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Old 12-05-2005, 08:46 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: A question for long time whores

im no expert but im a been whoring for last 9 months.
the following are my sites each month:
- poker plex
- will hill, ritz, total bet & UK bet
- Bet365
- Interpoker
- Caribbean Sun
- Absolute
- Empire
- Party: whatever i get, if i get it, when i get it
- Eurobet: in the olden days i used this to hone my NL (lack of)skills....havent visited since it changed over
- others as they may come up...Stars, Paradise(just started) etc
- when aboves done, i'll hit up my propping site or highest RB site till end of month

i play limit (except for eurobet) 1/2 and 2/4 and just follow the same approach as i would if i wasnt clearing bonuses....find a good table and stay till its no good.

my only change of attitude now is that i wont play anywhere unless im getting a cut somehow....either by RB, bonus or propping
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