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HopeydaFish 12-03-2005 11:17 AM

Re: What just happened with me and this girl??
You're over-analyzing everything. The girl obviously likes you and has probably been waiting for you to ask her out for awhile. When she suggested getting together for something other than basketball, that was a sign that she thinks of you as more than just a team-mate.

Don't read anything into her comment at the end of the evening. She's probably just as unsure as you are about where things stand, and was just trying to sound aloof.

Ask her out to dinner and a movie. When you drop her off at the end of the date, that's when you kiss her. As long as the date went well, that is.

Mauling her is not the answer if you want her to be your girlfriend as opposed to just some tail. It sounds like you really like this girl, so I'm guessing you don't want to scare her away.

BigBaitsim (milo) 12-03-2005 11:42 AM

Re: What just happened with me and this girl??
Call her and ask her out. If she says no, she says no. Girls don't snuggle like that if they don't like you. Her comment was probably made because she was even more nervous than you. Please note, she asked you to call her. Do it.


Youth is wasted on the young.

KaneKungFu123 12-03-2005 11:49 AM

Re: What just happened with me and this girl??
try to lose your virginity fast, then you wont post dumb crap like this.

gabbahh 12-03-2005 12:06 PM

Re: What just happened with me and this girl??

If you're really into her you need to be more direct and confident. Someday before break send her a text message in the evening that says "What are you up to?" She'll reply with something like "Nothing, just sitting around." Then you drop a message that says "Come over and hang out." If she likes you she'll come over or at least make immediate plans to hang out soon. If not she will react tentatively and you will know to move on.

[/ QUOTE ] Sure... [censored] like this means to a girl: He wants to hang out with me!!! He is a real friend!!!!
Also the fact that you didn't make a move last time, isn't helping your case.

Only one option...

Dress up like an angel (with wings and [censored]) and "visit" her at night. When she goes religious on you, tell her she is the new virgin Mary.

Isura 12-03-2005 12:13 PM

Re: What just happened with me and this girl??
"Have a good break if I don't see you again (break starts Dec. 10), and call me if you want to play basketball some time, or if you go skiing in Oregon" (we'll be about two hours away from each other over winter break, and there's a ski place in between that we each said we might go to)

[/ QUOTE ]

You are an idiot. This was her way of saying she wants to see you during the break without seeming too forward.

kenberman 12-03-2005 02:49 PM

Re: What just happened with me and this girl??
intramural basketball team

[/ QUOTE ]

(our team hit some tough times, and we leaned on each other for support),

[/ QUOTE ]

I think you both take intramural sports WAAAAYYY too seriously

man 12-03-2005 03:25 PM

Re: What just happened with me and this girl??

there's a wealth of information on the boards about this kind of situation. but your situation is unique so you probably won't get the answer you're looking for.

don't worry about what she said before she left. chances are just as good that she's saying "wtf did I just say that" as her really meaning that she wasn't planning on hanging out. what matters is whether she's gonna remember having a good time hanging out with you. and the more you let yourself obsess over this kind of thing, the less you'll be able to be yourself in the future.

I don't entirely buy the argument that you can enter the "friend" zone and never return. what happens in that zone is determined by both of your desires. I think the reason most guys enter that "friend" zone and never come back is because they're constantly trying to push it to be something more, which makes the entire relationship unnatural. of course you want to avoid it, because it only gets harder from there, but it's not the end of your chances. most relationships I know of started from friendships.

right now I think you ought to not call her at all, but act excited to see her the next time you run into her. it's not in your interest for her to think you've been obsessing over her. it's all about supply and demand. and if you saturate her market with offers to hang out, she's gonna be more likely to back off. but if she thinks you'll get away if she doesn't meet you halfway, she'll be more likely to be the one inviting you over.



12-03-2005 03:29 PM

Re: What just happened with me and this girl??
She's probably insecure because you didn't make a move. Call her in the next couple of days, ask her to do something. Show affection. First time you make lingering eye contact, make your move.

aragorn_i 12-03-2005 04:05 PM

Re: What just happened with me and this girl??
Having dated several church girls back in the day I can tell you she has gone above and beyond the norm to show you she is interested in you.Stop expecting your life to be like a letter to penthouse.All is not lost however.She has given you a chick test.Her comment "if I see you later" is girl speak for "If your interested you will take it upon yourself to see me before the break, I have done everything my religious beleifs will allow me."As for making your move,take it slow.Hold hands walking to your car,make excuses to touch her etc...If your looking for a homerun right out of the gate forget it with this girl.

RunDownHouse 12-03-2005 04:09 PM

Re: What just happened with me and this girl??
So we're watching the movie, and slowly our positions are slowly gravitating towards each other, until our arms are touching at one point...(and by the way, if anyone knows some smooth lines/tricks that enable me to get from that position to cuddling position easily, I'd love to know) finally I just say [censored] it, and put my arm around her shoulder. She doesn't seem to mind, and repositions herself so that she's laying against my chest.

[/ QUOTE ]
Wait, so instead of laying some smooth talk on her, and staring deep into her eyes as violins swelled, you just put your arm around her and it worked? Holy [censored]! Too bad this approach can't be utilized in similar situations!

Seriously, next time be assertive and go in for the kiss. She'll let you know pretty quickly if its welcome or not, and "smooth tricks" won't change the outcome.

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