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Old 09-06-2004, 02:03 AM
MMMMMM MMMMMM is offline
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Default Re: Good for you M........

"I have no control over what a judge in Iran does. I do have control over what an American soldier does."

So you are placing the responsibility argument over the humanitarian argument--even when the humanitarian cause is much, much greater on one side (by weight of numbers).

I'm sure the people getting imprisoned or executed don't give a damn about the responsibility argument.

I feel a lot sicker in my gut thinking about 10,000 people being arrested and executed, than about 10. Bet their families do, too. And let's not forget the millions living in fear.

Guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this.

P.S. Besides, who said we can't do anything about the Iranian judges. Nearly the whole country of Iran wants to get rid of the mullahs but they can't because of their hired thugs. I'd say wait 'til the ruling mullahs are gathered together in one place then let Zeno have target practice on them with something that requires only one hit to do the job. Good-bye Mad Mullahs, Hello Free Iran.
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