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04-10-2002 04:28 AM

Re: whatever your opinion is

There is no personal history. I have just seen her rip other people almost every time i've seen her post. Now ripping me. I didn'yt start with her she started with me. Don't you see that? Just because she is a woman doesn't give her the right to rip people. You'll defend any wonam's honor? I'm sure she can take care of herself. If she has the nerve to rip people for no good reason she should be expecting feedback. i do agree i was a bit harsh with my comeback and apologized for it. But know i was right in the fact that she rips people and desrved feedback, just not as harsh as i was.

04-10-2002 04:40 PM

Re: Addicted??????

well said...shut him down.

04-11-2002 06:54 AM


Don't tell me what should and shouldn't be posted on here! Where do you get off? I don't tell you what you should be posting about so don't tell me.

And another thing. What's this about defending the lady's honor? Who cares whether its a lady or a man? What happened to women being treated as equals? I never heard you respond to her nasty posts to other posters. Why? Because she's a women and you want to kiss up to her.(hence the getting laid comment) Its ok for her to rip people, your not going to tell her what this forum's posts should and shouldn't be about. Why? Don't come at me like how dare you talk to a lady like that you'll have to answer to me crap. So save it please!

04-14-2002 03:07 AM


actually, i was just posting my opinion. is it ok for you to tell me what to post, but not the other way around?

in regards to defending a woman's honor:

maybe im old-fashioned but i think there is something to be defended. i think the attack you made was substantially different than the one she made. just because i 'defended' her and not the other guy doesn't mean im sexist, or kissing up to her and trying to get laid. it doesn't mean that she was right, either.

so bite me. ill post my opinion until they ban it. just seemed like you crossed a line to me, thats why i responded.

04-14-2002 08:05 AM


"so bite me"

Your really showing your age here. And what's up! I thought you were looking to get laid by women, now you want me to bite you?

What did you think of her response to Clarkmeister in the thread you started about how girlfriends deal with your lifestyle? You know the one where Clarkmeister was sharing personal heartfelt info on his life and how his family deals with it and she responded by making a crack about him. I'm sure you read it. Did you think that was nice? But you didn't say a word about it did you? You are a hypocrite and just don't realize it. Wake up my friend! Btw i had no gripe with you until you stuck your nose in my business where it didn't belong. The funny part i bet you wouldn't even have responded if it wasn't a women i responded to.

Trust me i wouldn't rip someone for no good reason. I am a very nice guy. But when i know other people aren't so nice, or are being an a-hole I rip back. Again she was just trying to make a witty cynical joke and i was a bit harsh as it was only the first time she did it to me. But I don't deserve you telling me what should be put on this forum. Who the hell are you? You are entitled to your opinion about my response but not to say what things I should be writing about and what not to write about on here. Would you like it if i said your posts about these women your trying to bang, and how they deal with your lifestyle were stupid threads and not appopriate for this forum? I may think it but does not mean its called for to tell you what you should write about. If i don't like the post or think its interesting i can just pass on reading or responding to it. Telling you what is appropriate for this forum is rude and pompass. And thats what you were when you said that.

In closing i have no real gripe with you other than that maybe you stuck your nose in something that wasn't your business because you wanted to be a big man and defend a girl's honor even when you agree that she was wrong.

04-15-2002 04:01 AM


i just thought you crossed a line between mean-spirited in general and being personally nasty.

maybe i don't always jump in when i have an opinion, but i don't think that means that i am biased towards a certain gender when i DO happen to drop in my $.02 on the matter. in reagards to Jen's post in that thread to Clarkmeister, i thought somebody else handled the situation better, and i didn't need to step in.

when saying that i didn't think your post had a place on the forum, i was still stating my opinion. maybe it does have a place and im an idiot. you certainly don't have to listen to me. in fact, id urge you not to give weight to anything i say unless it has merit on its own (i assume you already do this, though).

as far as me getting laid, i don't understand why you keep making the point. im not trying to get laid, certainly not on a 2+2 Bulletin Board.

'In closing i have no real gripe with you other than that maybe you stuck your nose in something that wasn't your business because you wanted to be a big man and defend a girl's honor even when you agree that she was wrong.'

i think if its on this forum that it is everybody's business, and nobody should be excluded from posting a response. sticking my nose where it didn't belong didn't enter in to it, because i was responding to a post on a public forum.

i already am a big man. a girl's honor can still be intact when she is wrong. i felt you crossed a line of personal attack that wasn't warranted. even if she was wrong, does that make it right to be a jerk to her? i don't think it does, and i said so. would you say that you were RIGHT and justified in attacking her? or just that maybe she deserved it?

let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

04-15-2002 08:55 AM


You ask if i felt it was right to be a jerk to her even if she was wrong? The answer is yes. But i did overreact a bit as I already said and the fact it was a first offense from her on me. Just a bit though. I actually didn't say anything that bad. Obviously i don't know what she looks like or whether she's a lesbian or not so its not really an insult. Just explaining how i felt about her personality on this forum. If i knew her and she actually was an ugly lesbian that would be mean. Its not like i even cursed at her. So chill big man! Are you really big? I pictured you to be skinny and average height? Not important just curious? Oh and your right its your business when its on this forum. Just meant if your going to take a side be prepared to buckle up and defend it against the person your against. So you want to fight or what? Just kidding no hard feelings. I like to debate but don't take it personally. And stop with this trying to get laid on here man it ain't gonna happen! Just kidding. lol

04-15-2002 11:59 AM

Clarkmeister post

Which post are you guys referring to that I was mean? I don't remember that one? And by the way, you guys need to play more poker and make less posts.

04-17-2002 01:48 AM


ok. no harm no foul. i assume Jen didn't cry when she read your post. neither did i.

no i don't want to fight. i don't like to fight, but if it is necessary, well, ill still try to talk it over first.

in RE: my apperance, i am 6'3 and 265 lbs. im probably a bit intimidating too, i have a shaved head and a big bushy goatee. but im gentle as a teddy bear if you ask anybody who knows me. (had to learn that the hard way though. used to be like a 'bull in a china shop' as my mom used to say)

BTW - any hot chicks on here lookin for some hot love from a big bad dude? i need to get laid, seriously... (j/k)

04-17-2002 01:52 AM


you're right. i DO need to play more poker and post less. but my BR is hurting in a major way right now and i can't play poker again until i get a new job.

RE: clarkmeister post -

he posted something about how he had a conversation with his mom and still can't convince her that poker isn't a degenerate, dirty, gambling addiction. was a good story, and was good insight. then there was a post by you (i think, but it could have been somebody else. i took pokerguy's research on the matter at face value.) being kinda nasty. i don't remember what it said, but it was mean.

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