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gildwulf 11-04-2005 05:09 AM

Re: I can\'t take this life anymore
I would strongly suggest seeing a psychiatrist/psychologist. Also, if there is any way possible you can go out and meet people and get yourself out of isolation...twoplustwo is a good start but try and find people in your area who play poker or share one of your hobbies and make friends that way. Also, poker may not be the best choice of hobbies as the emotional swings are incredibly difficult (for anyone, not just you). I would advise finding a hobby/job that is less emotionally taxing until you feel comfortable with yourself, or at least not suicidal.

11-04-2005 07:31 AM

Re: I can\'t take this life anymore
Thanks for all the kind words guys, i'll try to find out some doc. And as someone said my number one goal now should be to make myself happy and feel good about myself.

11-04-2005 10:49 AM

Re: I can\'t take this life anymore
Thanks for all the kind words guys, i'll try to find out some doc. And as someone said my number one goal now should be to make myself happy and feel good about myself.

[/ QUOTE ]

Good choice.

If you want, you can look at it this way - you ALWAYS have the option of ending your life - but its a decision you only get to make once - and there are no take-backs.

So, you might as well do whatever you can before deciding on that option.

Perhaps I can also suggest a book you may want to pick up - its not a "self-help" book or anything like that - its called "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl. Frankl was a psychologist who is a Holocaust survivor. The book tells his story of his time in a concentration camp - it describes the daily horrors and dehumanization that he personally experienced - and from it, he developed a new psychological approach called "logotherapy".

I found his story inspirational in that it details how a man can maintain a sense of meaning and purpose in life, despite facing the most horrifying experiences. The most famous quote from the book is

"Everything can be taken from a man but ...the last of the human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."

I wish you luck and hope that you will turn things around.

dopp16 11-04-2005 10:54 AM

Re: I can\'t take this life anymore

I will echo the other posters. You aren't worthless and your life is worth living. You have already admitted that you have a problem, so go take care of it. By reading all of these great posts, you should realize that there are friends out there and people are out there that can be helpful. Join a social club, exercise, vacation, do things outside. Good luck!!!

Peter666 11-04-2005 03:21 PM

Re: I can\'t take this life anymore
You are obviously suffering from depression and an anxiety disorder. This is usually due to a genetic or biological proclivity to it, with stress tending to bring it out.

It does not mean you are psycho or bad, it means you have a chemical imbalance in the brain. A doctor should immediately prescribe you Zoloft, Paxil or any other top anti-depressant to rebalance the chemical system. It takes about a month to start working, and believe me, it does wonders.

Another thing is to push negative thoughts out of your head. Dwelling on these is like a bad habit. You have to blank them out when they come and think of something else. It is a type of excercise for the mind.

11-04-2005 08:46 PM

Every youth goes through this.
I'm 25 and I can't say I haven't gone through something similar. Listen, you have the rest of your life ahead ofyou. You have choices in life.

You are sad because quite frankly you have nothing to live for. What did you expect? someone to hand to you on a platter? You want friends? Be a to people...laugh at life...

You want something to feel good? Do well in poker. Find other things to master. Don't be one dimensional.

Take control of your life. This is YOUR life. If you want to take your life. Fine. But if you truly did want to, you'd take it already besides sitting here in a forum and posting about it. The problem is everyone treats you sympathetically and softly whenever you feel like killing yourself like your parents. They say stuff like you have tons of potential and stuff. Deep down inside you resent that because you know they are trying to make you feel better, but they must think something differently of you otherwise why would thtey have to assauge your feelings.

You are sad because you have nothing to feel proud about. This is true. Then do things and master them (despite initial failures). Don't sit on your whiney little ass and complain. If you have a biological imbalance, then go to a doctor. Ultimately YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN HAPPINESS. now take charge of your life, its not anyone elses responsibility to do that.

11-04-2005 09:51 PM

Re: I can\'t take this life anymore
I know the hell you are going through. Just remember that those thoughts that keep telling you that you are worthles are wrong. Its that simple. Its gonna take courage to face them and i dont think anybody fully conquers all of them. But its worth it.

Definately go to a doctor and get some meds, they will help. Trying to do this all by yourself is pointless. If you need someone to talk to PM me.

eastbay 11-04-2005 11:20 PM

Re: I can\'t take this life anymore

I have thought about my situation and came to conclusion that I have two option A) Make a radical positive change in my life B) End my life.
Hopefully posting this is the first step to happier life..

[/ QUOTE ]

My analysis shows that option A is +EV.

First, I agree with others that you have depression and it is going to be treatable if you take steps to make it so.

I think you should probably find a couple of us guys to chat with for awhile just to smooth things over for right now, so you can start making plans for how to improve things.

You on IM?


11-04-2005 11:21 PM

Re: I can\'t take this life anymore
Hi luckyinpast,
David Sklansky sent me over. I was called all sorts of names by my "friends" when I was younger. Now (twenty years later) most of them are shoveling sidewalks for a living or some other brainless job. I've noticed as I've grown older that most of us folks who were tortured when we were younger somehow grew the strongest from our experiences and have moved on from awful lives to very fulfilling lives. Don't kill yourself, I had too many classmates who took that route and it's just too damn final. These people are long forgotten ( I've forgotten everyone of their names ). If you live, you'll overcome your problems eventually and be better than the idiots who are giving you a hard time.
Take care,

cokehead 11-05-2005 12:36 AM

Re: I can\'t take this life anymore
My analysis shows that option A is +EV.

[/ QUOTE ]

Also, don't worry about admitting weakness. We all know it sucks to do it, but it only makes us stronger in the long run.

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