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Old 02-08-2002, 06:01 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Jury Duty (Long and boring). . .

I hope you get on a jury and go through an entire trial. Perhaps you'll change your mind. I was only on jury duty once and was selected to be on a jury within the first two hours I was there. People were more punctual than what you describe but the hours spent in court weren't excessive to say the least although I'm sure the lawyers and the judges spent time on cases out of court. I was fortunate that a person that I worked with (an odd coincidence) was also on a jury and occasionally we got to talk to each other. Obviously I couldn't talk to any of my fellow jurors during the case. He was serving on a jury in a very high publicity murder case as I was on a jury for a civil case. I came away with some definite opinions about the legal system which I wont' get into after the experience. One thing I will say is that I did come away with a much greater appreciation as to how important and how significant juries are in our legal system. I'd serve on a jury again in a heart beat.
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