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Old 07-27-2002, 10:53 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: A big, fat, utopic solution for Middle East

Would this country be a democratic form of government by constitution? Would there be any safeguards against this country losing its democratic foundation (assuming it had one in the first place)? Would the populace be likely to vote in such a way as to gradually turn it into an Islamic theocracy (a huge step backwards IMO)? And here we get into one of the fundamental conflicts between Islam and the modern world--Islam is still mired in much rigid medieval thinking which inhibits (in fact sabotages) its efforts to advance and succeed in the modern world. So this may be a "beautiful" idea, but even if it could be instituted, could it ever work? By the way I don't believe ANY Islamic state will EVER have a chance to catch up to the West until they find a way to free themselves of the shackles of their rigid religious/philosophical system, and sadly, this will always cause some significant degree of festering, seething, "Arab rage."
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