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Old 08-15-2005, 04:58 AM
teddyFBI teddyFBI is offline
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 99
Default When opponent is getting \"correct\" odds to draw, why do you bet??

I've got a question I think must have a very simple answer, but I can't wrap my mind around it.

Imagine a very large pot between you and one remaining opponent in a limit hold'em game; let's say you're 100% sure he's on a flush draw (and you currently hold an overpair of aces), and because of the large pot size, he's getting the "correct" odds to call your turn bet.

Given that he's getting the "correct" odds to call, why is it that you want to bet anyway. One of Sklansky's theorums (i forget from which book) states that any time one opponent is "making" money, another one is "losing" given that he's getting the correct odds to call you're bet, why is it that it's still advantageous for you to bet (which it obviously is).

If this is a stupid question with an obvious answer, forgive me. It's 5am right now.
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