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Old 07-15-2002, 01:41 AM
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Default Re: See Poker Gaming and Life for further discussi

Two very important reasons why David Sklansky's pride/shame motivation system works is because 1)it correctly uses emotions as leverage on one's motivation and 2)it comforms perfectly with what in psychology is called the "pleasure/pain principle" of motivation (we all motivate ourselves by MOVING AWAY FROM pain and MOVING TOWARDS pleasure.

Shame is, afterall, one of infinite sources of pain while pride is one of infinite sources of pleasure. The rational act of associating shame(pain) with not following resolutions while simultaneously associating pride(pleasure) with doing so has a similar effect as having someone wave a thousand dollars in front of your face while, simultaneously, having someone else behind you poke you with a hot metal stick on your ass. It acts as a propulsion system for your behaviors.

Give yourself permission to use shame and pride to your advantage but don't limit yourself to them.

Once you've decided to take action on a worthwhile resolution, think of as many reasons as possible (in addition to feeling shame) that not following thru on these resolutions can cause you immense pain in your life. Think of what not following thru will cost you personally, physically, financially, in your family life and relationships, on your self-worth, and so on. Stack these reasons together to where the pain is so immense it becomes impossible to bear. This should give you that hot poke in the ass that you need.

Then think of all the reasons that following thru on your resolution will cause you immense pleasure in your life. How will following thru on your resolutions benefit you personally, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially, in your family life and relationships, in how good you're surely going to feel about yourself once you will have followed thru on your resolutions. See vivid pictures of all of these benefits in front of you big, bright, in 3D, panoramic and in full color. Step into these pictures and as you do, listen to all of the positive words and sounds that you're going to hear from yourself and from others each and everytime that you will have followed thru on your resolutions. Ask yourself - Now - "How much pleasure can I stand?"

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