Thread: Dead Baby Joke
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Old 09-07-2004, 11:14 AM
Big Mo Big Mo is offline
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Default Re: Dead Baby Joke

Whats small, covered in blood, and bumps into walls?

<font color="white">A baby with forks in its eyes </font>

Whats the difference between a dead baby and a rock?

<font color="white"> you cant have sex with a rock </font>

A woman has been trying to have a baby forever, but with no luck. Finally one day she gets pregnant and 9 months later she goes into labor. They rush her off to the hosiptal, during the labor she does all the breathing exersises and everything shes been told to do. Her excitment over finally having a child isnt even dulled by the excruciating pain.

Finally the doc tells her to push and out comes the baby. The doctor looks at the baby and then suddenly drop kicks it. The baby flips through the air, slaps against the wall and then lands on the floor with a thud.

The lady goes histarical. "my baby!!!! you killed my baby!!!" she screams and cries. The doctor looks at her and after a moment says "April fools! it was already dead"

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I hate when that happens.