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Old 09-12-2001, 12:59 PM
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Default Re: Revenge not the answer (longish)

Very goods points. But it isn't going to happen. Note that Bush talked about God being on our side and a struggle between good and evil. Note also that he said all of our forces "around the world" were in a state of alert. No thought is being given to the fact that those forces are in any way responsible for the "blowback."

We frequently hear commentators talk about how Israel is not wimpish and deals with terrorism quickly and resolutely. But Israel's policy has not made it less susceptible to terrorism. One could argue the opposite much more easily.

The supply side of the equation will be very difficult to counter. I agree with you that equal attention should be paid to the demand side.

I also hope that we take not just a military response. If, for example, Ben Laden is discovered to be the culprit, and he is being harbored by the lovely Afghani regime, we should do all we can to economically punish that regime, which is universally reviled with good reason.

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