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Boris 08-01-2003 06:17 PM

Re: More Propaganda
This law is probably a good idea. Isreal was created for the larger purpose of creating a homeland for Jews. They should be able to kick out the non-Jews. I also think the creation of Isreal was a good idea given the barbaric tendencies found in Europe.

I disagree with is Isreal's policy of enforcing squalid living conditions for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. I think that as a security policy the Isreali stance is self defeating and inefficient.

Cyrus 08-01-2003 07:16 PM

It\'s the fault of the terrorists
It's all the fault of the Palestinians and the terrorists and their anti-semitic supporters on this forum!

..Anything less than the above would not be satisfactory to the unconditional supporters of Israel that post here, so why not give it to them as a gift? For the weekend, say.

HDPM 08-01-2003 07:24 PM

Re: More Propaganda
Andy, both you and Tom bring up good points. Of course, the problem starts with Jewish Law itself. It's not just an "idea" that Jews are seen (and see themselves) as a people not a religion. The definition of who is a Jew has nothing to do with belief. So in that sense it is unavoidable that when the religion is only transferred by birth mother or a quick Orthodox conversion at the Bris of a reform convert's son, or the rare adult Orthodox conversion, it is natural to view Jews as a people and not a religion. And given the increase of intermarriage and the decline of strict observance of the Commandments, more ambiguous situations will arise. I think eventually the world population will be a huge collection of interracial and inter-marriage (religion wise) mutts. It will be a nicer place.

Cyrus 08-01-2003 08:21 PM

Amen [nt]

Chris Alger 08-02-2003 02:32 AM

Re: More Propaganda
"Every country has the right to set its own immigration policies."

Except, according to Israel, any future Palestinian state.

nicky g 08-04-2003 06:56 AM

Re: Who Does Defend Them?
Slow down a second there. The question was directed at posters here (eg B-Man, M), not the entire US of A. There's an on-going discussion of how the Israeli state behaves on this forum, about who is at fault and who the onus to shift their position the conflict is on. None of the "implications" you mention are actually inherent in what I wrote, least of all the US invading Israel. You're just making this stuff up.

"What is your point anyway? That Israel displays an ugly, racist attitude towards the Palestinians?"


"Ok but that's probalby about the 200th time or so you've said it."

Sorry. Just introducing further evidence that Israel's treatment of the Palestinians is as much about racism and ethnic cleansing as it is about countering terrorism.

"What should be done to rectify it? "

Er - they could stop? Certainly the US and the West in general could put more pressure on Israel. By the way, I heard last night at a talk that the US gives more aid to Israel than it does to the entire continent of Africa, not even counting military aid. I've not corroborated this -interesting if true.

MMMMMM 08-04-2003 11:00 AM

Re: Who Does Defend Them?
Let's not forget that Palestinians (and Arabs in general) tend to hold far more racist attitudes than do Israelis.

If the Palestinians were militarily stronger than the Israelis, the Palestinians would long ago have wiped out the Israelis. Yet Israel shows relative restraint while holding the power, even while under perpetual attack.

So yes, Israel could be a lot nicer. But consider also that it's rather hard to be nice when you are perpetually being attacked by people who want to push you into the sea.

Israel represents just slightly over 1/1,000 of the total Arab land mass. But to the Arabs, it's a big, big deal.

If you want to attack bigotry, nicky, why don't you attack the most widespread bigoted beliefs on Earth: those of many Arab Muslims. When the Imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca refers to the Jews as "sons of pigs and monkeys" it's not a fringe belief. His sentiments are echoed, too, by countless other Islamic religious leaders and lay persons who view the Jews about the way Hitler viewed them. And Rafsanjani or Khameini publicly said that an Iranian nuclear weapon would be able to solve the problem of Israel once and for all.

Israeli bigotry towards Palestinians is unfortunate, and could and should be lessened, though it is part due to self-defense. Arab Muslim bigotry towards Jews is both stronger and more widespread.

adios 08-04-2003 11:13 AM

Re: Who Does Defend Them?
"Er - they could stop?"

Specifically what?

"Certainly the US and the West in general could put more pressure on Israel."

You need to be a lot more specific this is vague at best.

"I heard last night at a talk that the US gives more aid to Israel than it does to the entire continent of Africa, not even counting military aid. I've not corroborated this -interesting if true."

Well I'm sure it's true actually. Still what would happen in the Middle East if the USA abandoned Israel? Personally I don't think Israel would feel very restrained to use more force (like possibly nukes) if they were abandoned. Also, is this a call for more humanitarian aid to Africa in the form of food? Last time news of this sort of aid brought about a post accusing the USA of destroying Africa's agricultural export industry. BTW Bush has gone on record as stating that if the ECU will drop it's subsidizing of European agriculture the USA will drop it's subsidies. Methinks the genetically engineered produce concerns are baloney. Chirac is the intransigent one. We'll see what happens in Cancun.

MMMMMM 08-04-2003 11:48 AM

Re: Genetically Modified Crops

A crop which is genetically modified so as to be naturally resistant to insects is probably a lot safer to eat than similar crops heavily sprayed with pesticides.

Also I suspect that European opposition to such crops has far more to do with economic concerns than with health reasons.

Dr Wogga 08-04-2003 12:16 PM

Er, Another Thought Nicky................
...........Palestinians could stop the suicide bombings and guerilla attacks. And, until there is a peaceful resolution (which probably can't happen as long as the ole dribbler terrorist Ara-scumbag-fat is alive), then I say good for the Israeli gov't. They can always change the law back once peace has been achieved. Exactly what is wrong with self-preservation? And why, Nicky, the constant posting of Israeli items without any balance as to the multitude of arab disgressions? Oh I know why. It's Bush's fault. Plus, cyber-sniper cyrus will kick you out of his club if you dare post anything anti-arab

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