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Old 10-26-2004, 08:24 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Poker players & pros public image....

Who cares about their public image, and if they're misunderstood? Are you married to one or one yourself, or something?

Everybody's misunderstood. It's not something reserved for poker and its players.

It often seems hard to find people who aren't fixated on celebrities, gnashing their teeth and tearing their hair out over the latest downturns of poor, poor Jennifer Lopez or Princess Diana or Tom Greene or whoever. Yet for all the drama people try so hard to inject into their lives by worrying about celebrities, they often don't even give a damn about their only family members, don't know the names of their neighbors, are only fair-weather friends, at best, and sometimes find themselves hard-pressed to remember to even feed their dogs. You know that saying, "Charity begins at home"? I think caring so very much about the problems of wealthy popular celebrities is a pretty bizarre addiction, and that all that focused attention and warm, warm loving humanity would almost always be better spent face to face, where it actually matters.

I can't imagine anything less important than whether "the madness will finally stop" regarding how nice some poker player really is or isn't.
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