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Old 11-15-2001, 02:48 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Hold\'em story...sorry

you would'nt fold to a check, would you? For the same money SPM wasted (heh) on the flop, instead of taking the free card, he could have called a turn bet. (after making jacks over, and improving his kicker a good bit, and been in position to maybe take this pot down) Of course if it's 2 bets to you on the turn you would fold and lose nothing more than your late position blind on this hand. (which is also of course, the only reason you are in this hand)

hillbilly- who is trying to balance between, 1.not being weak-tight and 2. not being a fool, and 3. playing good POKER!, like the SB? did in this hand?
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