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Old 10-05-2004, 12:40 PM
Grump Grump is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 32
Default Re: I got berated for this play - PLO hand

I won't say too much about the preflop play since you already know it wasn't strong. Not only is the hand not worth it, but one of the cards is basically out of play -- trip fives is not a hand you will want to strontgly back, plus you were out of position -- you easily could have been raised back. If you are going to back in with these kinds of hands at least do it when you are completing the betting.

Your play on the flop was clearly correct. The last thing you want is just to call, then what do you do if you miss and then have to call a bet on the turn (here, you would still call, since the bet is not that big compared to the pot size, but the principle in general holds). You are a huge favorite at the flop BECAUSE you have two cards to come. In fact, you are a bigger favorite than you think, as the backdoor flush draw may be adding the equivalent of another out. In general, if you can get all in on a big wrap (assuming there is no flush draw out there, or that you have the flush draw, too), you want to do so. Playing a big wrap like you have top trips not only adds deception to your game, but also is often mathematically correct, with two cards to come.
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