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Old 08-25-2005, 06:22 PM
BigDave BigDave is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 39
Default Re: \"Cover Play\" Numbers things

In terms of casinos, the bannings that will happen most often will be pre-banning from playing X ammount of casinos in a specific group. There is really nothing you can do about this. You can try to space them out over time, but many times this is no good either. In these cases, they will not let you deposit, so there is no worry. I have only run into a few of these so far.

The only time I ran into real trouble was when I did the Fortune Lounge group too quickly. I believe I did 7 of them in about a week, and I was very blatant. Autoplay smallest coinsize to the exact WR and cashout. I kicked their ass on all of them cashing out at least the bonus, and often times more. My last withdrawl for Fortune Room was blocked, and my account was locked. It took me over two months and some outside help to get some of my money back. Basically they said I had a total of $1000 of deposits there, and that I had already cashed out $663, so they were willing to give me 337 of the 608 that was in my account as a "deposit refund".

I have done about 90 casinos now, most of them pretty blatantly stopping on or very near the WR. And this is the only problem I had other then the prebanning that happens to everyone, whether you cover play or not. If I could do it all over again, I would have spaced out the Fortune Lounge better and not done them so quickly (although there terms all pretty much suck now so i am glad I did them when I did). I would suggest the following if you are worried (again this might not even be enough from getting pre-banned):

1. Far and away, the best thing you can and should do is research, research, research. Read the casino forums at and see which casinos people are getting banned from and why. There are other very good casino forums out there as well, but the one at bonuswhores seems the most active. Use the search feature and find the casino you want to play at BEFORE you deposit to read trip reports. You will find out very quickly which casinos are banning people and why.

2. Do not have pending cashouts at more then one casino at the same group at the same time.

3. Space out your signups at casinos that are part of the same group or network.

You can just accept the fact that banning is inevitable, and happens to every good whore. But if you put in the time to do a little research and be a little careful, you may be able to delay your first one.
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