternate throws
10. Catch using 1 hand only: 1 drink for violation
11. No trapping (using any combination of a hand and any other part of your body): 1 drink for violation
12. Hit a cup (plink):
1. If die drops, catching team take a drink
2. If die is caught, throwing team take one drink
13. If die does not hit table, throwing team take one drink
14. Die goes in cup (plunk): throwing team take one drink
15. If die is plunked, catching team must finish beer then spit die onto the table. If die reads five after being spit, spitting team must refill and finish again.
16. If at any point during the game the die is on the table reading five, the last team having touched the die finishes beer
17. If the word five is spoken at any time during the game: Speaking team finishes beer

How to Score:

1. Die hits table and goes between cups, catching team does not catch die: 1 point for throwing team
2. Plunk: 1 point for throwing team


1. When die is spat, it must come to rest on the table, otherwise it is spat again
2. Drink beer at an efficient rate, God has jurisdiction over pussy drinking

hyde 10-18-2005 07:25 AM

Re: Most Interesting Drinking game you\'ve heard of
I recall some sort of rythmic hand drumming on the table, I don't think it mattered, just got people a bit energized..
"chosen one" chose a catagory like 'automobiles" and in turn around the table each player had to name an automobile, first one stumped drank.
You could make stuff up if you were stumped. If challanged and you couldn't talk you way out of your "made up", you drank, if you were successful, the challanger drank.
The stumpee became the next chosen one.
You could choose obscure catagories, but you could then be challanged immediately to name one for each player at the table.
I think there was a 3-5 second time limit to name your catagory. It was more than a few years ago.
There may have been an additionnal penalty it you lost in your own catagory.

diebitter 10-18-2005 07:28 AM

Re: Most Interesting Drinking game you\'ve heard of
Yah, I used to play this one or similar. You'd all tap out a steady rhythm on the table and chant together. And it was something like:

ALL chant: "Who put the cookie in the cookie pot jar"
(and 1 nominated person would shout a name just before this, say 'Joe')
ALL: "JOE! put the cookie in the cookie pot jar"
Joe: "Who me?"
All: "Yes You!"
JOE: "Couldna be!"
ALL: "Then who?"
JOE: "FRED put the cookie in the cookie pot jar"
and start at the top again with..."who put..."

The only restriction is you can't pick the person who just picked you.

It sounds lame, but if you flub on the name (and you wouldn't believe how much this happens), you have to finish your drink right there.

GuyOnTilt 10-18-2005 07:38 AM

Re: Most Interesting Drinking game you\'ve heard of
I recall some sort of rythmic hand drumming on the table, I don't think it mattered, just got people a bit energized..
"chosen one" chose a catagory like 'automobiles" and in turn around the table each player had to name an automobile, first one stumped drank.
You could make stuff up if you were stumped. If challanged and you couldn't talk you way out of your "made up", you drank, if you were successful, the challanger drank.
The stumpee became the next chosen one.
You could choose obscure catagories, but you could then be challanged immediately to name one for each player at the table.
I think there was a 3-5 second time limit to name your catagory. It was more than a few years ago.
There may have been an additionnal penalty it you lost in your own catagory.

[/ QUOTE ]
We play this as a game within a game. It's like Mushroom and this combined kind of with minigames. Deck of cards spread facedown around a bottle and you take turns picking a card and stacking it with two corners off (exactly like Mushroom but without any guessing required). Each card value has a category and after the card is stacked the game is played.

A - Social : Everybody drinks two.
K - Category : The game you described. First one to lose takes two drinks.
Q - Question : Stacker asks a question while looking at someone else. They have to respond with another question whiel looking at someone else. And on it goes until someone can't come up with an unused question in rhythm and they drink two.
J - Back : Last person takes two drinks.
T - Forward : Next person takes two drinks.
9 - Waterfall : Everybody starts drinking at the same time. The person who stacked the card can stop whenever they want and everybody else can't stop chugging until the person on their right has stopped. The last person gets [censored] obv.
8 - Pick a Mate : Pick someone to take two drinks with you.
7 - Give Seven : Dish out seven drinks however you want.
6 - Dicks : Guys drink two.
5 - Jive : The stacker starts out saying a rhymical phrase. Next in line has to save another phrase that rhymes and so on. No repeat last words. First one to not be able to think of one quickly and in rhythm has to drink two.
4 - Whores : Girls drink two.
3 - To me : Take three yourself.
2 - To you : Give two.

Probably not my favorite game, but it's fun.


steelcmg 10-18-2005 07:38 AM

Re: Most Interesting Drinking game you\'ve heard of
We played alot of beerpong and [censored] in college. Except the one time we played [censored] we played with 151 and coke. And we are huge assholes its basically just chug ur beer/151 the whole game. Everyone was royally F'ed up that day.

webgator 10-18-2005 07:38 AM

Re: Most Interesting Drinking game you\'ve heard of
My most favorite I remember was a board game named Passout. Pretty much every move you or an opponent made someone drank. Here's the description:

" This is a board game that can be found at Spencer's gifts or other such novelty stores. The game is played just like monolopy but with a certain heavy drinking twist.

The object of the game is to circle around the board and say and collect at least 10 pink elephant cards. In order to advance you must roll dice. Every space you land on is different (i.e. blue, yellow, red, or green take a drink, or all drink). Sometimes you might get sent to the bar and must roll doubles to exit. This game can be fast paced in which case you will get drunk quickly. There also are chance cards which tell others to drink, give up a pink elephant card, get out of bar, take a pink elephant card from any player. There are some blank ones which you and your buddies get to make up rules for.

The pink elephant cards have rhymes on them which you have to say correctly. You only get one chance. Collect ten and you win the game. Takes maybe an hour to play. This game was a great subsitute for [censored] or beer pong. Chicks love it.

HtotheNootch 10-18-2005 07:48 AM

Re: Most Interesting Drinking game you\'ve heard of
Bar Golf
Aluminum Triathalon

Aces McGee 10-18-2005 09:39 AM

Re: Most Interesting Drinking game you\'ve heard of
Not sure it's the most interesting, but my favorite in college was Beer Chess.

My friend built a board out of some plywood and regular bar coasters. It's chess, but instead of using playing pieces, you use beers.

I can't find the rules anymore, but there are certain types of beers that are supposed to represent each type of piece. We could never find all of them (most were pony bottles), so we'd usually get a 12 pack of Budweiser (for white), a 12 pack of MGD (for black), and then maybe an extra six pack for something else. We'd label the rooks, bishops, and knights using masking tape and a pen. For the kings and queens, we usually got some larger 24 oz. cans, often Schlitz Bull, both red and blue.

The rules are pretty simple:

Every time you move a piece, you drink from it. If you castle, drink from both the king and the rook.

Every time you lose a piece, you drink the whole thing.

If you lose the game, you must drink your king, your opponent's king, and all of your pieces that still remain on the board.

One memorable match lasted five moves.


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