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Old 03-07-2003, 11:28 PM
IrishHand IrishHand is offline
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Default Re: Reduce MLB HoF eligibility from 20 years to 1?

Clarkmeister isn't referring to the time from retirement to HoF eligibility. I would guess he agrees with the 4- or 5-year gap (I don't recall which offhand). What he was referring to was the fact that players remain eligible for election for 20 years.

He's suggesting that a player retires, waits x years, is eligible on the HoF ballot, and if he gets in, he gets in - if not, he doesn't get in.

I agree 100%. Maintaining the highest possible level of excellence in the Hall of Fame should be the primary goal, and there is NO useful purpose served by allowing a player's name to remain on the ballot for 20 years. If he belongs, he gets voted in. If not, you're basically giving him a slow death for 20 years. Really...the line between Hall of Famers and Not Quite is fairly clear.
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