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Old 03-11-2003, 03:08 PM
MMMMMM MMMMMM is offline
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Default Re: Latest ABC poll on War Support and M\'s Commentary

The existence of an extensive subway system built underneath Baghdad is known, I believe--and this subway system was never used, being instead converted for military purposes. Maybe most of it doesn't go deep enough to interfere with the geological limitations you mention.

Yes, we are trying to do things the "U.N. way", although I like Neal Boortz's suggestion for a statement by Bush (or did Bush actually say this? I don't know):

"How about this for a statement from Bush:

“Let’s make this as crystal clear as we possibly can. The United States is a sovereign nation, not a political subsidiary of The United Nations. The United States can and will act both diplomatically and militarily as it deems necessary to protect it’s vital interests abroad and the security of its people at home. In these matters the United States sees no paramount role for an international body that would put Iraq and Iran in control of a conference on disarmament, and Libya in control of a commission on human rights.”

On the lighter side, Neal asked this:

Going to resurrect his role as the doorman at that New York hotel in those Crocodile Dundee movies?"
(end excerpt)

I can't be absolutely positive we'll make the world a better place by removing Saddam...after all anything can happen...but I think it's extremely likely that we will.
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