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Old 05-26-2004, 10:28 AM
Gamblor Gamblor is offline
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Default The Right to \"Ethnically Cleanse\"

Morality and Geopolitik
Maoz Azaryahu
May. 24, 2004

For some, Shavuot is mainly about cheesecakes. For others, still familiar with earlier Zionist traditions, it is the festival of the first fruits, as once enacted in kibbutzim and in elementary schools. For many it commemorates the giving of the law at Mount Sinai, at the center of which are the Ten Commandments.

The divine provenance of the Law renders it absolute, unlike the laws enacted by mortal humans. Yet beyond theology, the power of the commandments lay in the way they formulated fundamental notions about justice. Since law and its application is the quintessence of justice, and in order for them to be interpreted as such, they should correspond with an instinctive human understanding of justice and moral behavior.

Laws are the rules of the game. And applying the rules of the game is essential for producing a sense of justice. It is all too human that many who believe in the rules also assume that these rules mainly apply to others. It seems that even if everyone sincerely pledges to apply the Ten Commandments, or at least those which regulate human relationships, the world will very much look the same.

The problem is in the formulation: "Thou shall not kill" – thou, not I. The problem is that too often we encounter the premise that what applies to others does not necessarily oblige me.

Such a selective understanding undermines the moral foundations of justice. This becomes clearly evident in the case of the so-called right of return, a powerful moral argument and the precondition for and epitome of a "just peace" as demanded by Arabs and their enlightened allies.
Since the demand for a just peace is almost universally accepted, it seems appropriate to scrutinize it.

How just is the Arab-Palestinian insistence on the right to return to the villages and towns from which they fled or were forced to leave in Israel's War of Independence?

As repeatedly emphasized by Arabs and their allies, the right of return for Arab-Palestinian refugees of the 1948 War is about justice, and by necessity about what is moral - and what is not. Champions of the right of return claim to address not only the humanitarian plight of displaced persons who lost their homes in the wake of the war. They maintain that they intend to rectify wrongdoing, fight evil, and restore the moral order that allegedly was so bluntly disturbed by Israel's victory.

As the original sin of the Zionist state, Israel's refusal to accept the Arab-Palestinian right of return is considered not only a violation of basic human rights but also a fundamental moral flaw that undermines the foundation of the Jewish state.

Yet the issue of justice, properly addressed, is very different from the supposedly hyper-moral case presented by the Arabs and their allies.

TAKING INTO account the notion that every human transaction, be it between individuals or groups, amounts to a game with specific rules, the issue of justice is actually about the rules of the game and how these have been formulated and upheld by players.

The game metaphor does not insinuate that a war – even a just war – is just a game. War is a cruel matter: It leaves in its wake death and destruction, loss and bereavement. It is, however, a game in the sense that its conduct is subject to certain rules both players are well aware of.
So addressed, the fundamental rule of the 1948 war was a strikingly simple one: Winner takes all. The Arabs, who defied the right of the Jews for self-determination, declared the annihilation of Jewish existence to be their supreme objective. The Jews well understood what this meant in terms of survival.

Much has been written about the Arab villages and towns that were erased from the map in the wake of Israeli military victories. However, the destroyed Arab villages and towns were not free-floating in a moral vacuum. On the other side of the moral equation are the Jewish settlements that disappeared from the map during the war. Since this side of the equation is commonly absent from the discussion, some detailing seems appropriate.

The list of Jewish settlements includes Beit Ha'arava, on the shore of the Dead Sea and Atarot and Neve Ya'akov, north of Jerusalem; Kfar Darom, Yad Mordechai and Nitzanim, which were on the route of the invading Egyptian army; the four Etzion settlements south of Jerusalem (the residents of Kibbutz Kfar Etzion were massacred, the survivors of the other settlements were sent to captivity); the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem that surrendered to the besieging forces of the Trans-Jordanian Arab legion; Mishmar Hayarden, which was conquered by Syrian forces.
Some of these settlements were later restored, after Israeli forces reoccupied them.

The fate of these 11 Jewish settlements demonstrates two very simple things. One is what the rules of the game were, and how keen the Arabs were on applying them whenever they could. Wherever an Arab army conquered a Jewish settlement, this settlement ceased to exist.

Second is the magnitude of Jewish victory. The fact that many more Arab villages and neighborhoods were erased than Jewish ones is only proof that the Jews were winning the war, albeit, unlike their Arab counterparts, they did not always stick to the rules the Arabs applied whenever they could.

TO SUM UP: The rules of the 1948 war were clear to Arabs and Jews alike. The Arabs were stricter than the Jews in applying ethnic cleansing, yet had fewer opportunities to do so. However, it is the principle that matters, and here the facts are unequivocal: Not one Jewish settlement remained in Arab-controlled areas.

Furthermore: The persistent Arab demand for the right of return is morally wrong because it amounts to changing the rules of the game – the same rules Arabs determined at the onset of the war – after the game was over.

After 1948 the Arabs clearly demonstrated that their only concern was to rectify their defeat by declaring that the rules of the game they had applied were not valid. However, the rules of the game further applied to the Jews. Their right of return was never an issue in the moral equation formulated by the Arabs.

The right of return so vehemently demanded by Arabs is not a measure of justice. It is just the opposite. Because changing the rules of the game after defeat defies any notion of fairness. And without fairness, there is no justice.

Maoz Azaryahu
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Old 05-26-2004, 11:56 AM
nicky g nicky g is offline
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Default Re: The Right to \"Ethnically Cleanse\"

"Arabs, who defied the right of the Jews for self-determination, declared the annihilation of Jewish existence to be their supreme objective. The Jews well understood what this meant in terms of survival."

Rubbish. When prodded you yourself have admitted that the Arabs' objection was to "Jewsih self-determination" ie establishing a Jewish state in Palestine, where they lived; something any reasonable person would object to ("hey guys, mind if hundreds of thousands of people immigrate and set up a new state based on our religion here where you live? Aw, thanks"), and not to Jewish existence.

In none other than David Ben-Gurion's words: ""If I were an Arab leader I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal, we've taken your country.

"There has been anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing, we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?" "
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Old 05-26-2004, 12:15 PM
Cptkernow Cptkernow is offline
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Default Re: The Right to \"Ethnically Cleanse\"

very good quote.

Can a pro Israeli please step forward and defend the whole issue of stealing a country. I allways find the resulting blind bias, verbal gymnastics and hypocrasy very entertaining.
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Old 05-26-2004, 12:53 PM
MMMMMM MMMMMM is offline
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Default Re: The Right to \"Ethnically Cleanse\"

So what about the ethnic cleansing of Jews which Arabs have engaged in, Nicky? Seems the Arabs want to apply a "right of return" in Israel but not in those areas from which they evicted the Jews.
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Old 05-26-2004, 01:18 PM
Gamblor Gamblor is offline
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Default Re: The Right to \"Ethnically Cleanse\"

Can a pro Israeli please step forward and defend the whole issue of stealing a country. I allways find the resulting blind bias, verbal gymnastics and hypocrasy very entertaining.

Care to name me the President of said country?

How about the form of government? Official currency?

Was there anything that shows that the Arabs west of the Jordan were organized politically in any way? Did anything unite them other than geography?

Who was it stolen from then? Egypt? Syria?

Let's examine who was "stealing":

Which nation "stole" the land? For whom were they "colonizing"? Britain? France? Russia?

If it was for themselves, then how did war not break out until after the UN partition decision? Would the Arab states have not declared war on Great Britain during the mandate, if this was about colonization?

Incidentally, does anything the Jews want matter?

How about the repeated daily prayer for millenia of the return to Zion (Shuvat Tziyyon)? The end of exile? The rebuilding of Jerusalem?

Yet war was declared in 1948, so the war was of extermination and survival. One or the other. Since the Jews accepted the UN partition plan, the Arab-established rules of war were: the land would have either Jewish sovereignty or Arab sovereignty, but not both. And the Arabs lost the war. All the terrorism and PLO have done is to muddy the waters and confuse poor souls like nicky g.
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Old 05-26-2004, 01:24 PM
Cptkernow Cptkernow is offline
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Default Re: The Right to \"Ethnically Cleanse\"

Ah so if the Palestinians had had a president they still be living in the land of there birth instead of a bunch or religous land grabers.
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Old 05-26-2004, 01:34 PM
Gamblor Gamblor is offline
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Default Re: The Right to \"Ethnically Cleanse\"

Ah so if the Palestinians had had a president they still be living in the land of there birth instead of a bunch or religous land grabers.

No. All of the Jewish sovereignty theory arose after the Arabs began to turn to violence to deter Jews from refugee immigration from Russia, starting in 1885.

Don't you recall the famous words of Hitler (and Hitler collaborator, the Arab Jerusalem Mufti Haj Amin el-Husseini)? Jews are a cancer.

That's the attitude that prevailed among Arabs long before Hitler himself, and that's the attitude that led to violent opposition of Jewish immigration.

To sum: If they had accepted the immigration of benign Jews to rural areas without riot and violence then they would still be living there.
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Old 05-26-2004, 01:38 PM
mosta mosta is offline
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Default Re: The Right to \"Ethnically Cleanse\"

I think it almost could have gone very differently. When the Jews first started settling in Palestine, in a way, they were a blessing to the region. There was lots of room there and not a whole lot going on. The Jews brought technology and knowledge and set out to develop industry. They started buying up land and making modern, productive farms. As more and more land was acquired the Arabs could see that they were in danger of being left behind and squeezed out. At that point they could have gotten on the ball and gotten with the times. But they didn't. They publicly proclaimed that they must protect their land from the Jewish takeover, while privately happily selling it. And they used the situation to squabble and feud and backstab with each other. They were not culturally prepared to step forward into modern society as it was being created around them. Imagine if a bunch of Asians showed up in America and started buying up businesses and land. Well they did, and do, and it's no threat to this society, a modern society, at all. It's a boon.

So on that basis, you can make the case that it's the Arabs' own fault that they lost their land because of their backwardness. They stood outside the burgeoning economy, and they failed to organize into an effective military when it became a war. Survival of the fittest. But then, it was theirs, their land, their society, even if it was backwards, still. And the fact that the Jews won doesn't make it right. It doesn't mean we should endorse them. And if they are going to claim to represent modern, peaceful, open society in the region, should we not demand of them a moral foundation above the fact of military and economic victory? The fact is their true moral foundation is racist, religious nationalism, and this element, the modern settler element, probably poisoned the possiblity of an open, modern society inclusive of Jews and Arabs from the beginning as much as the Arabs' own (latent at the time) nationalism, and their backwardness. (Ben Gurion and the Zionist founders had the idea of "transfer" in mind, behind the scenes, from the beginning. And if it was the Arabs' own fault that it would have to come to that, the Jews weren't any better, because they were willing to countenance it.)

The only course for two nationalisms is genocide. So far the Jews "won". Good for you, nice life you've got for yourselves. You can make a case in favor of each side and their rights and good intentions and victimization. But both of them are tainted with nationalism, and as they perpetually pursue each others destruction, it's gotten so far along that I feel like almost the only thing to do is wash our hands of the whole situation.
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Old 05-26-2004, 01:41 PM
Gamblor Gamblor is offline
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Default Re: The Right to \"Ethnically Cleanse\"

But both of them are tainted with nationalism, and as they perpetually pursue each others destruction

No sane Israeli advocates the destruction of Arabs. At least, not this one.

The Kahanists are so far marginalized that most Israelis have never heard of them.

Jewish nationalism came from the persecution faced throughout Europe. Jews everywhere have been happy to live wherever. But when the situation facing them goes back to the same old crap, they move again. Greece is a good modern example. Nonetheless, Israel was born from the desire not to wander anymore. It's happening in France today.

Estimates show that by 2008, half of the Jews in France, the centre of anti-semitic violence in Europe, will have moved to Israel.
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Old 05-26-2004, 01:48 PM
mosta mosta is offline
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Default Re: The Right to \"Ethnically Cleanse\"

It seems to me that Israelis that claim divine entitlement to the place based on ethnicity and religion would advocate transfer/ethnic cleansing/destruction ("let the Arabs go to an Arab country--there are lots of them")--whichever, it's all essentially the same, more or less violent forms of genocide. Maybe these are not "sane" Israelis, but it is my understanding that that has always been an element of Zionism (perhaps to the chagrin of some or most of the rest of the rest).
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