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SomethingClever 07-12-2004 02:41 PM

Re: Dids\'s WSOP \'05 Get Less Fat Incentive Plan.
As an addendum to my post, try to think of your activity of choice in the same terms as Poker.

That is, make it a challenge. If you pick, say, basketball, you'll probably get your ass handed to you for the first couple weeks. But try to work on your game, and make it a point of pride to improve. Just like poker.

If you become competitive in a healthy, excercise-like activity, the weight-loss will come naturally.

Also, take lowroller's advice: Start slowly, but once you're comfortable, always push yourself.

nolanfan34 07-12-2004 02:58 PM

Re: Dids\'s WSOP \'05 Get Less Fat Incentive Plan.
First of all, I congratulate you for having the guts to post this here. You're pretty much asking for people to respond with smart-aleck cracks, posting something like this. I'm glad people have been civil so far.

Those who have responded have provided some excellent advice and links.

Throwing in my two cents, there is no fast or easy way to do this. Diet and exercise are the key. Period. Any by diet, I'm talking more of what types of food you eat, compared to just limiting the amounts, or not eating carbs.

I have never been in a situation where I tried to lose as much weight as your stated goal, but I can say that there's an easy way to start losing weight. Stop eating out. When I first left college, I was working a job where I would eat out for lunch pretty much every day. Ate out a lot at night too. This was before I got married, and it was a lot easier to just eat out instead of cook for one person.

Once I moved in with my wife-to-be, I started to cook a lot more dinners. Also started to pack my lunch a lot more as well, which not only was healthier, but also saved money. Try to do the same, and you can also tie in the money savings to your WSOP goal.

Go to the grocery store, and price out how much an average meal costs to put together. I know when I did that, I was surprised how inexpensive it really was to make meals at home. Yeah, McD's is only $5 a pop, but you can cook meals at home for less than that.

Cutting out pop was also a big key for me. Same with beer, although I haven't kicked the one-beer-a-night habit yet. Those calories add up.

When it comes to working out, I would suggest finding a gym partner with similar goals, that you could work out with. Going to the gym by yourself consistently is very difficult I think. If you can find someone also looking to lose some weight, it's easier to rely on each other for motivation on those days that you just would rather stay at home.

Keep us updated on your progress, your goal is very possible, but very difficult. To truly achieve it, it requires not just a short-term fix, but really a lifestyle change in regards to eating IMO.

Alobar 07-12-2004 03:23 PM

Re: Dids\'s WSOP \'05 Get Less Fat Incentive Plan.
Anyone who is on the atkins diet is an idiot. I would almost go so far as to say that anyone who buys a diet book and reads it is an idiot. If you are going to buy a book buy a basic nutrition book.

I think the intelligence of america hit an all time low when Dr.Phil weight loss book became a bestseller. who buys a book on how to lose weight when the author and guy on the cover IS A FAT MAN??!?!?!?

I'll break it down for you plain and simple, as a poker player it should be easy to lose weight cuz its all a numbers game. Calories in vs. Calories out. When the out number is higher than the in, you lose weight.

There is 3500 calories in a pound of fat, so if you eat 250 clories less a day and burn 250 more clories a day then usual, you will lose 1 pound of fat a week. Anything higher than a 1,000 clorie a day defecit and your body starts doing funky things like not burning fat, but muscle instead, thats why if you see any diet that advertises weight lose of more then 2lbs a week ITS NOT ALL FAT!!!!!!

Its simple, eat healthy and exersise. You follow that one simple sentance and you will lose weight and save hunders of dollars not having to buy stupid deit books or gimmicky exersise equipment.

B Dids 07-12-2004 03:26 PM

Re: Dids\'s WSOP \'05 Get Less Fat Incentive Plan.
Atkins works. I don't think it's stupid at all. The problem is that it doesn't leave you much of a place to go on you lose weight. I think for the right person, it's very viable diet, espeically if you just want to drop a small amount of weight. For somebody in my spot it fails because I don't require a diet, I require a change in the way I live my life.

Gamblor 07-12-2004 03:48 PM

Re: Dids\'s WSOP \'05 Get Less Fat Incentive Plan.
Atkins is for fat chicks who want to squeeze into a prom dress. It's temporary, it gets your weight down after 2 weeks.

It is possibly the most unhealthy diet in the world to sustain.

B Dids 07-12-2004 03:50 PM

Re: Dids\'s WSOP \'05 Get Less Fat Incentive Plan.
That's actually kinda what I was trying to say- you just put it better.

IF done right- it can be healthy- it's just that doing it right is hard, and when you fall off of it- or don't stick to it hard, it can hurt you.

daryn 07-12-2004 04:05 PM

Re: Dids\'s WSOP \'05 Get Less Fat Incentive Plan.
eat less food and exercise.

daryn 07-12-2004 04:06 PM

Re: Dids\'s WSOP \'05 Get Less Fat Incentive Plan.
by the way ... "greg raymer fat"

that's just funny.

Alobar 07-12-2004 04:13 PM

Re: Dids\'s WSOP \'05 Get Less Fat Incentive Plan.
Atkins works. I don't think it's stupid at all.

[/ QUOTE ]

Carbohydrates cause you to retain water, when you adopt a high protien/low carb diet, the weight you are losing at the start is simply water weight. This is why before a competition body builders eat diets incredibly high in protien and almost 0 carbs, because they "shed" all their water and get that ripped look. Thats why when you see them in the gym they don't look anywhere NEAR as ripped (or "gross" as most people would say) as they do on stage.

There is a difference between weight loss and fat reduction. The latter is good, the former can be acheived many ways, lots of which are very unhealthy.

Gewurtztraminer 07-12-2004 05:43 PM

Re: Dids\'s WSOP \'05 Get Less Fat Incentive Plan.
How much weight are we talking about here?

On 6/30/2003, after mowing my tiny yard, and it taking over 3 hours for me to cool down, I came to realize that my life expectancy could probably be counted with the fingers on both hands.

Not sure how much I weighed, scales only went to 330 (I am guessing 360-365).

I guess the diet I chose was more south beach than atkins, though I believe the most important thing was spending an hour a day walking. A 365 pound guy can burn a TON of calories just by walking. By the time daylight savings time came toward the end of October, I was walking 90 minutes a day, averaging around 4.5 mph. If you do this, I highly advise purchasing a good mp3 player, music makes it tolerable, and you can spend a lot of time thinking about poker as you walk.

A year later, I am at 190, having lost somewhere in the neighborhood of 165 pounds.

I cant begin to describe how much my life has been positively changed by this.

The only downside, I probably lost it too fast, I have some extra skin that may require surgery to correct, or it may eventually vanish.

I have some before/during and after pictures, if anyone is interested.


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