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lastchance 05-20-2005 08:18 PM

Re: Kurto the Clown
Hear yourself think.

vulturesrow 05-20-2005 11:22 PM

Re: Kurto the Clown
What else am I supposed to call it? I wanted to include the word gay just because I know it will piss jaxmike off.

[/ QUOTE ]

You could just call it marriage.

I know why you're not comfortable with it. You're jealous, that somewhere, a gay couple could be having more fun than you and your wife do.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your attempts at amateur psychoanalysis over the the Web are quite amusing. That being said, are you saying a homosexual couple would have to get married to have more fun than my wife and I?

kurto 05-20-2005 11:33 PM

Re: Kurto the Clown
(WARNING.. this is a long one for Jax... I wouldn't recommend anyone reading it. Though there's some fun facts on the history of gay marriage half way through.)
Why did I know Jax would respond? He did a bang-up job on ignoring me. LOL This is too easy.

You think so, but you are not funny, clever, or correct.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not sure which part you mean. "you make it so easy"... I'm not the only one who lampoons your postings. You are so predictable and full of cliches that you almost seem to mock yourself. Even within your reply your taunts were so "rush limbaugh lite." I'm surprised you didn't toss in a 'socialist' remark like you do so often.

"clever," I agree. One doesn't have to be clever... since you make it so easy.

"correct" Well, usually when I post articles contradicting you, you just ignore them or insult. I'll prove how you're wrong in this very thread.

Strange isn't it that you always arbitrarily make statements without supporting facts then accuse me of the same thing.

[/ QUOTE ]

Again with your reading comprehension problems. I'll spell it out for you since you're slow.

You claimed I made a coherent thought... but your sentence was so incoherent, that I found it ironic: "Obviously he has a lot of fun replying to anything that I post; rarely ever using anything approaching a coherent thought in the posts that I had read before I initially ignored him, and in the two subsequent "second chances" that I gave him."

In your advanced education, were you taught to write coherent sentences like the one above?

Recently I have become annoyed with you because you have continued baseless assaults on me without reason or provocation.

[/ QUOTE ]

How could you be annoyed by posts you aren't reading? How can you say my assaults are baseless without reason or provocation if you weren't reading them? You are dumber then a post.

You seem to have studied the playbook quite well.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes... the 'playbook.' I have been studying it. How did you know about the playbook? I thought it was a secret.

More arbitratry comments from our resident clown.

[/ QUOTE ]
I don't think you even know what arbitrary means. I said you didn't even know what ignore means. You call it arbitrary. Let's show why it wasn't arbitrary. You've repeatedly gone out of your way to tell me how you're ignoring me. (I'm sure you already don't see the foolishness of that.)

Quick definitions (ignore)
verb: fail to notice (You failed to notice me so much, you got annoyed and had to change your name)
verb: refuse to acknowledge (for example... you didn't just acknowledge me by writing a post to me, reading my response and replying to it. I felt quite acknowledged. You are reading this now and acknowledging me)
verb: give little or no attention to (I guess if you consider reading my posts and writing to me 'giving no attention to' then you've done a bang-up job of ignoring me.)
verb: bar from attention or consideration (Yep... you've given me no attention or consideration.)

You clearly didn't know what ignore means. You're probably written more to me and about me then anyone else on this forum. Great job of ignoring me!

I could sit here and profess my intelligence, but is there really a way to prove it, not really.

[/ QUOTE ] Well, you've done pretty good and showing your ignorance, try doing the opposite of what you've shown here. Maybe you'll seem brilliant? Worth a shot.

No, I ignored you completely.

[/ QUOTE ] Yes. If anything you've proven today its how thoroughly you've ignored me.

Then decided that I had ignored you long enough, so I gave your posts a second chance. Big mistake. Still no substance or clarity. Only random and poorly constructed insults based on your irrational hatred.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm actually curious about this. You're constantly accusing others of 'irrational hatred.' Why is that a buzzword with you guys? Most of the time people aren't showing hatred, and most people post rationalizations for what they write. I tell you exactly why I mock you. I give a rationale. You should pick up some new cliched buzz words.

But I will not ignore you anymore. I do not wish to converse with you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Are you making a joke here? I can't decide if I'm giving you too much credit or not. If you are being clever, then bravo. If you aren't making a joke here, you're more confused then I thought.

You seem to have very little to say and are clearly not capable of holding a serious discussion.

[/ QUOTE ]
Oh I have plenty of serious discussions. But why would I have a serious discussion with someone who appears to be a parody?

Here's an example where you're wrong:
I also do not believe that same sex couples should be granted a marriage. The word means, and has meant for hundreds of years, a union between a man and a woman.

[/ QUOTE ]

Really? Did you study the derivation of the word? Let's take a look: (from
Consulting my Grand Larousse – and the Oxford English Dictionary for good measure – I discover that the word "marry" comes from the Latin term for "a husband" (maritus), which comes from the Latin word for "a man" (mas, maris). The notion of "marriage" therefore doesn't seem to refer to "wives".

Theoretically a person who gets "married" may take either a husband or a wife. But if we look at the history of "marriage" ceremonies, we will note that the most common meaning is, indeed, "to take a husband".
This provokes a number of conclusions: (1) a woman may "marry" a husband; (2) a man may "marry" a husband; and (3) a woman may not "marry" a woman. That is, lesbians cannot "marry" one another without violating the laws of linguistics, but gay men can.

So much for words. Let us now peruse the tarnished pages of history. Gay men seem to have frequently married one another throughout history. In fact, in some societies marriages between gay men were officially recognized by the state, as in ancient Sparta, and on the Dorian island of Thera.

Much later, in 2nd century Rome, conjugal contracts between men of about the same age were ridiculed but legally binding. Such marriages were blessed by pagan religions, particularly sects of the Mother Goddess Cybele (imported from Asia Minor). At the ceremony, the bridal party consists entirely of men, who enter the temple and deck each other with "gay fillets round the forehead . . . and strings of orient perals." They light a torch in honor of the goddess and sacrifice a pregnant swine. One man gets up and chooses a husband for himself, and dances himself into a frenzy. Then he drinks deeply from a goblet in the shape of a large penis, flings the goblet away, strips off his clothes, and "takes the stole and flammea of a bride" and the two men are married.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow, Jax is shown to be ignorant again! SUPRISE.

<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre> Further, I see no stopping the moral decline in this country if we do not put a stop to it somewhere. Soon Kurto will be able to marry his sister and his mom because incest and polygamy have no rational arguments against them that gay marriage doesnt.
</pre><hr />
Wow, I haven't heard that before. Jax parroting cliches conservative BS. First off; you aren't the arbiter of morals. Too many, two adult males marrying is no more a moral decline then when a black person couldn't marry a white person. Though bigots then cried it was the beginning of a moral decline. You're just a 21st century bigot, my friend.

You are from Connecticut, or at least thats what I remember seeing under location. I just assumed that you were a government school educated resident.

[/ QUOTE ] I'm not familiar with this stereotype of yours. (you are so fond of stupid baseless stereotypes.) What Connecticut has to do with what school I attended is a mystery. I'm sure in your mind you said something clever here.

Thus you would fear my speech because it goes against the indoctrination you have recieved.

[/ QUOTE ]
Ahh... the Connecticut government school indoctrination. I find it hard to believe this even means anything to you. And you still think you're scary?

I would also say that hands down I am one of the most intelligent, but you will surely laugh at that.

[/ QUOTE ]

I guarantee you I wasn't the only one laughing. But thanks. that was a good one.

Too many people are too steeped in their beliefs to ever learn the truth.

[/ QUOTE ]

" I will not ignore your posts under my other name. " Just like you didn't ignore me under this name.

Aside from this one post, I can't recall ever reading an entire post you wrote, let alone the first line to see the first insult.

[/ QUOTE ]
If I wasn't so lazy, I guarantee you I could go back to an earlier thread where you've commented on every line in a post I made. Way to maintain credibility!

kurto 05-20-2005 11:35 PM

Re: Kurto the Clown
You guys are really cute together

I hope things work out

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm hoping we can get a radio talkshow together! I'll be the first to admit I'd love to eat lunch with Jax. I'm betting I'd be fascinated the entire time.

kurto 05-20-2005 11:36 PM

Re: Kurto the Clown
Maybe they can move to Massachusetts and have a gay marriage.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm afraid Jax has already promised me to wed my Mother and My Sister. But as a compromise, I think Jax could live in the room above the garage. We could still be close.

Dead 05-20-2005 11:57 PM

Re: Kurto the Clown
Maybe they can move to Massachusetts and have a gay marriage.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm afraid Jax has already promised me to wed my Mother and My Sister. But as a compromise, I think Jax could live in the room above the garage. We could still be close.

[/ QUOTE ]

You could listen to Rush Limbaugh together! You could watch Fox and Friends in the morning, and watch OReillyHannityColmesSusteren at night. What a life. [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]

thatpfunk 05-20-2005 11:58 PM

Re: Kurto the Clown
I wonder who will pitch and who will catch?

kurto 05-21-2005 12:02 AM

Re: Kurto the Clown
You could listen to Rush Limbaugh together! You could watch Fox and Friends in the morning, and watch OReillyHannityColmesSusteren at night. What a life.

[/ QUOTE ]

We'll have TIVO too, so we can rewatch our favorite episodes together. Slowly but surely he'll rid me of my government school (because I live in Connecticut, that tells you all about my schooling) socialist indoctrination.

jaxmike 05-23-2005 02:19 PM

Re: Kurto the Clown
Maybe they can move to Massachusetts and have a gay marriage.

[/ QUOTE ]

So, basically, the only ideological thing that anyone can think to attack me on is gay marriage. Wow. I expected more. But being right about most things makes attacking me on real issues pretty tough i suppose.

kurto 05-23-2005 05:04 PM

Re: Kurto the Clown
But being right about most things makes attacking me on real issues pretty tough i suppose.

[/ QUOTE ]


Thank you very much. That was just a taste of comic stylings of Jaxmike the right wing parody. There's no cliche or stereotype too tired for Jaxmike. Have you heard the bit he does where he calls everyone socialists? Its a classic. If you're really lucky, he'll talk about your irrational hatred and how smart he is. Always good for a laugh. 3 nights a week and 2 shows a night. Get your tickets today!

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