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Old 08-18-2005, 07:34 AM
Tropex Tropex is offline
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Default Re: HU Situation w/ Midpair

I know this because he did it before and I really had pretty good read on him. Of course I could've been wrong and it would've pissed on my face, but in this case he showed 46s, a 4 flopped and GG. He also did stuff like showed his two cards to the spectators at which caused a lot of smiling earlier on - when I had in fact laid down the best hand (the midpair).

My title for the thread is misleading - it seems I was drifting away while typing it. The same guy bluffed me out of a pot when it was down to 3-handed when I had midpair top kicker (A8 on K8x board). I was quite sure he was just pushing me around since he had done that before with totally worthless crap. I also take credit in being pretty good at reading people overall in live games.. But my tournament strategy has some holes since I'm mostly a ring player.

So if I put the question other way around...

Both players show their cards, you hold KJo and he has 46s. Will you make the call automatically or wait for a better spot?
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