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Old 03-04-2004, 03:51 PM
ripdog ripdog is offline
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Default Re: SNG results and questions

I started keeping track at the beginning of February, but haven't put any figures together yet. I think that if you're at all uncomfortable with moving straight up to the $10 level, then stay at $5 and take an occasional shot at a $10 tourney. I took that route and no longer play the $5 tournies. Like jaydoggie, my results in the $10 tournies were dismal at the start, but I think I have developed a winning strategy. I break the tourney into chunks. Early on I play so tight that only the total retards won't notice. When I do show a hand down, it's usually a quality hand. By the time the blinds get big enough to be worth stealing, my image is so tight that all I have to do is threaten a bet and people drop like flies. I steal a few blinds at the $30/$60 level and ratchet it up at $50/$100. I play this style until people start playing back at me, then revert to hyper-tight mode for a while. Note that while I am playing more hands than I had played earlier, I have by no means become the table maniac. I go for the blinds once every round or two while I wait for a legitimate hand to pad my stack with. At the $50/$100 level on UB we're usually down to 4 or 5 handed play. At this point I play very carefully to ensure a money finish (still trying to steals blinds, though). Once in the money I play very tough--the last thing I want is to have someone double through me on a hand that I shouldn't have played in the first place. Heads up I play even meaner, waiting for the hand that I can do some severe damage with. I don't know what my place percentages are--probably not as good as yours. I tend to focus on getting into the top three and improving once I'm there.
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