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tolbiny 11-04-2005 02:50 PM

Re: Which college should he choose?
Not Case western reserve university.

TiK 11-04-2005 03:00 PM

Re: Which college should he choose?
I couldn't help but reminisce and laugh about my high school experience after reading about your son's stats (97 avg., 1350 SAT). It seems like yesterday that I was in the same boat. Crazy high school I went to they calculate your average to the hundredth place. The difference between the valedictorian and salutatorian was about 2 hundredths of a point. Pretty sick, and the competition was pretty sick too.

I ended up going to Michigan, hated it (it was [censored] cold, and it happened to be the mildest winter in 25 years). But on the plus side, I was there when Michigan split the Championship with Nebraska fall 1997. Let me just say that Michigan games are RIDICULOUS (ridiculously awesome, that is). That stadium holds over 107,000 people and it's SRO EVERY HOME GAME. Other than that though, I didn't like the school. Big lectures, lots of kids, very easy to get lost in the fray (which I did). So I took some time off after my freshman year, went to community college for about 2 semesters, and then transferred to Tulane (great [censored] place and warm weather too). New Orleans has got to be one of the best cities to go to school in. Tulane itself is not too bad either.

Anyway, from my experience, I would say that you (your son rather) should definitely visit the school. No matter how good the school is, make sure you can LIVE there for four years. Cuz lord knows I would've killed myself had I spent four years at Michigan (or Cornell for that matter, that place is even drearier than Michigan during the winter).

I apologize for my long-winded reply. But if you have any specific questions, feel free to PM me.

Edit: Also, as JordanIB posted,

Finally, if cost is an issue at all, being in NY, if your son chooses the business program (or anything within the 3 state-funded schools), you're getting the same education that other people are paying through the nose for at a $10,000/year discount. (And you can still take whatever you want in whatever school or subject you want, just like everyone else.)

[/ QUOTE ] This, you should definitely look into. It is a GREAT value. Ivy league diploma for state college tuition.

JordanIB 11-04-2005 03:06 PM

Re: Which college should he choose?

[/ QUOTE ]Cuz lord knows I would've killed myself had I spent four years at Michigan (or Cornell for that matter, that place is even drearier than Michigan during the winter).

[/ QUOTE ]

They live in New York. I assume the kid knows how to handle a winter...Ann Arbor, Ithaca, or elsewhere.

TiK 11-04-2005 03:11 PM

Re: Which college should he choose?
I'm from New York too, and I thought I'd be ok with it...

Edit: Either way, it's all a matter of preference and where your son would be most comfortable studying as well as living. Oh, another good thing about Cornell, the food there is [censored] fantastic.

BeerMoney 11-04-2005 03:13 PM

Re: Which college should he choose?
Well, if he wants to play college varsity athletics, either he will get a full ride at a large school or need to go to a smaller school. Any thoughts of sending him to a Princeton, Penn or Dartmouth. Bucknell is also very good. My cousin went there and has a great career on Wall Street right now.

[/ QUOTE ]

Princeton, Penn and Dartmouth all have fantastic athletics. Athletes who play there are usually recruited.

IMO, southern schools are underrated. Consider Duke, UVA, UNC, Georia, Clemson, GA Tech, etc. At least visit one of these schools, and see what your opinion is.

MrMon 11-04-2005 03:20 PM

Re: Which college should he choose?
I went to Pomona College of the Claremont Colleges in California.

Yout cannot beat the education, he would be able to play a varsity sport, and he gets to live in Southern California. Also, their acceptance rate into grad school is off the charts.

[/ QUOTE ]

I believe Pomona is the 3rd toughest entry right now. I'd have a backup plan.

howzit 11-04-2005 03:36 PM

Re: Which college should he choose?
Hi All.... My son is a High School senior and is currently applying to many colleges. He has good grades 97 avg. and about a 1350 SAT. He is interested in Business and Finance but that changes monthly lol. His strengths in school subjects are math and science. He is very into sports and has played 3 sports in HS. He has mostly applied so far to larger universities such as, Michigan, Wisconsin, Maryland, Boston, etc.

Please give me your insight about these schools and any others large or small that may help him. I am relying on your experiences on schools you attended or currently attend.


[/ QUOTE ]

where are you from? has he spent time on either coast? I believe cliamte/weather is as a huge factor as education. If you are from the mid-west then i don't see much cultural difference of going to Wisconsin, but if he is from east or west coast, Michigan and Wisconsin, and even Maryland are worlds apart from Boston. Going from someplace like Florida and spending tundra winters in Wisconsin or Michigan, upstate New York will make your son instantly regret not choosing a local university.

Looks like your son likes Big Ten and ACC schools. I think a lot of Big East schools (Syracuse, ND, Georgetown, BC) have strong business programs so you might want to look into that, and maybe he can reach even into the Ivys, although his SATs are borderline. But what's $50 in application fee for a nice job after if he doesn't flunk out!

Michigan has a strong business core and he'll be exposed to large university type feel. If he wants to go for a smaller school than somewhat smaller east coast private schools as well as some west coast schools have strong business schools coupled w/access to any metropolitan city. (as well as atlantic city). I'm talking BC, Georgetown, Penn, and maybe NYU. These are slightly smaller schools but not small in the sense of liberal arts small.

As for sports, if he his going to walk on, then obviously a smaller school is preferable as it will increase his chances of getting playing time if he makes the team. All schools have intramurals and club teams of the sports he's probably interested in. This is guaranteed at the big universities. A lot of schools have small clubs for the lesser known sports: waterpolo, sailing, crew, tennis, - call ahead.

The main point I would look for now if I was to do it again is: school's facilities, cultural match (as personally i would avoid going to the mid-west school), graduating requirements and options for degrees, and social life, i.e. how do students get drunk. The best classes i had were in my major field and the side classes i got to take (photography, music)

Large universities have usually better facilities, public funding, and strong support for sports. Michigan and Wiscosin, Maryland are also no slouches for academics but it is probably easier for your son to slip academically than in a smaller university w/smarter student pool.

nyholdem 11-04-2005 03:36 PM

Re: Which college should he choose?
Thanks for the replies so far. I appreciate all the info.
The guidance department at his school feels the Ivy schools would be a reach because of his SAT scores. They feel you need about 100 points higher than he got for those schools. The same has been said Duke and UVA.

As far as varsity sports in college he could play soccer or lacrosse at a D3 school, but feels he would rather go to a larger university.

I wonder if he might get a little lost at a Michigan type school. We are going to visit a few schools in ther next couple of months. It's ultimately going to be his choice but I certainly appreciate all the help.

Please continue to give me all of your opinions and views.

I will show him this thread and discuss it with him later

Thanks Again

howzit 11-04-2005 03:38 PM

Re: Which college should he choose?
one more thing. . .how are you paying for this?

loans or out of pocket? Getting residency for a state university will save thousands.

nyholdem 11-04-2005 03:45 PM

Re: Which college should he choose?
We are from NY... Im not sure he's thinking very much about the cold weather in his decision process, maybe he should? Why do you say you would avoid the mid-west schools? (Mich. Wisc.)

I've put away some money for college.

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