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Old 05-20-2004, 05:51 PM
RocketManJames RocketManJames is offline
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Posts: 118
Default Question: A Crooked/Bad Deck

This is purely hypothetical, but in the history of the game, I'm sure this situation has come up a fair amount of times. In fact, back in school, we played cards and a guy showed down a pair of Kings, both of Spades. None of us had bothered checking the deck, it was a fresh unopened deck we had just purchased.

Now, onto my hypothetical question. Say you've got black JJ in a game of hold'em at your local cardroom. You flop undercards. Get a lot of action, by the river it is heads-up. You spike your set on the river, then realize that there are two Jack of spades. Let's say that you can guarantee your lone opponent folds for a bet. The pot is decent-sized at this point.

Which of these would YOU do:

1) Bring the error to the table's immediate attention, and have the hand voided.

2) Bet, claim the pot, then find an opportune moment (one that gets you back some money that you would lose) to let the table know that the deck is bad. (Basically, keep playing until it helps you to tell everyone that the deck is screwy.)

3) Ask for a set-up, which brings a fair deck into the game, and doesn't bring the problem to anyone's attention.

4) Something else.

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