Thread: Trapped
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Old 11-21-2001, 07:41 PM
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Default Re: Trapped

What are the stack sizes??? Can he put you all-in with a huge bet? This is largely player dependant b/c if you check he will be tempted to move in whether he has the 9 or not (esp. if he has seen you can lay down for a big bet). A quick analysis makes it seem very likely he rivered the straight and was fishing the whole hand (why would he look disturbed if the ace hit him, I doubt he would call a pot-sized bet with an 8 or 10). He doesn't like having to pay through the nose to draw. I would check and make a judgement based on what he does (likely pushing in the maximum). Your move is player dependant, but I put him on a 9 and fold (if he bets huge) unless I have seen him make some big bluffs.

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