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Old 07-26-2002, 11:10 PM
Posts: n/a
Default beginner with questions

hi everyone can i ask some qestions. first ive been playing for 3 months 2x a week at 5-10 and 10-20 7 stud. i work 4 myself as auto wholesaler and have 3 to 5 days free a week. i want 2 suppliment my income.but i want to be worthwhile 150 to 200 a day.ive read roy west and sklan. advanced 7 stud and browsed thoery book. at 10-20 i can see the thinking of the game coming through. im holding my own winning or breaking even on my last 10 sessions im considering this as experience. 1st question i only play 7 stud is there more professionals in t.holdem? can you make a living in 7 stud 20-40 and make 75k per year. next question i play 10-20 and it seems everybody plays like i do. play w good starters hands, fold when 3 flush or 3 straight on board, fold when positive of opponents trips when they pair their doorcard. it seems the pots are going around and end of session im even. i need to play with people who start w/ bad hands and are not as patient as me. someone suggested 20-40 was a loose game at tag (ac nj) any sugestions and advice 4 my game. p.s. im starting to play a little looser coming in with a and smal pair, or smallpair with high kicker trying 2 get the a up or perfect card on 4 street if not 2 expensive 2 get in. i know i got alot of ways 2 go. but im 25 and pretty smart and swift without a ego my last and the most important question is is it worth it.if i decide 2 put my effort i know ill go all out,im a businessman and i want 2 know if it can be done.why waste time right. thanks 4 all advices
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Old 07-27-2002, 01:24 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: beginner with questions


Well lets see if I can answer some of your questions here.

First, since you have only been playing for a few months.. I think its safe to say, that it is a bit premature for you to worry about 'supplementing' your income through poker. Sure, poker is an excellent way to provide additional income, but I think you need to focus on improving your game first. Honestly, you just don't have the experience. It takes hundreds upon hundreds of hours to accurately predict what your expected results could be from playing poker.

Also, I wouldn't recommend that you jump right in a 20-40 game, as you may be in for a rude awakening.

Is it possible to make $75k a year at 20-40 stud? Absolutely! Is it likely? Nope.Nadda... Sorry if this is a letdown, but facts are facts. It certainly isn't possible playing part time and even the BEST full-time players only make around that much.

I also don't like the way you say '150 or 200 a day'. Even if you are the best of players, you still may lose a grand (or two) in one session at 20-40. Stud is very volitile. Escpecially as you move up in limits. You need to concern yourself with the 'long haul' I.E. - What will I make(or lose) in a month's time or Year's time

The person who suggessted that 20-40 stud is loose is correct ( at least for East Coast ) I have played several sessions of 20-40 stud and have never been at a tight table. ( Although it might be that Connecticut thing too. I have never played 20-40 elsewhere ) This just makes what I say above about the volitity of stud even more accurate.

My suggestions to you is to continue playing the lower limits. ( 10-20 and below ) Develope your skills. Work on your hand-reading skills as these will be most valuable as you move up. You have already started in the right direction by coming to his forum. Post hands here that you had a tough time playing. You will get some good feedback here.

Poker can be an excellent way to supplement your income, but you must go through the trenches to reach that point. Poker can also be an excellent way to make your only income..but I'll tell you one had better be good..and prepared for some rough sailing..

Best of Luck To You,


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Old 07-27-2002, 05:12 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: beginner with questions

thanks cj for that info and thankyou for for the offer of coming to this forum if im stuck and have questions. im rereading the advanced 7 card book througly until second nature.with more knowledge ill play 5-10 or 10-20 to gain expeience and understanding of what i read and absorbed.and i understand that the real book is theory of poker and then u can understand the complex game of poker. cj have u noticed that u quote alot of your replies in this forum from those books. i would lke 2 be in that position also where knowledge at the appropiat situation can be used. thanks
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Old 07-27-2002, 05:29 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: beginner with questions


Yes 'The Theory of Poker', in my mind, is the greatest book ever on poker. I've learned alot of the 'math' of the game from that book.

Best of luck. Look forward to seeing some of your hands that you were involved with posted here.

Take Care,

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Old 07-28-2002, 08:55 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: beginner with questions


Let us say we play a home game 10-20 stud 9 handed 10 hours a day 300 days of the year and one of our players averages $100 an hour taking a total winnings of $300,000 a year taking an average of $37,500 from each player! Well thats the uphill battle you face at the casino and the 9th players name is "The Rack" and tips to dealers.So in my view of it all $10-$20 stud is feeding from the bottom of the barrel.If your looking for 75k you better be looking at higher stake game.
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Old 07-28-2002, 11:25 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: beginner with questions

your re right drone. you got to go higher limits, but the higher the limits the bigger the win/loss swings meaning bigger bankroll 2 handle the variance.its tough thanks
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