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Old 10-10-2004, 10:49 PM
Lawrence Ng Lawrence Ng is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Vancouver BC
Posts: 78
Default Re: Women and honesty..

When a woman asks you what you're thinking and feeling, if you want the best results, don't say anything that will make her think less of you. Tell her you feel confident and happy,

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Hi Blarg,

Very very true statement.

Don't tell her you're worried about your job, sad or fearful about anything. Often questions are just fishing attempts to get back feelings of security and love and appreciation, and the words used to question and answer and get there are almost irrelevant.

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I've found this to be interesting as well. Women tend to think more on an emotional level rather than a logical one. That's the dichotomy I have. I am a problem solver. You ask me what 2+2 equals and I will tell you it's 4. But ask a women what 2+2 equals and she'll answer with something like, "Do you think I'm stupid or something? Why are you asking such an elementary question? You think I'm a dumb bimbo right?" Again, it has to do with emotions because she thinks that I think's she dumb. Women love a confident man and one who is secure about themself. But it's up to the women to define this. What is confidence to one woman might seem like overcompensating cockiness to another. It's all subjective, but in general Blarg is right. You don't want the women to feel a lack of love, security, appreciation, respect, and romance.

If you want to be with someone you have to lie to, good luck. Some people live very happy lives that way. Few people live very happy lives alone, so you'll probably have to settle for that and learn to live with lying a lot.

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Sadly enough, there are many couples who live in this disbelief. People who marry or live together for the wrong reasons. Reasons of deception rather than based on true love and truth. The happiest couples I know are ones who are open and honest. They are the ones that accept each others flaws and think logically rather than emotionally about each other.

Aside from which, lots of people are only married because someone "accidentally" "forgot" to take their birth control pills anyway. How much honesty is ever going to be coming from either side in a relationship like that?

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Honesty killed my last relationship. I told my ex I played poker on a semi-professional basis. She asked me how much I would lose on any given night? Right then and there I should've known she did not like me playing cards because had she been ok with the hobby, she would never throw a question like that out. Bad read on my part. So I told her anywhere from $50 or so to maybe $1500 depending on the size of the game.

I really think she broke up with me for that reason because she thought I would be a complusive gambler when in fact I proved, explained, rationalized the merits of this game and even showed her my stats and winnings over the long run.

I love her and to this day I still love her. But honesty killed my relationship.

Nice reply post Blarg, enjoyed reading it.
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