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spamuell 06-22-2005 08:10 PM

Re: Utterly embarrassing and honest confessions of a 1 year pro

Being good at poker doesnt just involve being good at poker

[/ QUOTE ]

I like this.

Ser William 06-22-2005 08:30 PM

Re: Utterly embarrassing and honest confessions of a 1 year pro
I have thought alot about college, and ElDiablo's post made me think about it some more today. I've come to the conclusion that college is just not right for me at this point in my life.

[/ QUOTE ]

Are you kidding? I am sure everyone reading this thread has lifelong friends they made in college. And yet, here you are, wasting some of the best years of your life multi-tabling in a single bedroom apartment 7 hours away from anyone you even remotely know. I can't believe all the bad advice you've been given. I guess maybe they are thinking that we are attacking the holy bastion of "the Poker Professional". Best of luck though.

sthief09 06-22-2005 09:22 PM

Re: Utterly embarrassing and honest confessions of a 1 year pro
despite appearing to be helpful, your advice also isnt welcomed in my threads due to past experiences.

[/ QUOTE ]

if you can deal with his tone he actually has a lot of good stuff to say and he doesn't BS

Your Mom 06-22-2005 09:34 PM

Re: Utterly embarrassing and honest confessions of a 1 year pro
Many people in this thread, OP not included, should kill themselves.

Great post. Golf is a good idea. And I'll echo those suggesting you take some classes up at a local community college. Poker is no wicked jumpshot, nor crack rock.

[/ QUOTE ]

good Boiler Room refernece. A lot of good advice in that movie, especially don't pitch the bitch.

aflaba 06-22-2005 09:38 PM

Living healthy and shaping the body
In an effort to progress my physical health

[/ QUOTE ]

Very good!

Here is a list of some(!) really good foods. Food is very very important in living healthy and shaping the body.

Good foods:
"High Protein souces, non dairy
Chicken breasts
Turkey breasts
Tuna, chunk
Lean beef
lean ground turkey
Natural peanut butter
Almond butter
Whole Eggs
Egg Whites
Whey protein

High Protein sources, high calcium sources, dairy (lactose)
Fat free Cheese
Fat free Cottage Cheese
Fat free plain yogurt
Fat free milk

Grains, complex carbohydrates, fiber
Oats, Old Fashioned
Oat bran
Fiber One
kashi go-lean
Brown rice
Whole wheat bread
Whole wheat pastas
FF Low Carb Tortillias

Vegetables, complex carbohydrates, fiber
Sweet potatoes
most beans
Green beans
Most veggies

Fresh Fruit (fructose)

Oils (and healthy fats)
Flaxseed oil, fish oils, Olive oil
Nuts (walnuts, almonds, peanuts)
Omega 3 supplements

Green Tea

Source: From

Eat good foods. Have 6-8 meals a day. Eat well around your workouts. Again, food is very important. Even more(!) important than training "correctly".

These are my daily meals. The calories and grams are approximate. I eat mostly really yummy food and only really healthy food. Just posting them to give some inspiration.

Breakfeast, 09 am:
=Milk(0.5% fat)
=Fish Oil
(Green Tea Extract)
32g protein, 54g carbs, 8g fat
416 kcal

Lunch, 12 am:
=Brown Pasta
=Lean Beaf
=Whole Egg
35g protein, 49g carbs, 10g fat
426 kcal

Lunch2, 3 pm
=Brown Rice
=Peas & Beans
30g protein, 48g carbs, 12g fat
420 kcal

Preworkout Meal, 5.30 pm
=Raw Oats
30g protein, 55g carbs, 2g fat
358 kcal

Postworkout Meal 6.30 pm
=Ground Raw Oats
(Vitamin C)
40g protein, 88g carbs, 4g fat
548 kcal

Supper 8 pm
=Yoghurt (0.5% fat)
24g protein, 47g carbs, 6g fat
336 kcal

Prebed Meal 10 pm
=Cottage Cheese (0.5% fat)
39g protein, 31g carbs, 18g fat
433 kcal

~2900 kcal
~230g protein, 370g carbs, 60g fat
~30% protein, 50% carbs, 20% fat


Also design a good training program that you feel comfortable with. Base the design of the program upon recognized training principles.

I like the principles of HST.
It is great for people who are just starting out with weight lifting, and for experienced lifters as well.

Lift weights 2+ times a week.
Keep doing cardio.

When you lift weights, it is important that you do compound exercises. The most important ones are:
=Squats (**)
=Deadlifts (**)
=Dips (*)

Other important lifts are:
=Military Press
=Stiff-Legged Deadlifs (*)
=Bent Over Rows (*)
=Standing Calf Raises
=Lying Triceps Extentions
=Barbell Curl
=Incline Dumbell Press

Before doing any lifts marked with (*), consult someone knowledgeble in weight-lifting and ask them to show you how it's done. Instructors in gyms often don't know much. Try to find someone you know to be knowledgable. Lifts marked with (**) are potentially very dangerous and you should ask for advice as for (*) and also use light weights for a long while until the movements become second nature to you.

If a lift feels bad, then stop doing it.


I hope this post will help you and others. You can learn everything else you need to know on , the 2+2 of body building.

Good luck with your health and body! If you live healthy, then in a year or two you'll be a beefcake!

... hmm. End hijack//

TStoneMBD 06-22-2005 09:53 PM

Re: Living healthy and shaping the body
thank you aflaba. i think my diet is actually pretty good though. my current diet pretty much consists of salads, fruits, nuts, smoked turkey sandwiches with mushrooms, lettuce and hotsauce on wheat and i mainly drink water, but have coffee some days along with some ice tea sometimes. i moderate what i eat and usually dont go over 2000 carbs a day from what i understand. i usually buy my salads at mcdonalds and according to their nutrional info the salads are 350 calories and that includes dressing, and the fruits, walnuts and yogurt is 310. i eat 3 or 4 of these things daily with basically nothing else. when i get the large turkey sub that is all i eat for the day usually, except for a small bag of chips because it comes with it. i suppose i should stop eating that garbage and replace it with nuts or fruit or something.

i probably could use more protein though. maybe i should get the slim protein shakes. what do you think of that? your protein intake is tremendous. i could start eating oatmeal but i dont think id want to eat whey.

party36master 06-22-2005 10:35 PM

Re: Utterly embarrassing and honest confessions of a 1 year pro
Best of luck in finding happiness.

Some thoughts:
Find something else you like to do. Lots of interesting things are going on that you never hear about unless you look. If you're anywhere near Hartford, pick up the Advocate and read it. Lots of stuff going on. Buy the Courant, and read the Arts & Leisure section. Go on, and see what's going on. Just do something to try to meet people and enrich your life. If your apartment has a pool, go there. If you join a tennis club, play in a ladder or tournament. If you're religious, join a church/temple group. See what's going on at UCONN or any other college near where you are.

And if you don't like poker as much anymore, treat it like a job. Decide you're going to spend X hours a week playing, and X hours a week studying, and not going to spend any of the rest of the day thinking about it, or being pissed at how you played hands. Trade some OOT time for some other activity.

Subfallen 06-22-2005 11:28 PM

Re: Utterly embarrassing and honest confessions of a 1 year pro
If making dickish responses to TStoneMBD's posts is making me more popular, I've yet to see it. What would happen if this were true? I'd get more PMs from Astroglide?

[/ QUOTE ]

So awesome.

imported_CaseClosed326 06-22-2005 11:31 PM

Re: Utterly embarrassing and honest confessions of a 1 year pro
Interesting read. I have enjoyed your posts and they have been pretty helpful to me. So thanks.

But....bad move on changing your avitar, you had one of the best with the kurbla thing.

TStoneMBD 06-22-2005 11:59 PM

Re: Utterly embarrassing and honest confessions of a 1 year pro
lol wtf, everyone loves that avatar except me! every time i change it people yell at me.

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