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Old 06-13-2002, 04:47 PM
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Default Re: Clueless and Losing Money

im sticking to my guns about a big decline in the market. why take a big hit if you dont have to? of course i could be wrong but i cant tell him to do sumthin different than what im doin. interests rates are low but its clear the inflation boogy man aint rearing his ugly head at this point. if anything we are in a deflationary environment. treasuries are safe and have been rallying. ive been more than happy to be there. stay at the short end. market timing has lots of risks i fully acknowledge but i cant tell him sumthin that i think is wrong.

to newbie,

if you can find a good money manager with a good track record that u can trust that would be a good way to go. when you buy mutual funds youre payin someone to manage your money anyway. so you gotta research the managers as well as what the fund is investin in. billy, erin, and hillbilly have good pts.
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